I've invested a fair amount of time creating a code style profile in Eclipse which matches our persnickety code standard. Is there a way to apply this style en masse to many files at once, so I don't have to manually load/format/save each in turn?

Now I right click my project again and choose Remote -> Push and choose the default option called Configured remote repository which says origin: < my-github-account>/eclipseTest.git which tells me that it links to my repository named eclipseTest (which I made on website).

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Background: Having installed a plugin into Eclipse which promptly crashed, my Eclipse workspace is in a bit of a state. When started, the building workspace task pauses indefinitely at 20%. Before I uninstall the plugin I want to give it another chance. I have a feeling that the reason Eclipse is pausing is because of a file which was opened when it crashed, which it tries to reopen on startup. If I can stop this file from opening on startup there's a chance I may be able to coax the plugin to behave. The problem is I have no idea where that list of files is persisted between runs of Eclipse.

I'm just getting started with eclipse and android development. One thing which is driving me crazy in eclipse is the problems panel with error/warning messages. It displays errors and warning from every project that I have added to eclipse. I only want to see feedback from the project (or ideally individual file) that I am currently working on).

For example, I have two android projects added to my eclipse workspace: HelloAndroid (a sample app) and SMSTest (an SMS2Toast example). Even with no files open, I see warning messages from both projects! Why is this!?! I shouldn't see any output unless I actually have a file open...or is this just the way eclipse works? Should I be using a different workspace for each project?

If you're talking about working on a page in general and the errors are combersome and annoying then try double-clicking on the tab for the file you're coding (above the code window) and it should become "fullscreen" hiding the other portions of eclipse.

As far as I know, this is the way eclipse works. It makes sense in that if you make a change in one file, and it causes a compilation error in another file that you don't have open you would still want to know about it.

To generate these .class files manually, which are lost after cleaning the project, uncheck build automically which is under Project and then right click on your project and select build project which will regenerate your lost .class files

Not again! Every now and then when I close eclipse, it deletes the explorer list on far left of the screen. I try to import, since that's what I found on search of how to regain the list, but it tend to end up with missing something and it doesn't work as an android application, which I'm working on.

The problem here is, I guess, that directories for those files are not properly placed. I'm using C: directory. Just C:. Because I think I saw some comments saying you should not put them under sub-directory like user directory. I didn't understand what sub-directory means, so I was like "what is NOT-sub?, and I chose to put them directly in C:.

If you uninstall and reinstall again it will ask you as soon as you boot up eclipse. I've done this many times because my android sdk was not loading properly and i had to change things. So go for it! Please reply with your progress so we know everything is going good!:)

Okay I try recalling what I did.I use Desktop to put downloads primarily for the sake of simplicity, unzip the file that is, in this case, android_dev_environment_windows_64bit.zip with "eclipse" file, "Java" file, "sdk" file, etc included inside, which is available on the very first page of android developing course. Then I put this file to C: directory. When I create a project, It is located in C: as well because I don't know where I should.

and remember there isnt really a way to actually uninstall eclipse. Instead just delete the folder that holds eclipse. Then redownload...here is the latest eclipse version called kepler. click on the link and downloads for your os is on the right -standard-432/keplersr2

I found this uncomfortable, because eclipse/Java/sdk seem like "parents" files and CrystalBall/.metadata/appcompat_v7 seem like "their children" so I felt strange if they all live in the same place. So I create "Workspace" file next to eclipse and put those three "children" into it. Then there you are, eclipse didn't display the project, BUT I found an interesting button which I never used before: "switch workplace" in file tab, and when I press it and assign workspace to new created workspace folder, eclipse automatically restarted itself and ta-da! It worked!

AFAIK, there is no specific view that does that, but, you can use an external tool for that matter. If you are on a Unix box (Linux/OS X), the following command will look for files under the current directory which were modified in the last 24 hours:

I recommend using mylyn. It it already integrated in your eclipse. just start a new task before starting the changes any it will "record" all changes made and display them in the package explorer view.

Two days ago, I deleted five Java files in Eclipse IDE and now I need them. I tried to restore them from the local history. I restored only two of them. When I right click on the other files and then click restore from local history, I get the error message No additional members found in local history. How can I restore those three files?

When you see the "No additional members found in local history" messagewhile trying to retrieve the files after right-clicking a parent folder or package,try right-clicking the next immediate parent folder or package in the project (or the project itself as mentioned above).When I right-clicked the next immediate parent folder;I was able to restore deleted files in a similar situation.

In eclipse 2019-06 version, Project Explorer shows "View Menu" option (down arrow) at the right side. Click on it and then click on "Filter and Customization", then uncheck ".*resources" option in the "Pre-set filters" tab.

But in some cases things are a bit murky. For instance, the .classpath file can be the primary source of the Eclipse build path; e.g. if you have JAR files in your project tree rather than using Maven. (With Maven, the m2eclipse plugin generates the .classpath file from the dependency information in the POM file, and hence the file should not be checked in.)

When people get used to their IDEs they learn shorcuts, they know where to look for some functions (refactor/generate getter setter/implement override required methods....) so if you force them to use some other IDE it will just make things harder for them and slower for the overall process. IMHO and from my experience having a flexible codebase is always good. I am an eclipse guy and probably would not want to work with any other IDE as I know lots of shorcuts which makes thing real quicker/easier for me and those shorcuts are different on different IDEs.

And my current project has 3 developers, each using different IDEs eclipse(me), NetBeans, IDEA without any problems. I dont want to see IDEA or NetBeans config files which makes no sense for eclipse when I check out the source from repo. Likewise for them as well.

Yes, though do make sure that paths are relative in the workspace rather than absolute paths. Having these files in the workspace allows members of your team to work in the same environment as you are. It also makes setting up a new development environment much easier: you just check it out of source control and in Eclipse use 'Import... > Existing Projects into Workspace'

As @adamdunne mentioned, these files can contain environment specific paths. However it if you are careful to make sure paths are relative within your workspace, by using variables and by not importing external jars, i.e., by only including jars from projects in the workspace, then you should be okay. In my workspace we check in those files and have had a lot less issues setting up dev. environments since.

These files can be very useful to share configurations between developers. The alternative is to either use Maven (which is a huge task for an established project) or to have constantly-outdated step-by-step instructions and new developers taking half a day until they can even build the project.

However, you should take care to ensure that these configurations are portable, i.e. contain no local paths. This can be done via the use of relative paths within the workspace, eclipse path variables and user libraries.

These files can contain environment specific paths so I would suggest not checking them in. On my current project we use ant scripts to create the project and do the initial checkout of all our code.

I have no idea why, but from today Eclipse doesn't compile .java files into .class. I press the "Run" button and Eclipse only tries to run the program rather then compiles it first, so i get this error all the time:

This problem happens when "for some reasons" your project is corrupted and has a red icon near the project's name in Eclipse. The solution is to save the project's folder, delete the project in Eclipse, than create the project again in Eclipse coping all the previous files saved.

When I have had this exact same problem, its cause has always been the same and the solution has worked 100% of the time for me. It's caused by a missing jar file in the project's Java build path and it's indicated by a red exclamation point decoration on the project icon. To fix the problem, go to Project|Properties|Java Build Path, click on the Libraries tab and either remove or fix the path for all missing jar files. If your project is configured to rebuild automatically, it should start a build as soon as you apply your changes. 17dc91bb1f

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