I'm making a text-based adventure game. As of right now it is just a maze with rooms. Eventually it is going to be much bigger and more in depth but for now I just want to get the basic structure down. Anyways, to make this work I've been getting output and input from the System.out.printf command and the java.util.Scanner. It's all working beautifully so far but I've realized I'm going to run into a problem when I try to send this to other people that don't know how or just don't want to run the program from the command line.

Double-clicking a jar opens it with whatever application you've associated to it in your OS. By default, javaw[.exe] is normally associated to jar files. That's the binary that runs without a terminal window. To see a terminal on double-click, you'd need to associate the java[.exe] binary with jar files.

Download Java Console

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I guess the simplest way is to write a simple shortcut for your jar file. e.g. eclipse (like the most ide's) is able to export a jar file with all necessary libraries, etc. so you just need to set the shortcut command like "java -jar filePath/file.jar" (filePath: e.g. ./bin/file.jar)

One way to accomplish this is to create a .bat file with the command: "java -jar filePath/yourfile.jar" (without ""). Make sure to include the file path or else your file won't be found.Though the question was answered already, this is a simple way to do it.

In JDK 1.6 and later, the java.io.Console gives your application access to the console. It is not spelled out in the Javadoc, but I suspect that java.io.Console opens a fresh stream to the console, and therefore cannot be redirected. (The moral equivalent of opening "/dev/tty" on an old-school UNIX box.) You should only use this if your application wants to to be sure it is talking to the user, without any possibility of redirection; e.g. when requesting and reading a password.

Hi @christopherlecky. Not sure if you have a question or that you are marketing the web UI console version, but I assume you are referring to Command Center and not to the web console. The current web console will most likely be decommissioned in the near future as they are porting over more and more into Command Center. As for the future of the Java console. They haven't made any decision if the Java console is really going to be decommissioned as there are many options in that console that allow a lot of tweaking and tuning. Personally I hope it will be gone within 2-3 years and hope that they in the meantime also enhance the current Command Center experience by introducing a generic protection overview page that shows all managed assets in one page.

I guess I only mention it because I am comparing the new functionality to the Java console, and the usability just is not there in some instances and so it just makes it more difficult to use the command center for certain operations.

I am trying to create a text based RPG game for some practice of the topics covered in Java Basics and Java Objects. I want to refresh the console every time something happens, clearing the data and displaying everything in the top left corner.

In doing so I "broke" the ability to use the escape code. Both the Eclipse console emulator and the Windows command prompt (I'm on win 7) do not support ANSI. I found that the sloppy way of clearing the console by printing a bunch of blank lines is going to be a more versatile solution, in that it will work on probably any system running it, including workspaces. I've come to the conclusion that being able to clear the console the "correct" way isn't really that important, when I'd rather have this code work in Eclipse AND in workspaces for when I share it later.

I forced the Java Web Start to use jdk1.6.0_18 and the console comes up. However, since I need to debug what my users are using, I would like to be able to have the console when I use jdk1.5.0_22. I would really like to figure out if this is a FF problem, a JWS problem or a Fedora problem!

There are other similar topics, and in them they all suggest to use the Shell instead of the console to run commands.

The console used to basically redirect directly to the shell for most languages, and show output, in the past. But there was a recent update.

In windows, when I open a web page containing applet, icon of java plugin console is displayed in systray. But in Ubuntu, I don't find any way to show java plugin console. How can I open java plugin console with FireFox and Chromium in Ubuntu?

I've never had any trouble launching the SEP console from my machine but have come in and tried to launch today and am getting Java currently blocking it. Currently running Java 7 Update 45. SEPM is on 12.1 RU3. Anyone any ideas?

If I go into control panal and Java > Advanced > scoll down to Perform certificate revocation checks on... at the moment I have it set to All certificates in the chain of trust (even though symantec is in trusted certificates) if I change this to Do not check (not recommended) launch the concole log in and turn java back to recommended settings it works. But I have to do this everytime I want to log into the console session.

I have tried deleting the installed applications and applets as well as temporary files from inside the Java console but that doesn't resolve the problem. We also tried launching the KVM console from the KVM Manager and that works fine. Everything works fine when running Java 1.7_17.

If the console takes a long time to load, or fails to load after a long period loading, and the server does not have internet access or the CRL and OCSP protocols are blocked, see Protection Engine console is not accessible and displays only a blank white page

To output logs from your function code, you can use methods on java.lang.System, or any logging module that writes to stdout or stderr. The aws-lambda-java-core library provides a logger class named LambdaLogger that you can access from the context object. The logger class supports multiline logs.

For cases where a customer function includes an impacted Log4j2 version, we have applied a change to the Lambda Java managed runtimes and base container images that helps to mitigate the issues in CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, and CVE-2021-45105. As a result of this change, customers using Log4J2 may see an additional log entry, similar to "Transforming org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup (java.net.URLClassLoader@...)". Any log strings that reference the jndi mapper in the Log4J2 output will be replaced with "Patched JndiLookup::lookup()".

Independent of this change, we strongly encourage all customers whose functions include Log4j2 to update to the latest version. Specifically, customers using the aws-lambda-java-log4j2 library in their functions should update to version 1.5.0 (or later), and redeploy their functions. This version updates the underlying Log4j2 utility dependencies to version 2.17.0 (or later). The updated aws-lambda-java-log4j2 binary is available at the Maven repository and its source code is available in Github.

Lastly, take note that any libraries related to aws-lambda-java-log4j (v1.0.0 or 1.0.1) should not be used under any circumstance. These libraries are related to version 1.x of log4j which went end of life in 2015. The libraries are not supported, not maintained, not patched, and have known security vulnerabilities.

In this example, in text mode, each line is prepended with the date, time, request ID, log level, and class name. In JSON mode, the is used with a configuration that ships together with the aws-lambda-java-log4j2 library.

If your code can be tested from the embedded Code editor, you will find logs in the execution results. When you use the console test feature to invoke a function, you'll find Log output in the Details section.

The java-basic sample application shows a minimal logging configuration that supports logging tests. The handler code uses the LambdaLogger logger provided by the context object. For tests, the application uses a custom TestLogger class that implements the LambdaLogger interface with a Log4j2 logger. It uses SLF4J as a facade for compatibility with the AWS SDK. Logging libraries are excluded from build output to keep the deployment package small.

X ammount of tests are loaded and I have Y ammount of threads to run them. As I run the tests I want to display on console the status of each test so I print lines like so: first the test name followed by its status, in case that its running its completion percentage and the remaining time to run.

And it worked! So now I tryed with 2 tests. I modifyed the range of the int stream to a closed range from 0 to 1 to get 2 tests and modifyed the code of the run method on the console displayer to this

JConsole doesn't contain native code. It's a pure java tool.OpenJDK comes with a JConsole NetBeans Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) project that will help contributorsinterested in making changes to and/or fixing bugs in the jconsoletool to modify, build, run and test jconsole in a standalone manneras well as generating the javadoc for the JConsole plug-in API.This NetBeans project will let you work on JConsole without havingto build the whole OpenJDK sources from scratch.

It is also possible to build and test JConsole with Ant, usingthe build.xml file provided in thej2se/make/netbeans/jconsole/ directory. However, you willneed to download and install Apache Ant version 1.6.5 or above, aswell as the latest OpenJDK (or JDK 7) binary bits and thejtreg test harness (see above).

I have made a NW04s installation system test (linux+oracle). I then installed as java add-in EP and BI (AS JAVA, EP CORE, EP, BI JAVA). It was NW04s SR2 with SPC13 and kernel not changed: 700 patch 111. 17dc91bb1f

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