I am trying to load XDebug & ionCube loader simultaneously, when I type zend_extension_ts="path/to/ioncube_loader_win_5.2.dll" or zend_extension_ts="path/to/php_xdebug.dll" alone in php.ini they work. But I cant get them working simultaneously. Is there any way I can load them both ?

Xdebug is not compatible with ioncube: You can not have them both installed in the same server environment, so you'll have to set-up two server instances (or use lighttpd/nginx with two fast-cgi configurations) as I have described here: -php-versions.html

Download Ioncube

Download 🔥 https://geags.com/2y3ynQ 🔥

To Install ionCube, I have downloaded the zip file for my OS from herethen I ran the localhost/ioncube/loader-wizard.php, it will tell you step by step what to do, for me because I have windows and wamp server I had to insert the ioncube folder in

Site error: the ionCube PHP Loader needs to be installed. This is a widely used PHP extension for running ionCube protected PHP code, website security and malware blocking. Please visit get-loader.ioncube.com for install assistance.

i think i have installed ioncube in === > root

is the same step i have to do in = public_html ??? my domain

what we have to install ioncube in every domain that need ioncube system, or just enough in root of my VPS ?

The closest thing I have found to my issue is this. The difference is I don't know what my website is running on and when I go to cpanel>file manager>/etc/ there is no /php5/ folder. However, similarly to that case, my website seems to have ioncube perfectly installed as the entire script requires ioncube to run and it runs perfectly and I am getting the same error as the one in that case. also, the php.ini file is in the same folder as both of the crons and in that same folder there is a phpinfo.php file that, when I open it, says I do have ioncube installed.

EDIT:I took the time to read through the possible duplicate, however none of those situations seem to be the same as mine. As the problem is not that my command doesn't seem to be running or running properly but it seems to not recognize that ioncube is indeed installed. Thanks Iain for the information though as now I know a bit more about cron.

Hi @clay

Please help us on this thread about the ioncube loader issue on how to install exactly in local flywheel.

Ive tried by best with no success. A step by step would be appreciated.

I appreciate your time. Thanks

I have just moved my Dev environment to a Mac Mini M1, using MAMP Pro.

Although my environment is mirrored to my Old iMac I get the error message

" Site error: the ionCube PHP Loader needs to be installed. This is a widely used PHP extension for running ionCube protected PHP code, website security and malware blocking. Please visit get-loader.ioncube.com for install assistance."

Good morning @rperrett

I have had to install the self contained version for Mac, this has the ioncube loader pre-installed.

On the old machine I did an export of the applications and imported them into the new installation. It is a bit fiddly as you will need to re configure the db connection to the new settings before running them as it will fail.

However I am up and working on the M1 MAC.

Or here is my Short Version:Copy the ionCube folder to your public_html folderCopy: ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so to: /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs (you may need to use 'gksu nautilus' command to do this)Copy: 20ioncube.ini to: /etc/php5/cgi/conf.dAdd the following line to: Virtualmin -> Services -> PHP 5 Configuration, right below [PHP]: zend_extension = /home/blablabla/public_html/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so

No biggi. I was just curios of what that plugging was for. I managed to install ioncube with the instruction I typed above, actually, I use what I called there "the short version". And all my websites that require ioncube work fine. Thank Eric,

in the other hand my script offer the ability of adding content to it such as addons then my question is if i want to give those addons as a free bonus on my end and " NOT ASK CUSTOMER TO PAY FOR THEM " i should be able to require

them to use ioncube to run those addons since they are not part of the system that is actually sold on code canyon.

In fact those addons are only extra content that buyers can download or not as their discretion.

The point on this is that user can still enjoy full script functionality without limitation but to use my free addons that are provided on my own they have to use ioncube to run those addons part.

Im actually ready to lose customer that are not ready to help me to protect my work that is for sure. But at the end even addons are editable the only part im thinking of use ioncube on are the settings saving part of those addons that 99.999999999% of customer never toutch anyway for the other part everything should be accessible and editable.

By default, the PHP extension ioncube is disabled in our PHP setup. If your website needs the extension for any of its functionalities you can activate it from your Site Tools -> Dev -> PHP Manager -> PHP Extensions tab -> pencil icon next to the ioncube entry.

