Deb, I made these yesterday and they were perfect! Dough was made on Saturday and rested in the refrigerator. I pulled it out early to let it warm up a bit. The doughnuts fried up beautifully. They will be a star, along with Latkes and Gravlax, at our Hanukkah party this week. In order to verify your claim that they could sit for a few hours I subjected myself to taste tests throughout the day. They were a bit more dense as they sat, but still wonderful. I used Oat Milk and margarine for a non-dairy version. I appreciated that the sweetness came more from the sugar coating and jelly rather than an overly sweet dough.

These were incredible! My partner is Jewish but from Brazil and they use dulce de leche instead of jelly for their dougnuts at Hannukah, so we swapped taht in here and it was amazing. We made a full batch and fried half right away for dessert, and let the other half do their second rise so we could have them hot for breakfast in the morning. :)

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Ashley posted this fabulous tutorial called two by four last year and I've been itching to use it, but the blocks are bigger than I needed and I wanted to use my leftover jelly roll strips. Her tutorial uses fat quarters and makes a great bed quilt size since the blocks are big!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS!!! I have a "thing" for jelly rolls and an overabundance (the first step is realizing you have a problem, right???). This is something I'd really like to do!!! Thanks for taking the pictures and showing us step by step. You sure make it easy and "doable". I appreciate you and all you do!!!

Thank-you so much for this tutorial ! I was going to start on some WIP's this month but instead started one of these quilts. I'm using some left over jelly roll strips from a quilt I made using your 'Breezy' pattern from your wonderful book. I directed a couple of friends to your last post in hopes of getting some more people hooked on quilting in my rural area. Happy New Year to you and your family !

So what did I do on a lazy Saturday afternoon? Whip out a jelly roll set that had been languishing in my closet far too long, and started sewing, and cutting. I have only 40 strips from the jelly roll to work with, so I may have to add borders or something? At any rate, it was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon, and totally spontaneous. Thank you!

Hi Cheryl! The strips are just the width of the fabric (so in real fabric terms the 2 1/2" is the length, and the width would be the inches from selvage to selvage, usually 44"). Most quilting fabric from the store has a width of 44", so you can cut the fabric into 2 1/2" x 44" strips (no need to cut off the selvage), or you can buy pre-cut 2 1/2" strips called a "jelly roll".

I am a very new sewer and a very novice beginner to quilting, I like figuring out the design or pattern but this quilt gives me hope because the straight lines and nesting is still a challenge. I believe I can make this one and I can just use some of my jelly rolls that I was gifted. Thank you.

Note to novice jelly makers: You may adjust the amount of jelly you make, but keep the proportions as noted above. Do not make more than eight cups of jelly at a time. The reason for this is that the amount of time required to boil a larger amount of jelly can break the pectin bond, and you may not get a good jell.

Bring the three cups of water to a boil, then pour them over the QAL flowers and cover. Let them infuse overnight, then strain the following morning. Throw away the flowers and transfer the liquid to a jelly pan.

When the liquid comes to a boil, continue stirring and boil for a full minute. Then, remove from the heat, skim the foam off the top, and pour into jars. Process the jelly in a boiling water bath for ten minutes.

I made QAL jelly for the first time last year. The color had a hint of pink if I used my imagination! This year I decided to make the same recipe, except I rubbed the berries from a few staghorn sumac drupes into the QAL/ water mixture once it was cool. I let that sit overnight before straining. The result was a beautiful pink! And the taste delicious!

The orange-hued jelly is partially made up of habanada peppers, which look suspiciously similar to the ultra-spicy habaero peppers. I would have assumed they were mouth-burningly spicy, except for the fact that Caney Fork Farms, our wonderful CSA, labeled them quite clearly as not spicy, in a separate container from the solitary habaero that was conversely labeled HOT. And indeed, the flavor of the habanadas is bright and sweet and almost fruity. They really made for amazing pepper jelly.

I have a question. I made peach pepper jelly. It set fine but is not really hot at all. Is it possible to reheat and add more hot peppers and reset? Would I have to add more surejell? More sugar? Thank for any advice!

Knotweed really has it's own taste, but I'll give this a try. There is a tartness that can pucker your lips, almost like green apples. These is also a green, vegetal flavor, but that does not come through in the jelly. There is a fruitiness, too.

