The problem is that when I run application on my device everything is ok, but then when I run it on device where there is no memory card, it is not working. So I would like to use external public storage, that is not a memory card...

I am working on a Java Card applet (for Java Card 2.2.1) which requires some temporary objects for processing APDU commands. I have questions about correct memory management.I have spent plenty of time on researching on the issues, but no where I have found any clarification or good sample codes on some java card APIs. I have 2 major questions:

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How can I create an array of transient objects (I mean custom objects in RAM not in EEPROM). I have read about makeTransientObjectArray but it returns only array of Object type. I know how to create for example, transient byte array using makeTransientByteArray, but my problem is about transient array of object instances. Or may be any way in java language to cast byte array to instances without serialization?

I mean what to do for transient memory. If allocate transient memory inside install function, it will not be available for other applets. If the applet is the only one applet on the Card, it is a good practice to allocate all transient memory in install function. I want to know a general effective method for all conditions (single applet device or multi-applet device). Also I am not sure, if transient memory allocated inside install, will be available inside process function whenever the card is inserted in the card reader.

As a short term mitigation, you can schedule the RPi to restart OH every night through a cron job. That will clear out the used memory and hopefully will make it run for longer periods without running out of memory. However, a restart of OH means some significant downtime while OH restarts which could be disruptive.

I'm thinking of installing Minecraft java edition onto my laptop, but my storage is fucked up enough already, and Minecraft is crudding on it more. I have an SD card with plenty of storage I COULD install it on, but I'm not sure if that would work? Would it?

This class also includes methods to control the persistence and transience of objects. The term persistent means that objects and their values persist from one CAD session to the next, indefinitely. Persistent object values are updated atomically using transactions. The makeTransient...Array() methods can be used to create transient arrays. Transient array data is lost (in an undefined state, but the real data is unavailable) immediately upon power loss, and is reset to the default value at the occurrence of certain events such as card reset or deselect. Updates to the values of transient arrays are not atomic and are not affected by transactions. The Java Card runtime environment maintains an atomic transaction commit buffer which is initialized on card reset (or power on). When a transaction is in progress, the Java Card runtime environment journals all updates to persistent data space into this buffer so that it can always guarantee, at commit time, that everything in the buffer is written or nothing at all is written. The JCSystem includes methods to control an atomic transaction. See Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, Classic Edition for details. See Also:SystemException, TransactionException, AppletField SummaryFields Modifier and TypeField and Descriptionstatic byteARRAY_TYPE_BOOLEANConstant to indicate boolean array type.static byteARRAY_TYPE_BYTEConstant to indicate byte array type.static byteARRAY_TYPE_INTConstant to indicate int array type.static byteARRAY_TYPE_OBJECTConstant to indicate object array type.static byteARRAY_TYPE_SHORTConstant to indicate short array type.static byteCLEAR_ON_DESELECTThis event code indicates that the contents of the transient object are cleared to the default value on applet deselection event or in CLEAR_ON_RESET cases.static byteCLEAR_ON_RESETThis event code indicates that the contents of the transient object are cleared to the default value on card reset (or power on) event.static byteMEMORY_TYPE_PERSISTENTConstant to indicate persistent memory type.static byteMEMORY_TYPE_TRANSIENT_DESELECTConstant to indicate transient memory of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type.static byteMEMORY_TYPE_TRANSIENT_RESETConstant to indicate transient memory of CLEAR_ON_RESET type.static byteNOT_A_TRANSIENT_OBJECTThis event code indicates that the object is not transient.Method SummaryMethods Modifier and TypeMethod and Descriptionstatic voidabortTransaction()Aborts the atomic transaction.static voidbeginTransaction()Begins an atomic transaction.static voidcommitTransaction()Commits an atomic transaction.static AIDgetAID()Returns the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object associated with the current applet context, or