See our impact on the Earth from a new perspective through 37 years of satellite imagery in Timelapse in Google Earth. Timelapse is one example of how Earth Engine can help gain insight into petabyte-scale datasets.

You can use atmospheric data to help correct image data from other sensors, or you can study it in its own right. The Earth Engine catalog includes atmospheric datasets such as ozone data from NASA's TOMS and OMI instruments and the MODIS Monthly Gridded Atmospheric Product.

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Landsat, a joint program of the USGS and NASA, has been observing the Earth continuously from 1972 through the present day. Today the Landsat satellites image the entire Earth's surface at a 30-meter resolution about once every two weeks, including multispectral and thermal data.

The Copernicus Program is an ambitious initiative headed by the European Commission in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA). The Sentinels include all-weather radar images from Sentinel-1A and -1B, high-resolution optical images from Sentinel 2A and 2B, as well as ocean and land data suitable for environmental and climate monitoring from Sentinel 3.

Data from other satellite image sensors is available in Earth Engine as well, including night-time imagery from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS), which has collected imagery of night-time lights at approximately 1-kilometer resolution continuously since 1992.

You can use ee.Image.loadGeoTIFF() to load images from Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs in Google Cloud Storage. For example, the public Landsat dataset hosted in Google Cloud contains this GeoTIFF, corresponding to band 5 from a Landsat 8 scene. You can load this image from Cloud Storage using ee.Image.loadGeoTIFF():

In addition to loading images by ID, you can also create images from constants, lists or other suitable Earth Engine objects. The following illustrates methods for creating images, getting band subsets, and manipulating bands:

I have a function to visualize imagery of different dates. However, I need to use both landsat 7 and 8, since my the dates I want start earlier than 2013. The issue arises that landsat 7 and 8 order their bands differently, so visualizing the images in the same way would require different code. To fix this, I am trying to rename the red, green, blue, and NIR bands in the landsat 7 image collection to match landsat 8. This way I can write a universal code that will apply to both images from landsat 7 and 8. Below is the code I have written (assume landsat 7 has been imported and called 'landsat7', and a geometry that encloses the area of interest called 'bounds' is also imported).

This tutorial explains how to use the module climada.util.earth_engine. It queries data from the Google Earth Engine Python API ( ). A few basic methods of image processing will also be presented using algorythms from Scikit-image ( A lot of complementary information can be found on this page -engine/ (concerns mostly the GEE Java API, but concept and methods are well detailed). GEE is a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets. The data are also available on the website of providers, GEE is just more user-friendly as all datasets are available through the same platform.

Most datasets in Earth Engine come as a ImageCollection.An ImageCollection is a dataset that consists of images takes atdifferent time and locations - usually from the same satellite or dataprovider. You can load a collection by searching the Earth EngineData Catalog for the ImageCollection ID. Search for theSentinel-2 Level 1C dataset and you will find its idCOPERNICUS/S2_SR. Visit the Sentinel-2,Level 1C page and see Explore in Earth Engine section tofind the code snippet to load and visualize the collection. This snippetis a great starting point for your work with this dataset. Click theCopy Code Sample button and paste the code into thecode editor. Click Run and you will see the image tiles load inthe map.

The default order of the collection is by date. So when you displaythe collection, it implicitly creates a mosaic with the latest pixels ontop. You can call .mosaic() on a ImageCollection to createa mosaic image from the pixels at the top.

We can also create a composite image by applying selection criteriato each pixel from all pixels in the stack. Here we use themedian() function to create a composite where each pixelvalue is the median of all pixels from the stack.

Masking pixels in an image makes those pixels transparent andexcludes them from analysis and visualization. To mask an image, we canuse the updateMask() function and pass it an image with 0and 1 values. All pixels where the mask image is 0 will be masked.

