This assumes that ClassA has public methods that allow you to examine its state and ClassB has a constructor/setters that allow you to modify its state. Strictly speaking if all three classes are in the same java package you could have those methods/constructors declared package private.

Starting with version 1.2 of the specification, an exception to the above zero-arguments constructor requirement has been introduced. If a converter has a single argument constructor that takes a Class instance and the Class of the data to be converted is known at converter instantiation time, this constructor must be used to instantiate the converter instead of the zero-argument version. This enables the per-class conversion of Java enumerated types.

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If any Converter implementation requires a java.util.Locale to perform its job, it must obtain that Locale from the UIViewRoot of the current FacesContext, unless the Converter maintains its own Locale as part of its state.

The reverse operation may be a strict inverse (meaning that converter.reverse().convert(converter.convert(a)).equals(a) is always true). However, it is very common (perhaps more common) for round-trip conversion to be lossy. Consider an example round-trip using Doubles.stringConverter():  stringConverter().convert("1.00") returns the Double value 1.0 stringConverter().reverse().convert(1.0) returns the string "1.0" -- not the same string ("1.00") we started with  Note that it should still be the case that the round-tripped and original objects are similar. Nullability A converter always converts null to null and non-null references to non-null references. It would not make sense to consider null and a non-null reference to be "different representations of the same information", since one is distinguishable from missing information and the other is not. The convert(A) method handles this null behavior for all converters; implementations of doForward(A) and doBackward(B) are guaranteed to never be passed null, and must never return null. Common ways to use Getting a converter:  Use a provided converter implementation, such as Enums.stringConverter(java.lang.Class), Ints.stringConverter or the reverse views of these. Convert between specific preset values using Maps.asConverter. For example, use this to create a "fake" converter for a unit test. It is unnecessary (and confusing) to mock the Converter type using a mocking framework. Extend this class and implement its doForward(A) and doBackward(B) methods. If using Java 8, you may prefer to pass two lambda expressions or method references to from(

Above all, the biggest problem is that there are many organizations unwilling to change. Creating a Kotlin-to-Java converter will surely make it easier to work with them. What do you think? I am not sure if I overestimate Jetbrains, but I think for Jetbrains to create something like that is basically easy. It is the company that creates Intellij and Kotlin that we are talking about.

There is not really a kotlin to java converter yet, but one thing you can do is compile your kotlin code to jvm byte-code and then run a java decompiler. The code you get needs some cleaning up to be usable, but I guess it is a start.

Regradless of how much effort it would take to create a Kotlin-to-Java converter, creating such a project will run counter to the goals of JetBrains with regard to spreading the adoption of Kotlin, and therefore we have no plan to build it (or to improve the existing Java bytecode decompiler in IntelliJ IDEA so that it would handle Kotlin-generated bytecode better).

By default, a table schema provides converters for all primitive types and many common Java types through a default implementation of the AttributeConverterProvider interface. You can change the overall default behavior with a custom AttributeConverterProvider implementation. You can also change the converter for a single attribute.

Note that if you supply your own chain of attribute converter providers, you will override the default converter provider, DefaultAttributeConverterProvider. If you want to use the functionality of the DefaultAttributeConverterProvider, you must include it in the chain.

It's also possible to annotate the bean with an empty array {}. This disables the use of any attribute converter providers, including the default. In this case all attributes that are to be mapped must have their own attribute converter.

To override the way a single attribute is mapped, supply an AttributeConverter for the attribute. This addition overrides any converters provided by AttributeConverterProviders in the table schema. This adds a custom converter for only that attribute. Other attributes, even those of the same type, won't use that converter unless it is explicitly specified for those other attributes.

You may need to convert JS to Java for various reasons, including integrating client-side and server-side logic, code reusability, and maintaining consistency across different parts of an application. AI-powered converters can offer more precise translations in complex scenarios.

Advantages include code reusability, cross-platform compatibility, streamlined development, and reduced errors in the translation process. AI-powered converters excel in handling intricate JavaScript code and improving translation accuracy.

While converters are valuable tools, they may have limitations in handling complex JS features or libraries. Manual adjustments may be necessary in such cases. AI-powered converters are designed to address some of these limitations.