null if the Applet.register() method has not yet been invoked.static ShareablegetAppletShareableInterfaceObject(AID serverAID, byte parameter)Called by a client applet to get a server applet's shareable interface object.static bytegetAssignedChannel()This method is called to obtain the logical channel number assigned to the currently selected applet instance.static shortgetAvailableMemory(byte memoryType)Obtains the amount of memory of the specified type that is available to the applet.static voidgetAvailableMemory(short[] buffer, short offset, byte memoryType)Obtains the amount of memory of the specified type that is available to the applet.static shortgetMaxCommitCapacity()Returns the total number of bytes in the commit buffer.static AIDgetPreviousContextAID()Obtains the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object associated with the previously active applet context.static bytegetTransactionDepth()Returns the current transaction nesting depth level.static shortgetUnusedCommitCapacity()Returns the number of bytes left in the commit buffer.static shortgetVersion()Returns the current major and minor version of the Java Card API.static booleanisAppletActive(AID theApplet)This method is used to determine if the specified applet is active on the card.static booleanisObjectDeletionSupported()This method is used to determine if the implementation for the Java Card platform supports the object deletion mechanism.static byteisTransient(Object theObj)Checks if the specified object is transient.static AIDlookupAID(byte[] buffer, short offset, byte length)Returns the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object, if any, encapsulating the specified AID bytes in the buffer parameter if there exists a successfully installed applet on the card whose instance AID exactly matches that of the specified AID bytes.static ObjectmakeGlobalArray(byte type, short length)Creates a global CLEAR_ON_RESET transient array of the type specified, with the specified array length.static boolean[]makeTransientBooleanArray(short length, byte event)Creates a transient boolean array with the specified array length.static byte[]makeTransientByteArray(short length, byte event)Creates a transient byte array with the specified array length.static Object[]makeTransientObjectArray(short length, byte event)Creates a transient array of Object with the specified array length.static short[]makeTransientShortArray(short length, byte event)Creates a transient short array with the specified array length.static voidrequestObjectDeletion()This method is invoked by the applet to trigger the object deletion service of the Java Card runtime environment.Methods inherited from class java.lang.ObjectequalsField DetailMEMORY_TYPE_PERSISTENTpublic static final byte MEMORY_TYPE_PERSISTENTConstant to indicate persistent memory type.See Also:Constant Field ValuesMEMORY_TYPE_TRANSIENT_RESETpublic static final byte MEMORY_TYPE_TRANSIENT_RESETConstant to indicate transient memory of CLEAR_ON_RESET type.See Also:Constant Field ValuesMEMORY_TYPE_TRANSIENT_DESELECTpublic static final byte MEMORY_TYPE_TRANSIENT_DESELECTConstant to indicate transient memory of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type.See Also:Constant Field ValuesARRAY_TYPE_BOOLEANpublic static final byte ARRAY_TYPE_BOOLEANConstant to indicate boolean array type.See Also:Constant Field ValuesARRAY_TYPE_BYTEpublic static final byte ARRAY_TYPE_BYTEConstant to indicate byte array type.See Also:Constant Field ValuesARRAY_TYPE_SHORTpublic static final byte ARRAY_TYPE_SHORTConstant to indicate short array type.See Also:Constant Field ValuesARRAY_TYPE_INTpublic static final byte ARRAY_TYPE_INTConstant to indicate int array type.See Also:Constant Field ValuesARRAY_TYPE_OBJECTpublic static final byte ARRAY_TYPE_OBJECTConstant to indicate object array type.See Also:Constant Field ValuesNOT_A_TRANSIENT_OBJECTpublic static final byte NOT_A_TRANSIENT_OBJECTThis event code indicates that the object is not transient.See Also:Constant Field ValuesCLEAR_ON_RESETpublic static final byte CLEAR_ON_RESETThis event code indicates that the contents of the transient object are cleared to the default value on card reset (or power on) event.See Also:Constant Field ValuesCLEAR_ON_DESELECTpublic static final byte CLEAR_ON_DESELECTThis event code indicates that the contents of the transient object are cleared to the default value on applet deselection event or in CLEAR_ON_RESET cases. Notes:  CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient objects can be accessed only when the applet which created the object is in the same context as the currently selected applet. The Java Card runtime environment will throw a SecurityException if a CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient object is accessed when the currently selected applet is not in the same context as the applet which