An "EDGE" ISO image is also available for the Cinnamon edition. This image ships with a newer kernel to be able to support the latest hardware chipsets. If you cannot boot the regular editions, we recommend you try the "EDGE" ISO instead.

The integrity check confirms that your ISO image was properly downloaded and that your local file is an exact copy of the file present on the download servers. An error during the download could result in a corrupted file and trigger random issues during the installation.

Download Iso Image Linux Mint


I have been working on an restore image of Linux Mint with OctoPrint preconfigured. In this version I did not configure the OctoPrint Servers, but I am planning to make another image where the OctoPrint Servers are already configured and also have it preconfigured with

UI Customizer is already installed and configured for a tablet use, Microsoft Surface Pro 3 and above.

Typically when we've seen images created like this using a cloning/disk imaging application the instance will contain credentials and such from the first run wizard as well as logins, etc. This is not the case with the octopi image, and curious if you are accounting for all of that as well?

I developed it on one machine, then imaged in on another and it work fine, you just need to update it as I explained. Different machine, different drivers and such. Connect to WiFi and" sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade", then reboot. It should work.

I have been using Clonezilla and Acronis True Image for years, and before that Symantec Ghost (From the way back machine). I know in the past Windows really did not like being imaged on one machine and then restored on another. Microsoft has seemed to resolve this issue in windows 10 and 11. As for Linux, this is only my second time imaging and restoring. I once developed a multi-operating system image for a MakerSpace that had Windows 10, and a few different flavors of Linux. It worked great.

I developed it for use on Microsoft Surface Pro Tablets. That was what I wanted and I already made an image of Windows 10 and 11 that I tested and use. I tried a few Linux flavors and Linux Mint is just the best developed disto for this job in my opinion. I like the way the Linux Mint version came out so I shared it. I am still working on the Windows 10 and 11 trying to get them into a smaller image, disable windows update as it can cause issue, and is not really necessary for this type use.

This is my Google Drive OctoPrint Folder with all of the images I have made. In the Windows 10 and 11 folders I have provide screenshots. For the Windows 10 and Windows 11 images, the user is a local account without a password assigned. OctoPrint is already configured with UI Customizer and my one of my JG Maker Printers, the user login is User="pi", Password="popnot123" With the Windows versions I installed build tools and python for all users. The OctoPrint Folder is in the root of C:, so if someone decided they wanted to login with their Microsoft account, or create a different account, all of the shortcuts will still work.

As @PrintedWeezl noted, global API key, UUIDs, tracking IDs, secret key used for hashing passwords and cookies being shared is a HUGE issue and an image including any of these is to be considered tainted and not recommended to be used. Add to that anything like server SSH keys and self signed SSL certificates that are usually generated on first boot by the OS and you've just opened up anyone using this image to a man-in-the-middle attack.

I wrote CustoPiZer specifically to allow people to adjust existing images like OctoPi further to their liking without an initial boot up that generates all kind of fragments that are supposed to be unique but no longer are if you just pack up a once booted image again.

@PrintedWeezl , @foosel With some help from Makerspace friends, is there a reality where you want an image like this to exist? If so, what exactly do I need to scrub to make it expectable. I want to help, just let me know how?

To be clear about its creation:

1.) I downloaded the latest live install USB here: Download Linux Mint 20.3 - Linux Mint

2.) I installed it using the user name "octopad", and password "octopad"

3.) I set it to autologin.

4.) I installed python.

5.) I installed OctoPrint.

6.) I configured the Startup Applications to launch the servers.

7.) I configured the Firefox browser with the shortcuts.

8.) I scaled up the screen dpi.

9.) I imaged it.

10.) Created the USB, then made an image.

11.) Then I trimmed the empty space to make the image smaller.

That wasn't my concernĀ 

We just wanted to warn you that Octoprint and some applications and tools generate secure keys on first start.

If you don't remove them from your image, everyone knows them and they aren't secure anymore.

