Hi there, I'm trying to find a way to export hyperlinked words from with a Smartsheet cell to outside programs. Would prefer straight copy + paste. When I directly copy the (hyperlinked) cell and paste into a Word doc, for example, only the text is pasted and not the hyperlink. When I export to PDF or Excel the same thing happens. This has become another sore spot on a project that is dependent on Smartsheet. As it stands we are using two columns--Title and Hyperlink--and copying both into an e-mail, selecting and cutting the hyperlink, and manually adding it to the Title text.

Any tips? Hope this makes sense.

This is an odd one, I just did some tests and indeed when I started it would paste the link instead of the text. I found also the using the keyboard shortcuts is more reliable than the RMB menu. When I selected two cells with links in them and the copied and pasted into word it gave me the words rather than the link. I now cannot get itto paste the Link whether I do one cell or multiple cells.

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I am also encountering an error where after I've added a hyperlink to a cell, I can modify it but not delete it so that the data is just text again. I have to delete the data in the cell and re-type it. Any thoughts??

Thanks for that James - a perfectly usable workaround, but wondering why the capability to remove ahyperlink isn't an existing option. 

Anybody have thoughts on how to copy + paste the display text WITH hyperlinked text? Specifically, I need Smartsheet -> Outlook, or Smartsheet -> Word.

Sorry to bump my own post, but still waiting on an answer as to how I can export hyperlinked text in a cell. IE I want to be able to add a hyperlink to text in a cell, copy the text, and paste it into a Word doc/Outlook e-mail, etc and have the text contain the hyperlink. As it stands, when I do this only the text is pasted. We would LOVE to have this functionality as we are depending on business partners to provide us with a link to communications after they've posted them on our website.

EDITED TO ADD: Even when I hyperlink the cell and use the "Send Row" feature to myself to test, I can't copy and paste the hyperlinked text. Instead of showing as the text with hyperlink, it pastes as JUST the hyperlink. Any thoughts?!?! A fix for this would be VERY beneficial for our team

Hi Jaye, as you have seen, it is not possible to copy and paste the hyperlink URL between applications - it will only copy the text. As for emails, I just tested this and my sent row included the text and the URL, allowing me to click on the hyperlink to get to the website and right click on the hyperlink and copy the URL. Are you experiencing different behavior?

EDIT 2: Just tried to change links in a different post, and all I wanted was to replace the link, but again it defaulted to < screenshot above > and I was forced to delete all that extra.

TL;DR: I found that if I copy a URL from Microsoft Edge's address bar, the HTML format in Windows clipboard contains not only the URL but also the title. Therefore, it is possible to paste it as a markdown link with both title and URL without additional web requests. Initially I tried to change Joplin's source code but later realized I can just make a plugin, so I made it. Here is the link:

(Joplin Plugin) When pasting URL copied from Microsoft Edge address bar, automatically convert it to a Markdown link. - GitHub - jerrylususu/joplin-edgelinkmd: (Joplin Plugin) When pasting URL copi...

Previously there was already some discussion on the link preview feature. The main concern of this feature is that it introduces additional web request, which may have a negative impact on the privacy side. See Feature request: link preview - Features - Joplin Forum (joplinapp.org).

However as an Edge browser user, I noticed that when I try to copy a link (by put my cursor on the address bar, press Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C) and paste it into Typora, a Markdown link with title and URL filled in will be generated.

It seems that Microsoft Edge introduced a new clipboard format named Link Format on Aug 2020, which is just a JSON with all the metadata of a link. An example of such JSON is shown below. Beside this new clipboard format, Edge also sets HTML Format and Titled Hyperlink Format, but InsideClipboard can't read them.

If Typora as an Electron app can implement this feature (automatically generate Markdown link), there should be no problem for Joplin to do so. I tried to create a very basic Electron demo, which seems to able to get both the title and URL when copied from Edge (but sadly not other browsers), using the clipboard.readHTML() method. (It seems to use the HTML Format clipboard format.) Here are the results of various clipboard functions after I copied the link in previous JSON example from Edge.