created the object. See Also:Constant Field ValuesMethod DetailisTransientpublic static byte isTransient(Object theObj)Checks if the specified object is transient. This method returns a constant indicator as follows :  MEMORY_TYPE_TRANSIENT_RESET if the specified object is a CLEAR_ON_RESET transient array created by one of the makeTransient...Array methods using a CLEAR_ON_RESET event code. MEMORY_TYPE_TRANSIENT_DESELECT if the specified object is a CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient array created by one of the makeTransient...Array methods using a CLEAR_ON_DESELECT event code. NOT_A_TRANSIENT_OBJECT for all other objects. Parameters:theObj - the object being queriedReturns:NOT_A_TRANSIENT_OBJECT, CLEAR_ON_RESET, or CLEAR_ON_DESELECTSee Also:makeTransientBooleanArray(short, byte), makeTransientByteArray(short, byte), makeTransientShortArray(short, byte), makeTransientObjectArray(short, byte), javacardx.framework.util.intx.JCint.makeTransientIntArray(short, byte)makeTransientBooleanArraypublic static boolean[] makeTransientBooleanArray(short length, byte event) throws NegativeArraySizeException, SystemExceptionCreates a transient boolean array with the specified array length.Parameters:length - the length of the boolean arrayevent - the CLEAR_ON... event which causes the array elements to be clearedReturns:the new transient boolean arrayThrows:NegativeArraySizeException - if the length parameter is negativeSystemException - with the following reason codes:  SystemException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if event is not a valid event code. SystemException.NO_TRANSIENT_SPACE if sufficient transient space is not available. SystemException.ILLEGAL_TRANSIENT if the current applet context is not the currently selected applet context and CLEAR_ON_DESELECT is specified. makeTransientByteArraypublic static byte[] makeTransientByteArray(short length, byte event) throws NegativeArraySizeException, SystemExceptionCreates a transient byte array with the specified array length.Parameters:length - the length of the byte arrayevent - the CLEAR_ON... event which causes the array elements to be clearedReturns:the new transient byte arrayThrows:NegativeArraySizeException - if the length parameter is negativeSystemException - with the following reason codes:  SystemException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if event is not a valid event code. SystemException.NO_TRANSIENT_SPACE if sufficient transient space is not available. SystemException.ILLEGAL_TRANSIENT if the current applet context is not the currently selected applet context and CLEAR_ON_DESELECT is specified. makeTransientShortArraypublic static short[] makeTransientShortArray(short length, byte event) throws NegativeArraySizeException, SystemExceptionCreates a transient short array with the specified array length.Parameters:length - the length of the short arrayevent - the CLEAR_ON... event which causes the array elements to be clearedReturns:the new transient short arrayThrows:NegativeArraySizeException - if the length parameter is negativeSystemException - with the following reason codes:  SystemException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if event is not a valid event code. SystemException.NO_TRANSIENT_SPACE if sufficient transient space is not available. SystemException.ILLEGAL_TRANSIENT if the current applet context is not the currently selected applet context and CLEAR_ON_DESELECT is specified. makeTransientObjectArraypublic static Object[] makeTransientObjectArray(short length, byte event) throws NegativeArraySizeException, SystemExceptionCreates a transient array of Object with the specified array length.Parameters:length - the length of the Object arrayevent - the CLEAR_ON... event which causes the array elements to be clearedReturns:the new transient Object arrayThrows:NegativeArraySizeException - if the length parameter is negativeSystemException - with the following reason codes:  SystemException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if event is not a valid event code. SystemException.NO_TRANSIENT_SPACE if sufficient transient space is not available. SystemException.ILLEGAL_TRANSIENT if the current applet context is not the currently selected applet context and CLEAR_ON_DESELECT is specified. makeGlobalArraypublic static Object makeGlobalArray(byte type, short length)Creates a global CLEAR_ON_RESET transient array of the type specified, with the specified array length. A global array can be accessed from any applet context. References to global arrays cannot be stored in class variables or instance variables or array components. (See Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, Classic Edition, section 6.2.2 for details) Parameters:type - the array type - must be one of : ARRAY_TYPE_BOOLEAN, ARRAY_TYPE_BYTE, ARRAY_TYPE_SHORT, ARRAY_TYPE_INT, or ARRAY_TYPE_OBJECTlength - the length of the global transient arrayReturns:the new transient Object arrayThrows:NegativeArraySizeException - if the length parameter is negativeSystemException - with the following reason codes:  SystemException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if type is not a valid type code. An implementation which does not support the "int" type may throw this exception if type is ARRAY_TYPE_INT SystemException.NO_TRANSIENT_SPACE if sufficient transient space is not available. Since: 3.0.4See Also:ARRAY_TYPE_BOOLEAN, ARRAY_TYPE_BYTE, ARRAY_TYPE_SHORT, ARRAY_TYPE_INT, ARRAY_TYPE_OBJECTgetVersionpublic static short getVersion()Returns the current major and minor version of the Java Card API.Returns:version number as byte.byte (major.minor)getAIDpublic static AID getAID()Returns the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object associated with the current applet context, or null if the Applet.register() method has not yet been invoked. Java Card runtime environment-owned instances of AID are permanent Java Card runtime environment Entry Point Objects and can be accessed from any applet context. References to these permanent objects can be stored and re-used. See Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, Classic Edition, section 6.2.1 for details. In addition to returning an Object reference result, this method sets the result in an internal state which can be rechecked using assertion methods of the SensitiveResult class, if supported by the platform.Returns:the AID objectlookupAIDpublic static AID lookupAID(byte[] buffer, short offset, byte length)Returns the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object, if any, encapsulating the specified AID bytes in the buffer parameter if there exists a successfully installed applet on the card whose instance AID exactly matches that of the specified AID bytes. Java Card runtime environment-owned instances of AID are permanent Java Card runtime environment Entry Point Objects and can be accessed from any applet context. References to these permanent objects can be stored and re-used. See Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, Classic Edition, section 6.2.1 for details. In addition to returning an Object reference result, this method sets the result in an internal state which can be rechecked using assertion methods of the SensitiveResult class, if supported by the platform.Parameters:buffer - byte array containing the AID bytesoffset - offset within buffer where AID bytes beginlength - length of AID bytes in bufferReturns:the AID object, if any; null otherwise. A VM exception is thrown if buffer is null, or if offset or length are out of range.beginTransactionpublic static void beginTransaction() throws TransactionExceptionBegins an atomic transaction. If a transaction is already in progress (transaction nesting depth level != 0), a TransactionException is thrown. Note:  This method may do nothing if the Applet.register() method has not yet been invoked. In case of tear or failure prior to successful registration, the Java Card runtime environment will roll back all atomically updated persistent state. Throws:TransactionException - with the following reason codes:  TransactionException.IN_PROGRESS if a transaction is already in progress. See Also:commitTransaction(), abortTransaction()abortTransactionpublic static void abortTransaction() throws TransactionExceptionAborts the atomic transaction. The contents of the commit buffer is discarded. Note:  This method may do nothing if the Applet.register() method has not yet been invoked. In case of tear or failure prior to successful registration, the Java Card runtime environment will roll back all atomically updated persistent state. Do not call this method from within a transaction which creates new objects because the Java Card runtime environment may not recover the heap space used by the new object instances. Do not call this method from within a transaction which creates new objects because the Java Card runtime environment may, to ensure the security of the card and to avoid heap space loss, lock up the card session to force tear/reset processing. The Java Card runtime environment ensures that any variable of reference type which references an object instantiated from within this aborted transaction is equivalent to a null reference. Throws:TransactionException - with the following reason codes:  TransactionException.NOT_IN_PROGRESS if a transaction is not in progress. See Also:beginTransaction(), commitTransaction()commitTransactionpublic static void commitTransaction() throws TransactionExceptionCommits an atomic transaction. The contents of commit buffer is atomically committed. If a transaction is not in progress (transaction nesting depth level == 0) then a TransactionException is thrown. Note:  This method may do nothing if the Applet.register() method