Section 2. Pronunciation Alphabets describes the legal values of the alphabet attribute for specifying a pronunciation alphabet. The Working Group is requesting the creation of a Pronunciation Alphabet registry with IANA so that pronunciation alphabets other than "ipa" can be also used. The location of the registry will be provided at when the registry becomes available. A future version of the PLS specification may permit values from this registry to be used in the alphabet attribute.

The accurate specification of pronunciation is critical to the success of speech applications. Most Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-To-Speech (TTS) engines internally provide extensive high quality lexicons with pronunciation information for many words or phrases. To ensure a maximum coverage of the words or phrases used by an application, application-specific pronunciations may be required. For example, these may be needed for proper nouns such as surnames or business names.

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The Pronunciation Lexicon Specification (PLS) is designed to enable interoperable specification of pronunciation information for both ASR and TTS engines. The language is intended to be easy to use by developers while supporting the accurate specification of pronunciation information for international use.

The language allows one or more pronunciations for a word or phrase to be specified using a standard pronunciation alphabet or if necessary using vendor specific alphabets. Pronunciations are grouped together into a PLS document which may be referenced from other markup languages, such as the Speech Recognition Grammar Specification [SRGS] and the Speech Synthesis Markup Language [SSML].

In its most general sense, a lexicon is merely a list of words or phrases, possibly containing information associated with and related to the items in the list. This document uses the term "lexicon" in only one specific way, as "pronunciation lexicon". In this particular document, "lexicon" means a mapping between words (or short phrases), their written representations, and their pronunciations suitable for use by an ASR engine or a TTS engine. Pronunciation lexicons are not only useful for voice browsers; they have also proven effective mechanisms to support accessibility for persons with disabilities as well as greater usability for all users. They are used to good effect in screen readers and user agents supporting multimodal interfaces.

The PLS engine will load the external PLS document and transparently apply the pronunciations during the processing of the SSML document. An application may contain several distinct PLS documents to be used at different points within the application. Section 3.1.4 of [SSML] describes how to use more than one lexicon document referenced in a SSML document.

Given that many platform/browser/text editor combinations do not correctly cut and paste Unicode text, IPA symbols may be entered as numeric character references (see Section 4.1 on Character and Entity References of either XML 1.0 [XML10] or XML 1.1 [XML11]) in the pronunciation. However, the UTF-8 representation of an IPA symbol should always be used in preference to its numeric character reference. In order to overcome potential problems with viewing the UTF-8 representation of IPA symbols in this document, pronunciation examples are also shown in a comment using numeric character references.

If a pronunciation lexicon is referenced by a SRGS grammar it can allow multiple pronunciations of the word in the grammar to accommodate different speaking styles. Here is the same grammar with a reference to an external PLS document.

The current specification is focused on the major features described in the requirements document [REQS]. The most complex features have been postponed to a future revision of this specification. Some of the complex features not included, for instance, are the introduction of morphological, syntactic and semantic information associated with pronunciations (such as word stems, inter-word semantic links, pronunciation statistics, etc.). Many of these features can be specified using RDF [RDF-XMLSYNTAX] that reference lexemes within one or more pronunciation lexicons.

A phonemic/phonetic alphabet is used to specify a pronunciation. An alphabet in this context refers to a collection of symbols to represent the sounds of one or more human languages. In the PLS specification the pronunciation alphabet is specified by the alphabet attribute (see Section 4.1 and Section 4.6 for details on the use of this attribute). The only valid values for the alphabet attribute are "ipa" (see the next paragraph) and vendor-defined strings of the form "x-organization" or "x-organization-alphabet". For example, the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association [JEITA] might wish to encourage the use of an alphabet such as "x-jeita" or "x-jeita-2000" for their phoneme alphabet [JEIDAALPHABET]. Another example might be "x-sampa" [X-SAMPA], an extension of the SAMPA phonetic alphabet [SAMPA] to cover the entire range of characters in the International Phonetic Alphabet [IPA].

