I should also add that there is one widely accepted best practice for package names. And that is that your package names should start with your organization's domain name in reverse order. If you follow this rule, you reduce the likelihood of problems caused by your (full) class names clashing with other peoples'.

I appreciate everyones feedback so far. However, I was not really asking about the above loops (although by your advice I did go back to the first loop). I am trying to get some best practices that I can keep an eye out for. Something on the lines of "when you are done using a Collection, clear it out". I just really need to make sure not as much memory is being taken up by these applications.

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Don't try to outsmart the VM. The first loop is the suggested best practice, both for performance and maintainability. Setting the reference back to null after the loop will not guarantee immediate memory release. The GC will do its job best when you use the minimum scope possible.

General best practices? Umm, let's see: don't store large amounts of data in static variables unless you have a good reason. Remove large objects from collections when you're done with them. And oh yes, "Measure, don't guess." Use a profiler to see where the memory is being allocated.

The JVM is best at freeing short-lived objects. Try not to allocate objects you don't need. But you can't optimize the memory usage until you understand your workload, the object lifetime, and the object sizes. A profiler can tell you this.

Finally, the #1 thing you must avoid doing: never use Finalizers. Finalizers interfere with garbage collection, since the object can't be just freed but must be queued for finalization, which may or may not occur. It's best to never use finalizers.

"Am I incorrect to say that the bottom loop is better?", the answer is NO, not only is better, in same case is necessary... The variable definition (not the content), is made in Memory heap, and is limited, in the first example, each loop create an instance in this memory, and if the size of "arrayOfStuff" is big, can occur "Out of memory error:java heap space"....

I use IntelliJ for java dev (and angular) for my work. Which OS do you prefer e.g. Windows with wsl2, windows , macOS , linux native,.... I have a Mac air M1 but with 8 gb ram, (could afford more ram) but I also have a Lenovo legion (two years now) with 16 ram on one slot (so I can add 16 to go to 32). Although Mac air M1 is faster (a lot), ram is super crucial so my Lenovo 9th gen intel, wins when things become heavy. (I was .net c# dev).

So, I'm looking for a good productive setup for IntelliJ java spring angular etc dev. eg Thinkpad with 32ram . But I loose the battery life of M1 which I like. (too bad there is no more external battery laptops, maybe power banks is a solution). What would you buy today at normal budget lets say ~1200-1400$ for that work?

While you can write your Java programs in a simple text editor, a Java IDE with helpful tools will drastically increase your efficiency. An IDE will include a source code editor, build automation tools, and a debugger to make Java programming easier. But with so many options on the market, it can be hard to determine which IDE is best for you.

The market has several Java IDE options. However, the best Java IDEs are highly integrated and provide developers with all the tools they need in one consolidated environment. This integration can streamline the development process, making writing, debugging, and compiling Java code easier.

When it comes to Java development, the best Java IDE can be an amazing tool to boost productivity by combining core development tasks like editing code, building executables, and debugging in a single application.

-Servers: This is more relating to the time/era of MC, but I'm going to say either the mid-late Betas, 1.2, or 1.7 for the best overall. The times in between were pretty sick, too. Such a shame that community is gone.

This is pretty self-explanatory: I have played the same version of Minecraft for four years

This goes far beyond simply considering a version to be the best - I have literally not played any version since 1.6.4 aside from a quick look or playing around for a bit, never in normal Survival. Even my mod TMCW, which adds some features present in newer versions, does not count since many of them are altered in some way and I see it as its own version (I often use this as a reason not to be annoyed by mods not updating - if a mod makes as many changes as TMCW, which has world generation which is as different from vanilla as 1.7+, then why is the version so important?)

Also, I found this post I made over three years ago, which was pretty accurate (I had not updated to 1.6.4 yet, which is no different from 1.6.2 unless you want to update to later versions due to the structure-saving fix):

As for myself, I haven't even used 1.7 yet for my main worlds; I do use some mods (but nothing game-changing), but in terms of how I play the game there is nothing new (if anything, they made the game worse by removing giant cave systems, though it is easy to mod them back in). I've even added a few 1.7 features into my game, such as natural spawning of witches, and at this point 1.6.2 (didn't even bother with 1.6.4) will probably be the last version of the game I ever actually play on...

(posted on February 24, 2014)


And yes, how I play the game has not changed much either:

Exploring the endless caves; on my first main world (vanilla generation), I explored an area measuring about 4x2 km - entirely by moving from one cave system to the next underground without ever going to the surface except to return home to get more supplies/unload what I mined out.

As if that wasn't enough, I experimented with modding the cave generator, first using the Fewer Ravines/Less Caves mod (which can be set to make more of them), then doing it by myself (changing the density of caves is as simple as changing a single number in one line, but I went far beyond to where I have 3 cave generators working together, I also modified ravine generation so they can be from smaller than vanilla to 200 block long monstrosities that loop around on themselves multiple times).

According to the stats, I have used over 180,000 torches (including around 100,000 before I reset them for the current world, which is the same seed but modified underground, using MCEdit to move my stuff), so yeah, you get the idea.

(posted on October 7, 2013; this was my second post)


The most significant change since then is trading with villagers, which I started doing a couple years ago to get all the diamond gear I need for repairs (this is no longer possible since 1.8, either buying any type of diamond gear or repairing them indefinitely, and while 1.9 added Mending, which only requires collecting XP, I prefer the old way; I even made my own version of Mending which replaces renaming).

Below is a list of the seven best Java IDEs that are on the market today. As of this writing, these Java IDEs are currently active and readily available, regularly updated, and have a strong developer community and support system. Read more about each Java editor to learn about their unique features and capabilities.

The smart Java code editor has a deep understanding of the Java programming language, which it uses to provide relevant suggestions to different coding situations, periodically search for possible errors, provide improvement suggestions, and educate developers on best coding practices.

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Another open-source Java IDE and one of the best IDEs used for Java EE, MyEclipse, is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac. The MyEclipse IDE is compatible with the Eclipse Marketplace, which means developers can search and download plugins from the Eclipse Marketplace and integrate them into the MyEclipse IDE.

You should, therefore, make sure to discuss the Java exception handling best practices and rules you want to apply with your coworkers so that everyone understands the general concepts and uses them in the same way.

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Java IDEs are the IDEs that are developed for making the process of building any java application much faster and easier. It provides you with various functionalities, one of them is smart code completion. It may seem like a small advantage but these kinds of features really speed up the process of writing java programs. Other than shortcuts, IDE provides a fancy source code editor, text highlighting feature, various build automation tools, a debugger (Tool that is used to see the stepwise flow of the source code), some code snippets and so much more.

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