Welcome! scikit-image is an image processing toolbox which builds onnumpy, scipy.ndimage and other libraries to provide a versatile set ofimage processing routines in Python. Our project and community is guided bythe scikit-image Code of Conduct.

It should contain text that could replace the image without changing the meaning of the page. It is not meant to supplement the image and should not repeat information that is already provided in the captions above or below the image.

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If no styles are applied to the image, the image will stretch to fit the container. You may prefer to set object-fit: "contain" for an image which is letterboxed to fit the container and preserve aspect ratio.

Alternatively, object-fit: "cover" will cause the image to fill the entire container and be cropped to preserve aspect ratio. For this to look correct, the overflow: "hidden" style should be assigned to the parent element.

A string, similar to a media query, that provides information about how wide the image will be at different breakpoints. The value of sizes will greatly affect performance for images using fill or which are styled to have a responsive size.

For example, if you know your styling will cause an image to be full-width on mobile devices, in a 2-column layout on tablets, and a 3-column layout on desktop displays, you should include a sizes property such as the following:

This example sizes could have a dramatic effect on performance metrics. Without the 33vw sizes, the image selected from the server would be 3 times as wide as it needs to be. Because file size is proportional to the square of the width, without sizes the user would download an image that's 9 times larger than necessary.

You should use the priority property on any image detected as the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) element. It may be appropriate to have multiple priority images, as different images may be the LCP element for different viewport sizes.

When blur, the blurDataURL property will be used as the placeholder. If src is an object from a static import and the imported image is .jpg, .png, .webp, or .avif, then blurDataURL will be automatically populated, except when the image is detected to be animated.

Remember that the required width and height props can interact with your styling. If you use styling to modify an image's width, you should also style its height to auto to preserve its intrinsic aspect ratio, or your image will be distorted.

Recommendation: This property is only meant for advanced use cases. Switching an image to load with eager will normally hurt performance. We recommend using the priority property instead, which will eagerly preload the image.

To protect your application from malicious users, configuration is required in order to use external images. This ensures that only external images from your account can be served from the Next.js Image Optimization API. These external images can be configured with the remotePatterns property in your next.config.js file, as shown below:

Good to know: The example above will ensure the src property of next/image must start with or or any number of subdomains. Any other protocol or unmatched hostname will respond with 400 Bad Request.

Warning: Deprecated since Next.js 14 in favor of strict remotePatterns in order to protect your application from malicious users. Only use domains if you own all the content served from the domain.

If you know the expected device widths of your users, you can specify a list of device width breakpoints using the deviceSizes property in next.config.js. These widths are used when the next/image component uses sizes prop to ensure the correct image is served for user's device.

You can specify a list of image widths using the images.imageSizes property in your next.config.js file. These widths are concatenated with the array of device sizes to form the full array of sizes used to generate image srcsets.

The reason there are two separate lists is that imageSizes is only used for images which provide a sizes prop, which indicates that the image is less than the full width of the screen. Therefore, the sizes in imageSizes should all be smaller than the smallest size in deviceSizes.

If the Accept head matches more than one of the configured formats, the first match in the array is used. Therefore, the array order matters. If there is no match (or the source image is animated), the Image Optimization API will fallback to the original image's format.

Images are optimized dynamically upon request and stored in the /cache/images directory. The optimized image file will be served for subsequent requests until the expiration is reached. When a request is made that matches a cached but expired file, the expired image is served stale immediately. Then the image is optimized again in the background (also called revalidation) and saved to the cache with the new expiration date.

The expiration (or rather Max Age) is defined by either the minimumCacheTTL configuration or the upstream image Cache-Control header, whichever is larger. Specifically, the max-age value of the Cache-Control header is used. If both s-maxage and max-age are found, then s-maxage is preferred. The max-age is also passed-through to any downstream clients including CDNs and browsers.

You can configure the Time to Live (TTL) in seconds for cached optimized images. In many cases, it's better to use a Static Image Import which will automatically hash the file contents and cache the image forever with a Cache-Control header of immutable.

The default loader does not optimize SVG images for a few reasons. First, SVG is a vector format meaning it can be resized losslessly. Second, SVG has many of the same features as HTML/CSS, which can lead to vulnerabilities without a proper Content Security Policy.

In addition, it is strongly recommended to also set contentDispositionType to force the browser to download the image, as well as contentSecurityPolicy to prevent scripts embedded in the image from executing.

The default generated srcset contains 1x and 2x images in order to support different device pixel ratios. However, you may wish to render a responsive image that stretches with the viewport. In that case, you'll need to set sizes as well as style (or className).

Good to know: The default behavior of loading="lazy" ensures that only the correct image is loaded. You cannot use priority or loading="eager" because that would cause both images to load. Instead, you can use fetchPriority="high".

This next/image component uses browser native lazy loading, which may fallback to eager loading for older browsers before Safari 15.4. When using the blur-up placeholder, older browsers before Safari 12 will fallback to empty placeholder. When using styles with width/height of auto, it is possible to cause Layout Shift on older browsers before Safari 15 that don't preserve the aspect ratio. For more details, see this MDN video.

Adding images to your document can make it more visually appealing. Google Docs uses Google Search to find and provide images for you to choose from, so it's likely you'll find one that matches your needs. If you have a picture of your own that you want to use, you can upload an image.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to upload, search for, and insert images. You'll also learn how to edit the size and position of an image.

When you search for an image in Google Docs, it's important to know that almost all of the images Google finds will belong to someone else. Google tries to filter the results to only show free Creative Commons images, but it is important to go to the source of an image to check the copyright license. For more information on how to use images found on the Internet, read our lesson on Copyright and Fair Use.

Google Docs offers several additional options for inserting images. If you have the URL of an image or collection of images stored in online albums or in your Google Drive, you can easily access and insert these pictures as well. Always remember to check the copyright license of an image before placing it in your document.

Sometimes when you insert an image or a picture from a file, you may find that you will need to change the position of the image or resize it to make it look well placed in your document.

You may notice that it is difficult to change the position of the image to another location in the document. This is because of the text wrapping settings on the image. You'll need to change the text wrapping setting if you want to move the image freely, or if you just want the text to wrap around the image in a more natural way. The positioning options are:

You can add or remove photos, videos, or .gif files in Google Docs or Sheets. In Google Slides you can add photos, videos, audio, GIFs and stickers. To help plan your presentation, you can also add image placeholders.

Hello I am trying to copy an image from google docs into a google sheets cell. Directly copy and pasting the image into the cell at first seems like it is working but as soon as you hit enter ot click off the cell the image disappears.

You can use most public images at no additional cost, but there are somepremium images that do addadditional cost to your instances. Custom images that you import toCompute Engine add no cost to your instances, but do incur an imagestorage charge while you keep yourcustom image in your project.

Compute Engine offers many preconfigured public images that havecompatible Linux or Windows operating systems. Use these operating systemimages tocreate and start instances.Compute Engine uses your selected image to create a persistent bootdisk for each instance. By default, the boot disk for an instance is the samesize as the image that you selected. If your instance requires a largerpersistent boot disk than the image size,resize the boot disk. ff782bc1db

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