A compliant PLS processor MUST support "ipa" as the value of the alphabet attribute. This means that the PLS processor MUST support the Unicode representations of the phonetic characters developed by the International Phonetic Association [IPA]. In addition to an exhaustive set of vowel and consonant symbols, this character set supports a syllable delimiter, numerous diacritics, stress symbols, lexical tone symbols, intonational markers and more. For this alphabet, legal phonetic/phonemic values are strings of the values specified in Appendix 2 of [IPAHNDBK]; note that an IPA transcription may contain white space characters to assist readability, which have no implications for the pronunciation. Informative tables of the IPA-to-Unicode mappings can be found at [IPAUNICODE1] and [IPAUNICODE2]. Note that not all of the IPA characters are available in Unicode. For processors supporting this alphabet,

The element MUST specify an alphabet attribute which indicates the default pronunciation alphabet to be used within the PLS document. The values of the alphabet attribute are described in Section 2. The default pronunciation alphabet MAY be overridden for a given lexeme using the element.

The REQUIRED xml:lang attribute allows identification of the language for which the pronunciation lexicon is relevant. IETF Best Current Practice 47 [BCP47] is the normative reference on the values of the xml:lang attribute.

Note that xml:lang specifies a single unique language for the entire PLS document. This does not limit the ability to create multilingual SRGS [SRGS] and SSML [SSML] documents. These documents may reference multiple pronunciation lexicons, possibly written for different languages.

The element contains one or more elements, one or more pronunciations (either by or elements or a combination of both), and zero or more elements. The children of the element MAY appear in any order, but note that the order will have an impact on the treatment of multiple pronunciations (see Section 4.9).

The role attribute describes additional information to help the selection of the most relevant pronunciation for a given orthography. The main use is to differentiate words that have the same spelling but are pronounced in different ways (cf. homographs and see also Section 5.5). A QName in the attribute content of the role attribute is expanded into an expanded-name using the namespace declarations in scope for the containing element. Thus, each QName provides a reference to a specific item in the designated namespace. In the second example below, the QName "claws:VVI" within the role attribute expands to the "VVI" item in the " " namespace. This mechanism allows for referencing defined taxonomies of word classes, with the expectation that they are documented at the specified namespace URI.

A pronunciation lexicon for the Italian language with two lexemes. One of them is for the loan word "file" which is often used in technical discussions to have the same meaning and pronunciation as in English. This is distinct from the homograph noun "file" which is the plural form of "fila" meaning "queue". Note that this user-specified pronunciation for "file" takes precedence over any system-defined pronunciation.

Note that the role attribute is based on qualified values (in this example from the UCREL CLAWS7 tagset of part-of-speech) to distinguish the verb infinitive, present tense and singular noun from the verb past tense and past participle pronunciation of the word "read".

The following is an example document which references the above lexicon and includes an extension element to show how the role attribute may be used to select the relevant pronunciation of the word "read" in the dialog.

The SRGS 1.0 [SRGS] and SSML 1.0 [SSML] specifications do not currently support a selection mechanism based on the role attribute. Future versions of these specifications are expected to allow the selection of relevant pronunciations on the basis of the role attribute.

In order to remove the need for duplication of pronunciation information to cope with the above variations, the element MAY contain more than one element to define the base orthography and any variants. Note that all the pronunciations given within the apply to each and every within the .

A element MAY have an alphabet attribute, which indicates the pronunciation alphabet that is used for this element only. See Section 4.1 for the default pronunciation alphabet. The legal values for the alphabet attribute are described in Section 2.

The prefer is an OPTIONAL attribute, which indicates the pronunciation that MUST be used by a speech synthesis engine when it is set to "true". See Section 4.9 for required behavior when multiple pronunciations have prefer set to "true". The possible values are: "true" or "false". The default value is "false".

A element MAY contain one or more elements which are used to indicate the pronunciation of an acronym or an abbreviated term, in terms of other orthographies, or other substitutions as necessary; see examples below and in Section 4.9.3. e24fc04721

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