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Since release 2.0 the Notes client has included fields that store Rich Text. Until release 4.5 everything worked fine. Then we started to create, read and edit documents in the web browser. This is where the problems began. How can users edit rich text from the web? The solution Lotus came up was the Java Editor Applet. Whilst this Applet works well, it's not to everybody's taste. In fact many, myself included, really don't like it at all! I've listed some of the reasons in a blog post recently. I'll leave it at that. I don't want to get in to a rant about how poor the applet is. Instead I will concentrate on how we can avoid it.

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Me again - please help! - I've tried copying and pasting all the js files into js libraries in R5.13 and created Pages formatted as HTML for the html files nameing them popups\blank.html for example as well as creating a Page to store the css on but I can't seem to get it to work. Has anybody managed to get it to work in R5 by copying all the elements to the individual database design? Copying to the HTML folder on the server is not an option for me since I use a third-party domino host.ThanksJackie

If your app is only used via the web, then there's no problem with embedded attachments. I use a similar editor and allow web users to upload an attachment to another document that's normally hidden and then allow them to position a link to the attachment in the rich text field.

You could:1. add a file upload control and restrict it to only accepting images of certain types. (Jake has an article on that too)2. create a thumbnail preview of the images that are uploaded for that document3. drag n drop the image over the rich text and voila, there's your image in the editor and since its saved on the doc everyone can see it4. do approriate hide-when stuff on the attachments, etc

What if I wanted to capture html (using an editor) in a normal text field? The reason why I ask is that I want to be able to pull the field from several records using a view - and views do not recognize rich text fields.

We have also concluded that the biggest challenge is handling images that are pasted into rich text fields. I think one possible solution for this is to move the image out of the rich text field and creat an image resource, which is referenced from the rich text field. This would have to be done automatically ,by an agent, the first time the document is edited from web. Then the img reference in the web client would be valid, since it references an image resource, and the picture would appear as before in the Notes client. At least i thought it would appear as before in the Notes client, but after some testing today it appears that the image actually dissapears in notes, so i would have to work further with this...

I had some problems implementing HTMLArea v3.0 RC1, I got an "unknown runtime error" everytime I tried to put any kind of tags around the rich text field, (well I tried a few anyway). The Editor loads with the toolbar and all, but fails before full initialization. some stuff works, like bold some text etc, but several functions also fail.

what a wonderful work you did. The idea is good and applicable for new database, but how about incorporating this HTMLArea for existing db with rich text field contents created in LN environment, since it is not stored as html, the edit feature in browser doesn't work.Any idea to solve this issue ?

Yesterday,I encounter a problem.The situation is, when i write text in editmodel(using applet for richtext ),then i subbmit the document .it's ok.But when i open the document again ,oh,the text in the richtext disappear.

I've been using this technique for awhile and have alway had the following problem... the rich text field does not seem to index after it has been switched to passthru HTML. If I search for a word that I know is stored in that field, the search does not find the document. If I create a computed field and set it equal to the passthu HTML field, the search works. This makes me think the failed search is not the result of the contents of the passthru field, but the passthru property itself.


Domino and Notes use rich text fields to store a variety of objects, including text, tables, document links, bitmaps, and OLE links. Rich text fields have several advantages over other types of fields:

This chapter introduces the structure of rich text and explains how to access the individual CD records that constitute a rich text field. Later chapters explain the details of document links, OLE links, and other objects.

Creating Rich Text


The HCL C API for Domino and Notes provides high-level and low-level ways to create rich text. The high-level way is simple but limited. The low-level way is complex but provides access to advanced features such as tables, pop-ups, and OLE links.

High-Level Access to Rich Text

The CompoundTextxxx family of C API functions provide a high-level way to create rich text. These functions implement an abstraction for rich text that allows C API code to treat a rich text field as an object. We refer to this rich text object as a "compound text context." Use the functions below to create, delete, and manipulate compound text as an object:

Use these high-level functions to create rich-text fields that contain text and document links. The text can have any type face or paragraph style. One advantage of these high-level functions is that C API programs that use them do not need to perform host/canonical conversion to be portable to platforms such as UNIX. 

For more information on these functions, see the Reference.For example usage, see the sample program EASYRICH.

Low-Level Access to Rich Text

To take advantage of the advanced features of rich text, such as tables, pop-ups, and OLE links, C API programs must access the individual CD records that constitute a rich text field.

Low-Level Structure of Rich Text

A rich text field in a note consists of one or more items of data type TYPE_COMPOSITE. A single rich text field may consist of multiple items of type TYPE_COMPOSITE, so long as all the items have the same name.

The data in an item of type TYPE_COMPOSITE consists of a series of records called CD records. ("CD" stands for "Compound Document" or "Composite Data.")

To add an item of TYPE_COMPOSITE to a note, prepare a buffer that consists of a series of CD records, and then use NSFItemAppend to append this buffer to the note. The data in the buffer must be in Domino canonical format.

NOTE: Some C API programs do not perform host/canonical conversion when accessing low-level structures in rich text. Canonical conversion is not strictly necessary for programs that run only on Intel-architecture platforms such as Windows. However, source code that does not perform host/canonical conversion will not run on platforms such as UNIX. Source code that does perform host/canonical conversion will run on any platform supported by Domino and Notes. For more information on canonical format requirements, read the "Domino Canonical Format" chapter in this guide.

To prepare the buffer of CD records, initialize each CD structure in turn and then use ODSWriteMemory to convert each CD structure to Domino canonical format. Store the canonical format result in the buffer as the next CD record.

Domino and Notes define many different types of CD records. The C API header file editods.h contains the type definitions for each CD structure.

Every CD record begins with a header, which starts with a signature byte. The signature byte identifies the type of the header and the type of the CD record that follows.

The three types of headers, defined in file ods.h, are BSIG, WSIG, and LSIG. Each header includes a length member, which specifies the entire length of the CD record, including the header. Code can use this length to offset from the start of one record to the start of the next record.

NOTE: In a Composite Data buffer, every CD record must begin on an even byte boundary. If the length member of a given CD record is odd, the next CD record begins length+1 bytes after the start of the given record.

Also note that you initialize the length member of a CD record header with the ODSLength of the CD record, not the "sizeof" the data structure. The length member must specify the length of the record in Domino canonical format.

Rich text must satisfy a set of size limits. First, the total size of any CD record is limited by the size of the length field in the header. For a record with a byte signature (BSIG), the total size is limited to 254 bytes. For a record with a word signature, the total size is limited to approximately 64k. The actual limit is specified by the constant MAXONESEGSIZE.

Second, the size of any rich text item must be less than MAXONESEGSIZE. If a rich text item exceeds this size, it must be stored as separate items with the same name. Domino or Notes will assemble these items in order when the records are read from the file.

Third, the total size of a paragraph of rich text is also limited to MAXONESEGSIZE. However, large elements such as bitmaps, metafiles, and file attachments are not included in the stored size of a paragraph, and are not counted in this limit. When creating rich text, CDPARAGRAPH records must be inserted to ensure that the paragraph data such as CDTEXT records does not exceed this limit.

Finally, the size of a rich text record stored on disk may be different from the storage required when Domino or Notes manipulates the records internally. Additional storage may be used for information that only applies to the Notes user interface. To allow for this expansion, a practical limit on the size of a rich text item or a paragraph is approximately 40k.

The C API provides the function EnumCompositeBuffer to simplify parsing a buffer of CD records.


The data in a simple rich-text field containing text consist of a series of four CD records.


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