(depending on which key it was you also have to add something to the image that generates new keys at first boot)

With some help from Makerspace friends, is there a reality where you want an image like this to exist? If so, what exactly do I need to scrub to make it expectable. I want to help, just let me know how?

so I was monkeying around with a clean install and investigated your config.yaml and nuking of the ~/.octoprint folder before rebooting to image the install. I can see I delete the directly and when I first launch an octoprint server I can see the ~.octoprint directory being created.

1.) What I do is images the live USB restore image of Clonezilla or true image.

2.) Then I boot up on a Linux Mint USB and use gParted to shrink the bootable live partition down to its smallest passible size.

3.) Then I partition the free space to give me a drive for the restore image.

4.) I reboot and boot from the live true image or clonezilla and make an image of the disk onto the free-space I partitioned and formatted. So only one USB is need by the end user.

5.) boot into Linux mint and use gParted to shrink the Clonezilla or true image partition leaving the unused space unallocated.

6.) Then I open up Disk and make an image of the usb, so a 32gb falshdrive produces a 32gb image file regardless if 22gb are just unused drive space.

7.) I open terminal and do some command magic and shrink the image down to the size of the actual partitions removing the unallocated space.

8.) This way you can take a 32gb image that only needs to be 10GB, and trim it down to an image that is only 10GB so it can be imaged to a 16GB drive if desired.

In this security lesson I also discovered I did not do the USB trick on the imaged hard disk. Now I should be able to get my images smaller, and if my image is only 4gb, then they can remote it to anything.

My interpretation is that is quite a lot of work for something that doesn't need to be. If you see my link for Cubic above, you can modify the live image with everything you need, then allow the user to install the distro as they normally would. This takes care of all the security issues and image size, while allowing you to setup your custom user, service(s), etc.

As I understand, Cinnamon repository uses Meson as a build system. I'm using WSL to build it from sources, in the hope that I will get a bootable disc image (like an ISO). I had to manually install some requirements as needed when running meson build at the root of the repository. The Cinnamon repository doesn't have any guide on how to build the repository.

Because, im not sure what im doing , also try with this:

Ā GitHub CellProfiler/CellProfiler-AnalystCellProfiler-Analyst - Open-source software for exploring and analyzing large, high-dimensional image-derived data.

the methods mentioned don't quite do what I want. This grub is customized for linux mint it seems, (or something like that). It uses a graphical menu, this line in /boot/grub/menu.lst is responsible for that.

For a college project I have to install Linux Mint Cinnamon onto a virtual machine using VMWare Workstation. I have downloaded Linux Mint "Vera" as an iso image, and downloaded VMWare Workstation pro. According to the instructions I have access to, I should select the ISO image when I set up the VM and I have done so. But when I launch I get a black screen, or a boot menu asking me to press "F2, Escape or F12". Nothing happens when I do this, and I have no options to either set up a Username and Password on the VM, nor to actually install the OS.Ā 

Can somebody help me with this urgently please? My deadline is soon.

Thank you very much for your rapid response. What, practically, should I do to install it then? Do I need to re-download the ISO image? Also, as I am installing the VM to a USB drive, do I need to move the ISO on to the drive?


It doesn't matter where the ISO image is located... I just now downloaded the latest 21.2 Cinnamon Mint ISO image, created a new VM, attached the ISO to the VM's CD drive, powered it on, and it loaded the GRUB menu. See screenshot attached.

Before powering on the VM, Edit its settings. Select the CD-ROM drive. Select the radio button to Use ISO image. Browse for the Mint image file (mine was "linuxmint-21.2-cinnamon-64bit.iso"). Then make sure the checkbox at the top is selected for "Connect at power on".

I'm trying to set a new wallpaper image in Linux Mint 19 and the image is given a strong green hue rather than appearing as it actually is. See attached image, very self-explanatory. I'm looking for a solution to stop my wallpaper from automatically getting this green tint.

As far as I see, there are three scripts available to make LUTs that translate from source to target images (when fed with image pairs). If I overlooked other options, you're more than welcome to let me know.

Already the LUT from this single image pair has 49.4 kB in size which is more than 7 times the size of the LUT I got from the LUT Maker with nearly 400 image pairs. As I said, I am not sure yet what the file size of a LUT really means. Is the color accuracy really better with a larger LUT? We will see. e24fc04721

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