For all release notes combined on a single page, see the Consolidated JDK 21 Release Notes. That page is dynamically generated from all of the JDK 21 release notes. Loading it takes longer than loading the individual release note pages of each release.

When coding in C# I have always found the tag remarks very useful for providing notes about the implementation of a class or method, or to give information about the theory of what I was implementing. I am now using Java but I can't find an appropriate JavaDoc tag for this. Maybe in Java you accomplish this in a different manner, does anybody know?

Download Java Full Notes


As far as I know, there isn't any dedicated Javadoc tag for notes or remarks. Generally, the first sentence of Javadoc should give a brief description of the class/method/field. Then the full description should follow. And if you want to include any notes, a specialized paragraph with a "Note:" prepended should suffice.

Informative notes about the implementation, such as performance characteristics that are specific to the implementation in this class in this JDK in this version, and might change. These things are allowed to vary across platforms, vendors and versions.

Add a new command-line parameter, "=c:\data\johnsmith\NotesData\notes.ini" . To make this happen, you need to use NotesFactory.CreateSession(String host, String args[], String user, String passwd); method, after setting up a new String array containing that parameter and whatever other arguments were passed, since itis basically supposed to be the String args[] as passed to static Main. (The =fullpath\notes.ini parameter just needs to be in the array, it doesn't need to be in any specific location.)

Users that recompiled their code using grpc-java v1.36.0 (released on Feb 23, 2021) and later, ARE NOT AFFECTED.

Users that compiled their source using grpc-java earlier than v1.36.0 may need to recompile when upgrading to grpc-java v1.59.0.

Java Notes. These Java programming notes are written to fill in missing or weak topics in textbooks that I've taught from. Many pages are useful for reference, but not as an ordered tutorial. Some pages are still rough drafts, and I haven't been working on them for a long time.

Here are my notes for OCA - Java SE 8 Programmer I. They are generally useful for anyone to quickly learn some of Java details.

Disclaimer: I didn't yet went to the exam.

Good luck to everyone! :D

Additionally, this release comes with more helpful error and warning messages, improvements to build init, dependency verification and several new APIs for build and plugin authors. See the full release notes for details.

Fixed an issue that caused this exception error: Method too large: org/apache/jsp/main\_jsp.\_jspService \(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Lja...(JAVA-6013)

Fixed an issue that caused this exception error: Method too large: org/apache/jsp/main\_jsp.\_jspService \(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Lja... (JAVA-6108)

When users configure their application with a session-based vulnerability auto-verification policy, and the user does not configure their Contrast agent with an explicit session_id configuration parameter, then Contrast wrongfully auto-verifies vulnerabilities. We resolved this issue by fixing a race condition, so we can ensure that auto-verification will work as expected when the user has configured their agent to use the configuration.

When launching Ghidra with the provided scripts in tag_hash_109 andtag_hash_110/support, you may encounter the following error messages:  Problem: Java runtime not found.   Solution: A Java runtime (java/java.exe) is required to be on the system PATH. Please see the Requirements section for what version of Java must be pre-installed for Ghidra to launch.

You can now see the number of users impacted by an error group. Identify the end user with a new public API method that will accept a string representation of a user id and associate that user id with the current transaction. Transactions and errors will then have a new agent attribute associated with them. This will allow agent users to tag transactions and errors as belonging to given user ids in support of greater filtering and alerting capabilities. For more information check the [Newrelic.setUserId ]( -agent-api/javadoc/com/newrelic/api/agent/NewRelic.html#setUserName(java.lang.String) documentation and the Track users impacted with errors inbox page.

A new GeometryEditor class provides a simple way to create or edit geometries interactively in a map view. It supports a wide array of use cases, from creating quick notes on a map to allowing feature geometry editing workflows. The interactive use of GeometryEditor is complemented by its support for programmatic creation and editing methods, providing a powerful way to guide and supplement the built-in UX workflows. The appearance of the edited geometry can be customized using the range of symbology available in the API.

Feedback, comments, corrections, and errata can be sent to Chua Hock-Chuan ( | TOP

These are my teaching notes which I share with anyone interested. I update some articles more often than others, based on feedback received on the usefulness of the articles.

I am trying to coming across an issue where I use Aspose to create both Slide Views and Note Views, if the speaker notes are too long, they get cut off at the bottom of the page. Please see screenshot.

So basically, I am taking the PPT slides and speaker notes and turning them into a PDF that has both the slide view and the notes view (as you can see in the screenshot). When the speaker notes get very long, it is cut off at the bottom of the page. If the speaker notes are too long, I want it to continue to print onto an additional page in the PDF. Is there something I can do within the Aspose API to make this happen?

Considering the number of four HotNews and two High Priority Security Notes and taking into account the wide range of attack vectors exploitable in various SAP platforms, the August Patch Day demonstrates impressively the importance of keeping your systems up to date. Fortunately, running a vulnerability and compliance check with the Missing Notes Module in the Onapsis Platform will give you a clear picture of the relevant notes that are currently missing in your SAP landscape.

Our lead Security Researcher, Nahuel Sanchez, was credited by SAP in its acknowledgement webpage for our collaboration this month. The Research Labs is already working to update the Onapsis Platform to incorporate these newly published vulnerabilities into the product so that our customers can check missing notes during their security assessments.