I just discovered that the huge stand of "fake bamboo" on the far side of my neighbour's house is actually knotweed. I picked some young shoots today and made itadori tea...beautiful pink colour and lemony in taste. I can't wait to give your jelly recipe a try.

We use the stalks that are about 8"-12" tall to make jelly. If you let them grow too high, there is more string and less flesh, and you really want the flavor of the flesh. I suppose shoots would work too, since they are even more tender than 8" stalks. Good luck! Let us know how t works out for you, Karen

Hello, I've made this jelly 4-5 times and it's a favorite at my house. Thank you for sharing it! I apologize if this is a dumb question. I don't know a lot about making jelly so I follow directions exactly. Is it possible to back off of the sugar with this jelly?

I used raspberry jam as the jelly portion of the sandwich but you can use any flavour you like. I was recently schooled on the difference between jam and jelly by an American a few weeks ago, apparently jelly is made from the fruit juice while jam is made from the whole fruit (do I have that right, America?). You can use whichever you like in this recipe but I will always prefer jam, I like a bit of fruity chunk (and seeds, I bloody love seeds) in my preserves.

I love peanut butter jelly sandwiches but never tried it in french toast form. I am drooling just by reading your posts and the images are making it absolutely difficult to resist. I am heading to my kitchen to try this one right now.

Hojicha Jelly is a light, chilled dessert made with roasted green tea powder and kanten (agar). Topped with sweetened condensed milk, these wobbly jelly cubes make a delicious afternoon treat or a refreshing end to your dinner meal. {Vegan-adaptable}

Kanten () is a semi-translucent firming agent commonly used in Japanese sweets. It imparts a firmer yet light texture to desserts. Therefore, the jelly made with kanten is not wobbly like soft-style Jello; instead, it maintains its shape and has a toothsome bite.

Thank you for the recipe ? I love hojicha as well as jelly and already had everything I needed at home.

Very easy to make, and the jelly tasted great with a little bit of oatmilk and kuromitsu.

Hello, Esther! Thank you so much for attempting this recipe!

We were glad to hear that the agar-agar jelly was a success.

Kanten and agar-agar have a similar texture; you can read more about it here.?

x -agar-kanten/#h-difference-between-kanten-and-agar

Happy Cooking!

After talking with him a few minutes, I realized he was an expert on the apples and not only knew about the varieties of apples, but also what to do with them and nodded in approval when I told him I was going to make Apple Jelly. He was happy to help me fill some bags, which included green varieties, which are high in pectin and help the jelly set, and are more acidic than other apples, which make the jelly well-balanced and delicious. (Calvados, the famed apple brandy from Normany, use very acidic apples since the flavor is more pronounced once cooked.)

Sounds like a fabulous project! I am a big apple jelly fan. Hope to be making this soon!! Beautiful photography and writing as always. I love when you go realized that was recipe was indeed blog-worthy! Hope I do this justice.

Looks amazing David. I love jam and jelly making. I am very fortunate to have a fig tree in my back yard and love to make fig jam in the late summer with lots of vanilla and spices. It always takes me back to memories I had of my great grandmother, who would make a wonderful crabapple jelly. I bet this would make a great glaze for tarts as well, which I think several have already mentioned. Your remaining apples would make a nice sauce to go over roasted pork, just add some cardamom, raisins, or other dried fruit, maybe some allspice, shallots, and a little Rosemary on the pork. Yummy!

Beautiful apple jelly, David. And I see that your great collection of jars came in handy. Ever since I read about your jar collection, I have been more careful to save jars, especially the pretty ones and the ones that are the right size for marmalade.

David, I love making preserves and jellies. My mom taught me to can a looong time ago and I think it is a great skill to have, especially if I want to win a reality show about living in the 1800s. :) Thank you for the great post and recipe. I have only had apple butter, not jelly, so I look forward to trying this.

For a minute there, I could swear that I smelled the jelly apples cooking. It was so real. Then, I remembered the apples on my stove that I had started for applesauce! Am definitely going to try making jelly with more of our big CSA supply of mixed apples.

Tall Clover: I love this jelly because not only is it tasty (and a good way to use an overload of apples), but it is, indeed, beautiful to look at. Thankfully I made 18 jars so I have a lot to took at : ) ff782bc1db

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