We will learn how to do a basic land cover classification usingtraining samples collected from the Code Editor using the HighResolution basemap imagery provided by Google Maps. This method requiresno prior training data and is quite effective to generate high qualityclassification samples anywhere in the world. The goal is to classifyeach source pixel into one of the following classes - urban, bare, wateror vegetation. Using the drawing tools in the code editor, you create 4new feature collection with points representing pixels of that class.Each feature collection has a property called landcoverwith values of 0, 1, 2 or 3 indicating whether the feature collectionrepresents urban, bare, water or vegetation respectively. We then traina Random Forest classifier using these training set to build amodel and apply it to all the pixels of the image to create a 4 classimage.

When you want to detect changes from multi-band images, a usefultechnique is to compute the Spectral Distance and Spectral Angle betweenthe two images. Pixels that exhibit a large change will have a largerdistance compared to those that did not change. This technique isparticularly useful when there are no suitable index to detect thechange. It can be applied to detect change after natural disasters orhuman conflicts.

This technique of change detection is also known as One-passClassification or Direct Multi-date Classification. Herewe create a single stacked image containing bands from before and afterimages. We train a classifier with training data sampled from thestacked image and apply the classifier on the stacked image to find allchange pixels.

We dealing with multi-class images, a useful metric for changedetection is to know how many pixels from class X changed to class Y.This can be accomplished using theee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram() reducer as shown below.

The code below uses the TerraClimate data and creates anImageCollection with 12 monthly images of maximum temperature. It alsoextract the geometry for Australia from the LSIB collection. Add thecode to start an export task for each image in the collection foraustralia.

To display a single band of an image in color, set the parameter with a color ramp represented by a list of CSS-style color strings. (See this reference for more information). The following example illustrates how to use colors from cyan (00FFFF) to blue (0000FF) to render a Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) image.

You can use image.updateMask() to set the opacity of individual pixels based on where pixels in a mask image are non-zero. Pixels equal to zero in the mask are excluded from computations and the opacity is set to 0 for display. The following example uses an NDWI threshold (see the Relational Operations section for information on thresholds) to update the mask on the NDWI layer created previously:

Land-use and land-cover (LULC) is an important component for sustainable natural resource management, and there are considerable impacts of the rapid anthropogenic LULC changes on environment, ecosystem services, and land surface processes. One of the significant adverse implications of the rapidly changing urban LULC is the increase in the Land Surface Temperature (LST) resulting in the urban heat island effect. In this study, we used a time series of Landsat satellite images from 1992 to 2020 in the Srinagar city of the Kashmir valley, North-western Himalaya, India to understand the linkages between LULC dynamics and LST, derived from the archived images using the Google Earth Engine (GEE). Furthermore, the relationship between LST, urban heat island (UHI), and biophysical indices, i.e., Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), was also analysed. LULC change detection analysis from 1992 to 2020 revealed that the built-up area has increased significantly from 12% in 1992 to 40% in 2020, while the extent of water bodies has decreased from 6% in 1992 to 4% in 2020. The area under plantations has decreased from 26% in 1992 to 17% in 2020, and forests have decreased from 4 to 2% during the same period. Urban sprawl of Srinagar city has resulted in the depletion of natural land covers, modification of natural drainage, and loss of green and blue spaces over the past four decades. The study revealed that the maximum LST in the city has increased by 11C between 1992 and 2020. During the same period of time, the minimum LST in the city has increased by 5C, indicating the impact of urbanization on the city environment, which is reflected by the observed changes in various environmental indices. UHI impact in the city is quite evident with the maximum LST at the city centre having increased from 13.03C in 1992 to 22.01C in 2020. The findings shall serve as a vital source of knowledge for urban planners and decision-makers in developing sustainable urban environmental management strategies for Srinagar city.

Like any other #datascience project, our first step is to define our region of interest (ROI). On defining the area of interest, we will set the map output at the center. For this project, our objective is to create a composite for Nairobi region in Kenya. We will then use Landsat 8 USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance. Let us load Landsat 8 from the Earth Engine Data Catalogue. We will search Landsat 8, USGS Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance through the search bar then click import. The below image details will appear. The image contains multiple properties which can be explored for easy image preprocessing. At this page, we can import again at the lower button to load the data into Earth Engine code editor. ff782bc1db

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