You are a web developer, right? Javascript is huge. Think how much time people spend using a web browser. The entire time they are interfacing directly with html dom, css, and javascript. Or, less and less, flash and "actionscript" (which is basically javascript).

If you go for jQuery, of course you are still learning Javascript...

You can not understand jQuery if you can not understand how Javascript works.

Some programmers learning jQuery wihtout the knowledge of javascript thought that they are learning a new programming scripting language. But they did not know that jQuery is not. They are just using jQuery as a tool. They are still coding Javascript...

Download Javascript Jquery


Seeing an outdated version? Make sure you're not using the "automatic version" links, like /jqueryui/1/..., but instead use URLs referring to exact versions. Due to concerns over caching and lack of compatibility between even minor versions, we have deprecated and stopped updating the automatic version aliases some time ago, so they will forever refer to an old version (in order to not break existing sites that still use them).

Google is a great tool. Anybody interested in finding about about javascript libraries can easily do so, and there are a lot of great ones out there. But directing every question about how to do something into an answer about how to do it in your favorite library is redirecting what could be a good, general purpose answer that anybody could use, into one that is only useful by people who are able to use your library. Rampant evangelism notwithstanding, there are a lot of projects in which using jQuery is outside the scope and requirements of the project. The project might require using a different library or no library at all, and the library chosen if any might not factor into the wording of the problem. The user might simply be interested in knowing how to do it in plain javascript due to the fact that certain things are really hard or impossible to do properly unless you know what browser or even version of the browser or OS you are using. jQuery might abstract this away from you, but in certain cases this is undesirable, and I would argue it helps keep programmers complacent when they should be rising up and calling for better interoperability between browsers.

It seems like 90% of the time I am trying to find out how to do something in Javascript all the answers I find are how to do it in jQuery. As a result, I either have to dig into the jQuery source code (not gonna happen, I've tried it, and I just don't have the time) or ask my own question specifically requesting how to do it in plain javascript. Now I have wasted my time and everybody else's repeating a question that was already answered, but in such a way that it is not useful to me.

I have one very general, slightly nebulous question, which is basically: does anybody have any tips on building apps (board views, dashboard widgets, etc.) using more than just React, and specifically integrating code written in jQuery or plain javascript into the default React infrastructure?

While the browser clearly shows that the new jQuery is loaded and the old one is not, first I noticed that it changes the file from jquery_3_3_1_min.js to jquery_3_3_1_min.min.js . Furthermore, it changes the code inside. For example:

This one command includes jquery.ui.autocomplete.js, jquery.ui.autocomplete.css, and the dependencies of jquery.ui.position.js, jquery.ui.widget.js, jquery.ui.core.js, jquery.ui.core.css, and jquery.ui.theme.css. For more information on drupal_add_library see the API documentation.

You can change that behavior by eliminating the configuration information registered with the existing jquery handle and rewriting it. To do that, add a block of code in functions.php beginning with the wp_deregister_script() function:

Oracle APEX handles the details of rendering a page so compared to authoring your own HTML file, it may not be initiallyclear where you should add your JavaScript code. APEX provides a number of specific places for you to add JavaScript code.You should avoid entering your own tags in places where HTML markup isallowed. Avoid inline event handlers such as onclick in HTML markup.Also avoid entering JavaScript code using the javascript: pseudo-protocol in placeswhere URLs are allowed.

To analyse your specific issues with page sizes, you'll have to analyse where the bandwidth is being spent. Grab something like Firebug (for Firefox), or any other developer tools (all the major browsers have them), and they provide you an interface to determine the appropriate costing for each resource (image, css, javascript, etc). From that, determine where you can make improvements:

It is always recommended to use a child theme for your Divi site. And once you do have the child theme setup correctly, you might as well incorporate a JS file that can be used to hold your custom JS snippets.

This is definitely the preferred way to handle javascript in WordPress sites and it works well with Divi too.

Most jquery sliders put all supported features in one bloated script. WOW jQuery carousel generates the engine script depending on setting you chose, so the final code is compact and has the required functionality only. For example the slider created with default settings is only 6Kb!

Not a coding guru? Don't know what is an HTML slider code? Just run Insert-to-Page Wizard, open a page, and click a place where you want the slideshow to appear. WOW javascript slider takes care of the rest. Truly NO coding experience!

WOW jQuery Slideshow not only makes stunning-looking sliders, but also ones that are fast, accessible, and packed with the newest features and capabilities. WOW javascript carousel allows you with the simple click of the mouse to make an endless amount of adjustments to your jquery slider. Touch/swipe support in a responsive slider? Do you want a full-width slider with a thumbnail filmstrip and play/pause buttons? Text descriptions and 3D effects? It's no issue! Even better, jQuery Slideshow comes with 50+ entirely original themes, 32 transitions, and hundreds of live examples to show you what you can do with it.

By default, WordPress installation includes many popular javascript libraries and scripts commonly used by web developers besides the scripts used by WordPress itself. Some of them are listed in the table below. 2351a5e196

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