CLIENT-2554 Use the standard Base64 class instead of the old javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter for base64 encoding/decoding. DatatypeConverter was used when bouncycastle crypto was enabled. DatatypeConverter has been removed from newer versions of the java JDK.

CLIENT-2252 Remove all code that used java runtime serialization/deserialization. Deserialization of java runtime serialized objects has been identified as a security risk (CVE-2023-36480) by CodeQL team members @atorralba (Tony Torralba) and @joefarebrother (Joseph Farebrother). See Incompatible API change.

CLIENT-2252 Disable java runtime serialization/deserialization. Deserialization of java runtime serialized objects has been identified as a security risk (CVE-2023-36480) by CodeQL team members @atorralba (Tony Torralba) and @joefarebrother (Joseph Farebrother). See Incompatible API change.

New Features CLIENT-1355 Skip orphan seeds that do not have peers when other seeds have peers.  4.4.17 Release Date: August 17, 2020 A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified.If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity. New Features Replace HashMap with LinkedHashMap when creating bins for read. This is done to preserve bin order, so client returns bins in the same order as they have been written.  4.4.16 Release Date: August 14, 2020 A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified.If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity. Bug Fixes CLIENT-1310 Allow ScanPolicy scanPercent to be sent for server versions >= 4.9 when scanPercent is changed from the default. Also, throw an exception if both scanPercent and maxRecords are changed from the default. scanPercent/maxRecords are mutually exclusive.CLIENT-1336 Fail immediately with detailed message when a seed connection error occurs and seed host tlsName defined, but client tlsPolicy is not defined.Fix errors/warnings generated by newer versions of javadoc.  4.4.15 Release Date: July 15, 2020 A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified.If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity. Bug Fixes CLIENT-1307 Fix async netty connection recovery to handle cases where connection channel pipeline has not been initialized. Also, handle connection recovery exceptions gracefully. Connection recovery is used when a timeout occurs and timeoutDelay policy is defined.Fix Role documentation.  4.4.14 Release Date: June 26, 2020 A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified.If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity. New Features Add new Bin constructor that accepts byte array and particle type. Bug Fixes Bump default netty.version from 4.1.45.Final to 4.1.50.Final.  4.4.13 Release Date: June 10, 2020 A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified.If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity. New Features CONNECTOR-65 Support XDR client emulation. See WritePolicy xdr. Bug Fixes CLIENT-1293 When preallocating async TLS connections, wait for TLS handshake to complete before placing connection in pool.  4.4.12 Release Date: May 27, 2020 A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified.If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity. New Features CLIENT-1291 Allow maxSocketIdle to be set to zero (no reap). Connections retrieved from pools in transaction threads will not be checked for maxSocketIdle when maxSocketIdle is zero. Idle connections will still be trimmed down from peak connections to min connections in the cluster tend thread using a hard-coded 55 second limit when maxSocketIdle is zero.CLIENT-1287 If a batch request to a node fails, continue processing other node responses for async batch read methods that accept a sequence listener (ExistsSequenceListener, BatchSequenceListener, RecordSequenceListener).Add AerospikeClient getCluster().Add ExecuteTask getTaskId().Add create nested map and create nested list examples. Bug Fixes Verify varargs length in Execute(), so if empty operations does not override the original operations set in Statement.  4.4.11 Release Date: May 6, 2020 A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified.If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity. New Features CLIENT-1278 Support minimum connections.Add ScanPolicy copy constructor.Add more detailed docs for CTX.listIndexCreate() and CTX.mapKeyCreate().Add more HyperLogLog (HLL) tests.Add ACT random algorithm to benchmarks.Add serviceAlternate option to benchmarks. Bug Fixes Move extensions to separate repository ( -community/aerospike-client-java-extensions).Update QueryPolicy docs to mention maxRecords only supported on query with null filter.Fix travis server config.  4.4.10 Release Date: April 5, 2020 A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified.If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity. New Features CLIENT-1201 Support maxRecords in scans. This feature requires server versions >= 4.9.CLIENT-1202 Support creation of list/map in a CDT context. This feature requires server versions >= 4.9.CLIENT-1234 Support HyperLogLog (HLL) operations. This feature requires server versions >= 4.9.Add new PartitionFilter after(Key key) to select records after the key's digest in the partition containing the digest.Add retry functionality for reactor client. Bug Fixes CLIENT-1160 For single record transactions, send socketTimeout to the server instead of totalTimeout when socketTimeout < totalTimeout.CLIENT-1218 Set compression level to BEST_SPEED (1) when compression is enabled.Change default netty version from 4.1.11 to 4.1.45.Remove unnecessary repositories tag in benchmark pom.xml.Fix Replica javadoc comment.  4.4.9 Release Date: February 11, 2020 A bug affecting this version of the Java client has been identified. If your application uses scans, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Java client 4.4.20 at the earliest opportunity. New Features CLIENT-1170 Support partition scans. This feature requires server versions >= 4.9.Add reactor-query-engine extension library.Add toString() to PredExp subclasses. Bug Fixes CLIENT-1171 Upgrade jbcrypt version to 0.4 in pom.xml used in maven central repository.  4.4.8 Release Date: January 3, 2020 Features  Support async create index, drop index, and info commands. ff782bc1db

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