Yes, you can customize the converted Java code as needed. The converted code serves as a starting point that you can modify to fit your specific requirements. AI-powered converters often produce highly customizable code.

AI-powered converters use advanced algorithms to recognize and translate complex JavaScript patterns into Java intelligently. They excel in handling intricate code structures and optimizing the conversion for accuracy and efficiency.

AI-powered converters may offer improved support for popular JS libraries and frameworks due to their advanced pattern recognition capabilities. However, support for less standard or highly specialized libraries may require manual intervention.

Converting Java code back to JavaScript is typically more challenging due to language differences. While some tools attempt to perform such conversions, they may not be as straightforward or accurate as JS to Java converters, especially AI-powered ones.

Converters generally treat null input as if it were invalid input, ie they return their default value if one was specified when the converter was constructed, and throw an exception otherwise. If you prefer nulls to be preserved for converters that are converting to objects (not primitives) then register a converter as above, passing a default value of null to the converter constructor (and of course registering that converter only for the .class target).

When a converter is listed above as having no default value, then that converter will throw an exception when passed null or an invalid value as its input. In particular, by default the BigInteger and BigDecimal converters have no default (and are therefore somewhat inconsistent with the other numerical converters which all have zero as their default).

Converters that generate arrays of each of the primitive types are also automatically configured (including String[]). When passed null or invalid input, these return an empty array (not null). See class AbstractArrayConverter for the supported input formats for these converters.

Since: 1.7Version: $Revision: 745079 $ $Date: 2009-02-17 14:04:10 +0000 (Tue, 17 Feb 2009) $Author: Craig R. McClanahan, Ralph Schaer, Chris Audley, James StrachanConstructor SummaryConvertUtilsBean()

 Construct a bean with standard converters registered Method Summary Stringconvert(Object value)

 Convert the specified value into a String. Objectconvert(Object value, Class targetType)

 Convert the value to an object of the specified class (if possible). Objectconvert(String[] values, Class clazz)

 Convert an array of specified values to an array of objects of the specified class (if possible). Objectconvert(String value, Class clazz)

 Convert the specified value to an object of the specified class (if possible). voidderegister()

 Remove all registered Converters, and re-establish the standard Converters. voidderegister(Class clazz)

 Remove any registered Converter for the specified destination Class. booleangetDefaultBoolean()

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Boolean.TYPE and Boolean.class instead bytegetDefaultByte()

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Byte.TYPE and Byte.class instead chargetDefaultCharacter()

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Character.TYPE and Character.class instead doublegetDefaultDouble()

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Double.TYPE and Double.class instead floatgetDefaultFloat()

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Float.TYPE and Float.class instead intgetDefaultInteger()

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Integer.TYPE and Integer.class instead longgetDefaultLong()

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Long.TYPE and Long.class instead shortgetDefaultShort()

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Short.TYPE and Short.class insteadprotected static ConvertUtilsBeangetInstance()

 Get singleton instance Converterlookup(Class clazz)

 Look up and return any registered Converter for the specified destination class; if there is no registered Converter, return null. Converterlookup(Class sourceType, Class targetType)

 Look up and return any registered Converter for the specified source and destination class; if there is no registered Converter, return null. voidregister(boolean throwException, boolean defaultNull, int defaultArraySize)

 Register the provided converters with the specified defaults. voidregister(Converter converter, Class clazz)

 Register a custom Converter for the specified destination Class, replacing any previously registered Converter. voidsetDefaultBoolean(boolean newDefaultBoolean)

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Boolean.TYPE and Boolean.class instead voidsetDefaultByte(byte newDefaultByte)

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Byte.TYPE and Byte.class instead voidsetDefaultCharacter(char newDefaultCharacter)

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Character.TYPE and Character.class instead voidsetDefaultDouble(double newDefaultDouble)

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Double.TYPE and Double.class instead voidsetDefaultFloat(float newDefaultFloat)

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Float.TYPE and Float.class instead voidsetDefaultInteger(int newDefaultInteger)

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Integer.TYPE and Integer.class instead voidsetDefaultLong(long newDefaultLong)

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Long.TYPE and Long.class instead voidsetDefaultShort(short newDefaultShort)

 Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Short.TYPE and Short.class instead Methods inherited from class java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait Constructor DetailConvertUtilsBeanpublic ConvertUtilsBean()Construct a bean with standard converters registeredMethod DetailgetInstanceprotected static ConvertUtilsBean getInstance()Get singleton instanceReturns:The singleton instancegetDefaultBooleanpublic boolean getDefaultBoolean()Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Boolean.TYPE and Boolean.class insteadGets the default value for Boolean conversions.Returns:The default Boolean valuesetDefaultBooleanpublic void setDefaultBoolean(boolean newDefaultBoolean)Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Boolean.TYPE and Boolean.class insteadSets the default value for Boolean conversions.Parameters:newDefaultBoolean - The default Boolean valuegetDefaultBytepublic byte getDefaultByte()Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Byte.TYPE and Byte.class insteadGets the default value for Byte conversions.Returns:The default Byte valuesetDefaultBytepublic void setDefaultByte(byte newDefaultByte)Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Byte.TYPE and Byte.class insteadSets the default value for Byte conversions.Parameters:newDefaultByte - The default Byte valuegetDefaultCharacterpublic char getDefaultCharacter()Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Character.TYPE and Character.class insteadGets the default value for Character conversions.Returns:The default Character valuesetDefaultCharacterpublic void setDefaultCharacter(char newDefaultCharacter)Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Character.TYPE and Character.class insteadSets the default value for Character conversions.Parameters:newDefaultCharacter - The default Character valuegetDefaultDoublepublic double getDefaultDouble()Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Double.TYPE and Double.class insteadGets the default value for Double conversions.Returns:The default Double valuesetDefaultDoublepublic void setDefaultDouble(double newDefaultDouble)Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Double.TYPE and Double.class insteadSets the default value for Double conversions.Parameters:newDefaultDouble - The default Double valuegetDefaultFloatpublic float getDefaultFloat()Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Float.TYPE and Float.class insteadGets the default value for Float conversions.Returns:The default Float valuesetDefaultFloatpublic void setDefaultFloat(float newDefaultFloat)Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Float.TYPE and Float.class insteadSets the default value for Float conversions.Parameters:newDefaultFloat - The default Float valuegetDefaultIntegerpublic int getDefaultInteger()Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Integer.TYPE and Integer.class insteadGets the default value for Integer conversions.Returns:The default Integer valuesetDefaultIntegerpublic void setDefaultInteger(int newDefaultInteger)Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Integer.TYPE and Integer.class insteadSets the default value for Integer conversions.Parameters:newDefaultInteger - The default Integer valuegetDefaultLongpublic long getDefaultLong()Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Long.TYPE and Long.class insteadGets the default value for Long conversions.Returns:The default Long valuesetDefaultLongpublic void setDefaultLong(long newDefaultLong)Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Long.TYPE and Long.class insteadSets the default value for Long conversions.Parameters:newDefaultLong - The default Long valuegetDefaultShortpublic short getDefaultShort()Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Short.TYPE and Short.class insteadGets the default value for Short conversions.Returns:The default Short valuesetDefaultShortpublic void setDefaultShort(short newDefaultShort)Deprecated. Register replacement converters for Short.TYPE and Short.class insteadSets the default value for Short conversions.Parameters:newDefaultShort - The default Short valueconvertpublic String convert(Object value)Convert the specified value into a String. If the specified value is an array, the first element (converted to a String) will be returned. The registered Converter for the java.lang.String class will be used, which allows applications to customize Object->String conversions (the default implementation simply uses toString()).Parameters:value - Value to be converted (may be null)Returns:The converted String valueconvertpublic Object convert(String value, Class clazz)Convert the specified value to an object of the specified class (if possible). Otherwise, return a String representation of the value.Parameters:value - Value to be converted (may be null)clazz - Java class to be converted toReturns:The converted valueThrows:ConversionException - if thrown by an underlying Converterconvertpublic Object convert(String[] values, Class clazz)Convert an array of specified values to an array of objects of the specified class (if possible). If the specified Java class is itself an array class, this class will be the type of the returned value. Otherwise, an array will be constructed whose component type is the specified class.Parameters:values - Array of values to be convertedclazz - Java array or element class to be converted toReturns:The converted valueThrows:ConversionException - if thrown by an underlying Converterconvertpublic Object convert(Object value, Class targetType)Convert the value to an object of the specified class (if possible). ff782bc1db

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