has not yet been invoked. In case of tear or failure prior to successful registration, the Java Card runtime environment will roll back all atomically updated persistent state. Throws:TransactionException - with the following reason codes:  TransactionException.NOT_IN_PROGRESS if a transaction is not in progress. See Also:beginTransaction(), abortTransaction()getTransactionDepthpublic static byte getTransactionDepth()Returns the current transaction nesting depth level. At present, only 1 transaction can be in progress at a time.Returns:1 if transaction in progress, 0 if notgetUnusedCommitCapacitypublic static short getUnusedCommitCapacity()Returns the number of bytes left in the commit buffer. Note:  If the number of bytes left in the commit buffer is greater than 32767, then this method returns 32767. Returns:the number of bytes left in the commit bufferSee Also:getMaxCommitCapacity()getMaxCommitCapacitypublic static short getMaxCommitCapacity()Returns the total number of bytes in the commit buffer. This is approximately the maximum number of bytes of persistent data which can be modified during a transaction. However, the transaction subsystem requires additional bytes of overhead data to be included in the commit buffer, and this depends on the number of fields modified and the implementation of the transaction subsystem. The application cannot determine the actual maximum amount of data which can be modified during a transaction without taking these overhead bytes into consideration. Note:  If the total number of bytes in the commit buffer is greater than 32767, then this method returns 32767. Returns:the total number of bytes in the commit bufferSee Also:getUnusedCommitCapacity()getPreviousContextAIDpublic static AID getPreviousContextAID()Obtains the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object associated with the previously active applet context. This method is typically used by a server applet, while executing a shareable interface method to determine the identity of its client and thereby control access privileges. Java Card runtime environment-owned instances of AID are permanent Java Card runtime environment Entry Point Objects and can be accessed from any applet context. References to these permanent objects can be stored and re-used. See Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, Classic Edition, section 6.2.1 for details. In addition to returning an Object reference result, this method sets the result in an internal state which can be rechecked using assertion methods of the SensitiveResult class, if supported by the platform.Returns:the AID object of the previous context, or null if Java Card runtime environmentgetAvailableMemorypublic static short getAvailableMemory(byte memoryType) throws SystemExceptionObtains the amount of memory of the specified type that is available to the applet. Note that implementation-dependent memory overhead structures may also use the same memory pool. Notes:  The number of bytes returned is only an upper bound on the amount of memory available due to overhead requirements. Allocation of CLEAR_ON_RESET transient objects may affect the amount of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory available. Allocation of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient objects may affect the amount of CLEAR_ON_RESET transient memory available. If the number of available bytes is greater than 32767, then this method returns 32767. Please use getAvailableMemory(short[],short) method for accurate information. The returned count is not an indicator of the size of object which may be created since memory fragmentation is possible. Parameters:memoryType - the type of memory being queried. One of the MEMORY_TYPE_* constants defined above, for example MEMORY_TYPE_PERSISTENT.Returns:the upper bound on available bytes of memory for the specified typeThrows:SystemException - with the following reason codes:  SystemException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if memoryType is not a valid memory type. See Also:getAvailableMemory(short[], short, byte)getAvailableMemorypublic static void getAvailableMemory(short[] buffer, short offset, byte memoryType) throws SystemExceptionObtains the amount of memory of the specified type that is available to the applet. Note that implementation-dependent memory overhead structures may also use the same memory pool. The requested memory information is returned as a 32 bit number stored in the specified short array - buffer. The 32 bit number number is the concatenation of buffer[offset] and buffer[offset+1]. Notes:  The number of bytes returned is only an upper bound on the amount of memory available due to overhead requirements. Allocation of CLEAR_ON_RESET transient objects may affect the amount of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory available. Allocation