Docker is a platform for running applications in an isolated environment called a "container" (or Docker container).Applications like Jenkins can be downloaded as read-only "images" (or Docker images), each of which is run in Docker as a container.A Docker container is a "running instance" of a Docker image.A Docker image is stored permanently, based on when image updates are published, whereas containers are stored temporarily.Learn more about these concepts in Getting Started, Part 1: Orientation and setup in the Docker documentation.

The Jenkins project provides a Linux container image, not a Windows container image.Be sure that your Docker for Windows installation is configured to run Linux Containers rather than Windows Containers.Refer to the Docker documentation for instructions to switch to Linux containers.Once configured to run Linux Containers, the steps are:

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If you want to access your Docker container through a terminal/command prompt using the docker exec command, add an option like --name jenkins-tutorial to the docker exec command.That will access the Jenkins Docker container named "jenkins-tutorial".

If you are running Jenkins in Docker using the official jenkins/jenkins image you can use sudo docker exec ${CONTAINER_ID or CONTAINER_NAME} cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword to print the password in the console without having to exec into the container.

Pipeline is designed to easily use Docker images as the execution environment for a single Stage or the entire Pipeline.Meaning that a user can define the tools required for their Pipeline, without having to manually configure agents.Any tool that can be packaged in a Docker container can be used with ease, by making only minor edits to a Jenkinsfile.

If it is important to keep the workspace synchronized with other stages, use reuseNode true.Otherwise, a dockerized stage can be run on the same agent or any other agent, but in a temporary workspace.

For projects requiring a more customized execution environment, Pipeline also supports building and running a container from a Dockerfile in the source repository.In contrast to the previous approach of using an "off-the-shelf" container, using the agent { dockerfile true } syntax builds a new image from a Dockerfile, rather than pulling one from Docker Hub.

The /usr/local/bin directory is not included in the macOS PATH for Docker images by default.If executables from /usr/local/bin need to be called from within Jenkins, the PATH needs to be extended to include /usr/local/bin.Add a path node in the file "/usr/local/Cellar/jenkins-lts/XXX/homebrew.mxcl.jenkins-lts.plist" like this:

One common usage of image "tags" is to specify a latest tag for the most recently validated version of a Docker image.The push() method accepts an optional tag parameter, allowing the Pipeline to push the customImage with different tags, for example:

It is possible to pass other arguments to docker build by adding them to the second argument of the build() method.When passing arguments this way, the last value in the string must be the path to the docker file, and should end with the folder to use as the build context.

The advanced image analysis of jenkins/jenkins:2.387.2-jdk17 as provided on by Docker Scout (early access) can be used as an example of the types of reports usually raised for Jenkins container images. It reports

Of the images that you listed, one of them has known vulnerabilities that affect Jenkins. You should not use jenkins/jenkins:2.332-jdk11 since there are known vulnerabilities in that version. That is a Jenkins long term support release that was delivered 11 months ago and is affected by Jenkins security advisories:

Docker emerged victorious in the battle for universal application packages. Every major operating system supports Docker images, all cloud providers support deploying Docker images, and every major tool or platform offers an official Docker image. Jenkins is no exception, providing the image jenkins/jenkins.

Note that while recent versions of Windows gained native support for running Docker images, Jenkins only provides Linux based Docker images. Windows and macOS can run Linux Docker images through virtualization, so most of the commands shown here apply equally to all operating systems, but this post will focus on Linux.

You can think of a Docker image as a read-only artifact containing the files you need to run a particular application. Unlike most application artifacts, a Docker image contains a complete operating system and all associated system tools required to support the core application being run. In the case of Jenkins, this means the Docker image contains the files you require to support a minimal Linux operating system, along with the version of Java required to run Jenkins.

A container is an isolated environment in the OS where the Docker image is executed. Although Docker doesn't typically provide the same kind of isolation guarantees that virtual machines do, containers do provide a way to easily run trusted code side-by-side.

While Docker images are read-only, Docker containers expose a read/write filesystem allowing any running application to persist changes. The changes are local to the container though, and if the container is destroyed, the changes are lost. Or, if you want to use a different container, if you want to upgrade to a newer version of Jenkins, for example, the changes to your old container are also lost.

Docker volumes allow containers to persist data outside of the container's lifecycle and share it with different containers. You can think of volumes as network drives you would typically see mounted into your session when logging into an enterprise network. By saving mutable data to a volume, you can destroy and recreate your Jenkins container, or create a new container based on a newer Docker image, while retaining any changes you made to the Jenkins configuration.

Note that the image associated with a Docker tag can change over time. Many registries use a "floating" tag to represent the latest version of an image. In the case of the Jenkins image, the image with the tag lts-jdk11 is updated with each LTS release.

To ensure your local machine has the latest image, you must manually run docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11. Be aware though that any existing containers will continue to use the old image, and you must create a new container to reference any updated images.

For local testing though, a more convenient solution is to build a custom Docker image with the required tools baked in. To do this, you need to create a file called Dockerfile with contents similar to the following:

Dockerfile files are used to build new Docker images. You can find a complete reference of the commands available in a Dockerfile from the Docker documentation. The example above uses a small subset of the commands, but demonstrates a typical custom image based on the image provided by Jenkins.

The file starts with the FROM command, which instructs Docker to build the new image from the supplied image. This means your new image will have Jenkins and any supporting tooling already installed and configured:

It's considered best practice to have a regular user account run the application in the Docker container. The jenkins user was created in the base image, and so you switch back to that user with the final command:

The Jenkins Docker image allows Java arguments to be defined in the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. This environment variable is read by the Docker image script that launches Jenkins and passed as Java arguments.

You can run the following command to backup the data saved in the Docker volume hosting the /var/jenkins_home directory. It mounts the volume in a new container, mounts the current working directory in the container's /backup directory, and creates an archive called backup.tar containing the contents of the /var/jenkins directory:

So my questions: how can I change this behavior? Is there a switch where I can turn the -u 1000:1000 off? Is this even a bug? I actually like to work with the Docker plugin because it simplifies the usage of an own docker registry with credentials maintained in Jenkins. However, is there another simple way to get to my goal if the Docker Plugin is not usable?

The new pipeline plugin version that comes with Jenkins also use the docker-workflow-plugin to run the containers. I don't know another plugin to run that in a simple way. To workaround this, you can run your Jenkins as root but is a very ugly solution.

Authentication happens on the client side using your credential store. You can create a service account token and use that in the Jenkins CI pipeline which is better then exposing your original password to the container. Even when your images on Docker Hub you need to authenticate in the CI pipeline. I am sure Jenkins has a module for that too.

I'm trying to set up CI on AWS using the Jenkins image from the Docker hub. I've gotten a few hours into the process (configuring for a Node project), and I've now realized that a few of my npm dependencies require make in order to build. The Docker image doesn't have make, nor does it have sudo, so it looks like I'm unable to apt-get install make. Is there another way to get make without having to recreate the image with a Dockerfile that grants root access?

The image is a base official image, it has the minimal tools required for Jenkins to work, by design. There are people that want make, some want multiple versions of ruby, java, etc, some don't want anything in there because they use agents .

while building the image inside jenkins using docker i am getting error : permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission deniedFATAL: Failed to build docker image from project Dockerfile

tried getting inside the jenkins container found my container has no sudo and systemctl command , tried running docker --version inside my jenkins container bash: docker: command not found tried same docker --version inside pipeline script there its showing the docker version , tried installing every plugin starting with docker (no luck) , anyone please help me to build the image using docker inside jenkins pipeline.... 17dc91bb1f

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