It can be seen that the return value of clipboard.readHTML contains all the info to build a Markdown link, therefore eliminating the need to initiate additional requests as well as the risk of privacy leak. Although this feature is only applicable to Microsoft Edge user, but considering the market share of Windows and the number of users using its default browser, this feature should make the life easier for a lot of people.

With some more tinkering I managed to create a simple plugin, Edge Link MD, which just automatically converts the URL to a markdown link if the URL is copied from Microsoft Edge address bar. By default it uses Ctrl+Shift+V as keyboard shortcut, but you may change it or just use the menu item. Hope this helps other Windows users.

If I copy the title of this page which has a link already embedded in it, or this url which has been turned into a link, then when I paste, as expected, the link is also pasted. It seems you are copying URLs with links already embedded.

Thanks for your response. To clarify, I am only pasting the text URL, not a combination which already contains a link. However, I see now the problem. When I paste into the formula bar I get a link, but no special formatting. When I paste directly into the cell I get no link, but I do get special formatting.

We might change this in a future release but lately several users were actually unhappy with e.g. DEVONthink converting automatically rich text to Markdown when pasting. In your case the item links could e.g. also be used for transclusion or images etc.

If I select the image from the item list, then paste it into a Markdown doc. if the images are in different database as the Markdown doc, it will be using item links. If there are in the same database as the Markdown doc, it will use relative/path links.

I'm curious what sort of difference there is in browser behavior when loading a page by clicking through a link vs. copy-pasting said link into the browser bar. Is there a general difference in the load process that I should know about?

I ask because I am working on an application using the Google Maps API, in which the user is able to create custom map links with a GPS location defined in the URL. The links work fine when copy-pasted into the browser; however, if the link is clicked directly, the browser generates a 'stack exceeded' exception (appropriate for this site!).

I am quite new to webflow and I recently graduated from college and made a portfolio. I just published a site that people can see. The problem I am having is with when I copy and paste the link the template information is still there and I wish to edit it.

For me, it only creates a hyperlink when I paste in the formula bar and hit enter. If I just select a cell and paste, it doesn't hyperlink. But, it appears that it doesn't create a hyperlink when pasting into the formula bar by unchecking this option:

For simplicity I go to facebook, right click a link and select copy link. I open an email and select paste and I get a text link of the raw HTTPS: link. If I drag the link I get a HTML formatted link.

The same occurs is I copy and paste a URL from the toolbar of Firefox. If I drag the link to an email I get the formatted HTML version, so I guess that is what Firefox supplies to the drag function when the data is requested.

I'd love to know how you get the raw link with a paste. It worked like that for many years, but not too many versions ago, it changed to paste the formatted link with Ctrl-V. I'm using Tbird version 78.10.

Find a random question you believe to be a duplicate. Find an original question that solves the problem and copy the link. Click "close", then "Duplicate". Modal opens. Paste link from clipboard. Press Enter.

I think I have figured this out, the problem not the smooth solution,with apple mail. When you copy link on the mail message the title(bookmark) is brought in and when shared with Craft it places the bookmark before the hook file.Watching: The Best Things to Stream


I frequently copy links from web pages to be pasted into emails I'm composing. However, I then need to update the email typeface to overwrite the font style of the link I just pasted in. Is it possible to use Keyboard Maestro to do the following?

But I suppose this only applies to hyperlinks where the text is also specifically the address of the hyperlink. If the text is different to the actual address then the hyperlink would get lost as there is no way Mail can know what address the hyperlink bit of text was referring to.

Nope, you can't do that because the hyperlink is actually formatted as Rich Text in apps like Mail. And, of course, Rich Text always has some style.

The best you can do is to change the style using the KM Apply Style to Clipboard action to get the style you want (to match what's in Mail).

The result is that a section of text copied from Safari pastes into Mail in Helvetica 12pt but keeps the link. The one thing I see I have done differently to you is check the boxes for "size" at 12pt and "foreground" as black.

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Paste Without Formatting, But With Link.kmmacros (2.7 KB) e24fc04721

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