of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient objects may affect the amount of CLEAR_ON_RESET transient memory available. The 32 bit number is not an indicator of the size of object which may be created since memory fragmentation is possible. Parameters:memoryType - the type of memory being queried. One of the MEMORY_TYPE_* constants defined above, for example MEMORY_TYPE_PERSISTENT.buffer - the output buffer for storing memory size informationoffset - the offset within the buffer where memory size information beginsThrows:ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if buffer[offset] or buffer[offset+1] outside array boundsNullPointerException - if buffer is nullSystemException - with the following reason codes:  SystemException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if memoryType is not a valid memory type. Since: 3.0.4getAppletShareableInterfaceObjectpublic static Shareable getAppletShareableInterfaceObject(AID serverAID, byte parameter)Called by a client applet to get a server applet's shareable interface object. This method returns null if:  the Applet.register() has not yet been invoked the serverAID parameter is null or the server applet does not exist the server applet returns null the server applet throws an uncaught exception  In addition to returning an Object reference result, this method sets the result in an internal state which can be rechecked using assertion methods of the SensitiveResult class, if supported by the platform.Parameters:serverAID - the AID of the server appletparameter - optional parameter dataReturns:the shareable interface object or nullThrows:SecurityException - if the server applet is not multiselectable and is currently active on another logical channel See Also:Applet.getShareableInterfaceObject(AID, byte)isObjectDeletionSupportedpublic static boolean isObjectDeletionSupported()This method is used to determine if the implementation for the Java Card platform supports the object deletion mechanism.Returns:true if the object deletion mechanism is supported, false otherwiserequestObjectDeletionpublic static void requestObjectDeletion() throws SystemExceptionThis method is invoked by the applet to trigger the object deletion service of the Java Card runtime environment. If the Java Card runtime environment implements the object deletion mechanism, the request is merely logged at this time. The Java Card runtime environment must schedule the object deletion service prior to the next invocation of the Applet.process() method. The object deletion mechanism must ensure that :  Any unreferenced persistent object owned by the current applet context is deleted and the associated space is recovered for reuse prior to the next invocation of the Applet.process() method. Any unreferenced CLEAR_ON_DESELECT or CLEAR_ON_RESET transient object owned by the current applet context is deleted and the associated space is recovered for reuse before the next card reset session. Throws:SystemException - with the following reason codes:  SystemException.ILLEGAL_USE if the object deletion mechanism is not implemented. getAssignedChannelpublic static byte getAssignedChannel()This method is called to obtain the logical channel number assigned to the currently selected applet instance. The assigned logical channel is the logical channel on which the currently selected applet instance is or will be the active applet instance. This logical channel number is always equal to the origin logical channel number returned by the APDU.getCLAChannel() method except during selection and deselection via the MANAGE CHANNEL APDU command. If this method is called from the, Applet.deselect(), and MultiSelectable.deselect(boolean) methods during MANAGE CHANNEL APDU command processing, the logical channel number returned may be different.Returns:the logical channel number in the range 0-19 assigned to the currently selected applet instanceisAppletActivepublic static boolean isAppletActive(AID theApplet)This method is used to determine if the specified applet is active on the card. Note:  This method returns false if the specified applet is not active, even if its context is active. This method returns false if the specified applet has not successfully registered via Applet.register. If successfully registered, this method returns true even in the Applet.install, and methods. Parameters:theApplet - the AID of the applet object being queriedReturns:true if and only if the applet specified by the AID parameter is currently active on this or another logical channelSee Also:lookupAID( byte[] buffer, short offset, byte length )OverviewPackageClassTreeDeprecatedIndexHelpPrev ClassNext ClassFramesNo FramesAll ClassesSummary: Nested | Field | Constr | MethodDetail: Field | Constr | MethodCopyright  1998, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms 2351a5e196

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