When the project is encoded using ioncube works incorrectly binding parameters to the action ($ var1 = 22, $ var2 = null) - if you call a controller action with no parameters, then an error is "invalid request".

to use ioncube for the different versions, you need to download the ioncube files, and extract or transfer them (using php7 as example and please change your directories to those your server uses, but take note if 32 or 64 bit, if 32 bit it is lib, lib64 for 64 bit)

Also, I tried nightwalker yum install method, but it did not show as been installed for ioncube. I may not have fully understood but yum install php70 installed fine, switched to php7, info.php showed php working (no ioncube), then yum install php70-php-ioncube-loader installed, restarted apache but info.php still showed no ioncube.

All our CRM products and the codes are ioncube protected, so the ioncube loader has to be installed in your PHP server before installing our CRM module. The blank page error can be resolved with the ioncube loader installation.

It is possible to install ioncube for PHP 5.6.

But for PHP 7.0 versions ioncube loader could not be loaded.

I think this is necessary for most scripts and software.

Whmcs, for example, sees PHP 7.0 as the front.

But it is not possible to use whmcs with PHP 7.0.

First, you will need to download and extract the IonCube Loader PHP modules.wget _downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gztar xvfz ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gzThen, you will have to copy the appropriate module to the PHP modules folder. To find that folder's path, run the following command

I went through that process, getting true, out of php-check function, also www/ioncube/ setup-helper website says, that everything should work fine, but running my softaculous install.shell script, it keeps telling my, it cannot continue, because ioncubeloader is not installed. Any idea, why it is not recognized?

2. Install/unzip the ioncube loader to \xampp\php (or whatever xampp directory/folder name you have created). You should end up with this folder \xampp\php\ioncube\ after installing the exe or if you want you can just unzip the files and then manually create this folder and copy all the files into this folder.

Important Note: This zend_extension directive above MUST come before any other zend_extension directives in your php.ini file. At the time this tutorial was created (3-20-2013) the correct ioncube_loader extension for XAMPP is the one shown below. XAMPP is using PHP5.4.x in the version that is currently installed on my system. The ionCube Loader version should match your PHP Server version. 5.4 => 5.4

Great to know ! I am considering an app / plugin that seems to have this, ioncube, as a building requirement. Hence if my VPS already has this it will permit me to utilize this plugin. Crossing fingers as it will help- my team be more efficient ?

The ionCube malware files differ from legitimate ionCube formatted files in a number of ways, including lacking an internal reference to the ionCube domain -- ioncube.com -- which is present in legitimate ionCube files. SiteLock also reported other indicators of compromise in the malicious files.

Zend extension opcache is loading before ioncube which is causing this error. Trouble is, I can't figure out how to get around this. Most of the guides on the web are for a windows environment. The application I need to run must be hosted in a Linux environment for support by the company.

Kindly modify the location of ".so" file as per your WebApp. 

You can copy the files in any location under /home. 

If the file is under /home/site, the ini file should have -> zend_extension=/home/site/ioncube_loader_lin_7.4.so, for example.]

We support ionCube hosting. What is ionCube? ionCube is a source code protection engine. ionCube compiles PHP files in encrypted binary format, therefore a special loader is needed to run compiled files. ionCube is used by many PHP developers to protect their code from being copied and redistributed. ionCube can be a replacement for this purpose for Zend.

With Ultra Web Hosting you can upload your ionCube scripts and they will automatically work with the server's ioncube loader installed and ready to go! There is no need to deal with loader files, install or download ioncube for our service. 

From ionCube.com:

"PHP scripts can be easily read, changed and run on any PHP enabled system. Encoding PHP offers important benefits.Product Developers: protect and license your code before distribution. Time restricting is ideal for protecting evaluation copies, and server/domain based locking helps secure revenue from multiple domain deployments.Website Designers: protect your creative work and a revenue stream from future script updates.Enterprise Customers: successfully enforce internal change control policies by avoiding untracked software tweaks that may get lost on a site reinstall or server move.Website Owners: hide sensitive data and protect scripts from unauthorised changes that may go unnoticed indefinitely, and be a serious security and data protection risk."


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