The even better news is that the 10,000 follower minimum is officially over, when it comes to adding a link in your Story. In theory, EVERYONE has access to link stickers on Instagram now. (Learn more about the update here.)

Instagram Stories only stay up for 24 hours, but adding a link to your Instagram Story is helpful for increasing your conversions, boosting organic engagement, and making it easier for your followers to access the content you want to share.

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Epic-link is locked to prevent people applying it to the wrong issue types (it breaks so so much if you unlock it and let people apply it to Epics or sub-tasks), but that stops us making it mandatory in field configurations. Where it would be fine, as long as the field configs only applied to base-level issues, and the contexts were right.

I would put the validators on at least the "create" transition, so your people have to provide an epic-link on creation and the transition from "to do" to "in progress". That will solve 99.9% of your problems with it. People very very rarely blank out an epic link without also moving the issue back to "we need to think about this (more)" - a to-do type status.

If I go into the feature & click on the link issue button I have to manually enter all of the user story numbers and when they are moved the watchers & reporters will receive emails which is what I want to avoid.

I understand that you're using issue linking to model your issue hierarchy. I would normally recommend to check out Jira's built-in bulk editing wizard, however to the best of my knowledge, it doesn't support issue linking.

If so, then you could create an automation rule to accomplish this. You would need to be able to formulate a JQL to select all the issues that you want to link to a given Feature. In the Automation Rule you can run that JQL to select all the stories, then use an Edit Issue action to link the stories to a specific feature. In that Edit Issue action under the More Options section there is a checkbox you can uncheck to suppress sending emails.

If you have the "Theme/Epic" field on the sub-tasks, you can add the issue keys for both of the user stories to that field (their actually labels). Then from any GreenHopper view, you can click on the hyperlinked issue-keys in the Theme/Epic field to bring up a dialog of the user story and all associated issues & sub-tasks.

An alternative approach is to use the issue linking feature JIRA provides and link the two stories with a single task to execute. There are a lot of benefits of doing so, as you can separate out work from specifications.

I have tried many variations of this but all the Stories seem to stay linked to the original EPIC. I feel like I am so close that someone hopefully will be able to confirm the final steps for linking them up.

Linked stories, notes and plans are only accessible to people who the links were originally shared with. For more information about what teachers and parents can see, and what happens if you link to something that not everyone has access to, see the article Sharing plans, who can access a plan and its links under the heading Who can see linked stories, plans and notes in a plan?

Note: Make sure that whatever you link to is able to be accessed by anyone you share the plan with (ie. if you link to a conversation make sure all people the plan is shared with are part of that conversation). Otherwise, if they tap on the URL they will be told they don't have permission to view it.

Later allows for a caption / link within the scheduling feature for Stories, but it won't automatically post the Story for you with that information. Instead, it will send you a notification at the time you scheduled the Story for, and the text (caption or link) that you submitted at the time of scheduling will be automatically copied for you to paste while uploading your Story to Instagram.

This is a great workaround idea! For the time being, Instagram Story stickers (like gifs, tags or swipe up links) cannot be accessed through Later, as this is a limitation of the Instagram Partner API. This might change in the future, but for now Instagram Stories do need to be published manually- as mentioned above.

Which, in itself, has been a source of controversy, and some confusion in the case of Instagram ads, which still use swipe-up links. But the addition of link stickers, as opposed to swipe-up links, gives users more creative control over how links appear within their Stories frames, which could be a good way to drive more referral traffic.

In 1969 two Stanford professors, Gordon Bower and Michal Clark, set out to test the memorability of words embedded in stories versus a random list of words. Students were asked to memorise and recall 10 sets of unrelated words. The control group remembered the words in any order they wanted. For the story condition the students constructed a story that contained all the words, one story per set. When asked to recall the words the students that constructed stories were able to remember six to seven times as many words compared to the random set.5

My search is just beginning because I feel certain there are other research results that illustrate the impact of stories. Interestingly when I read through some of the obvious places to look such as Story Proof by Kendall Haven, the claims are typically by academic theorists and are not backed up by experimental proofs. At least for what I could find on memory.

Shawn, author of Putting Stories to Work, is one of the world's leading business storytelling consultants. He helps executive teams find and tell the story of their strategy. When he is not working on strategy communication, Shawn is helping leaders find and tell business stories to engage, to influence and to inspire. Shawn works with Global 1000 companies including Shell, IBM, SAP, Bayer, Microsoft & Danone. Connect with Shawn on:

Google announced on Thursday that it will start blocking links to Canadian news articles once a new law in the country forcing tech companies to bargain with news publishers takes effect. LOIC VENANCE/AFP via Getty ImagesĀ  hide caption

Googles said on Thursday that it will block all links to Canadian news articles for people using its search engine and other services in the country in response to a new law that would compel tech companies to pay publishers for content.

"We have now informed the government that when the law takes effect, we unfortunately will have to remove links to Canadian news from our Search, News and Discover products in Canada," Google executive Kent Walker wrote in a blog post.

Google, too, does not consider news articles as essential to its service. So both companies have wagered that it is simply easier to block links to news articles than to start paying news organizations.

While most major publishers in Canada back the new law, outside media observers have not been so sure. Tech writer Casey Newton has argued that a tax on displaying links would "effectively break the internet" if it was applied to the rest of the web. Other critics have pointed to the lack of transparency over who actually would receive cash infusion from the tech companies. Some fear the programs could be hijacked by disinformation sites that learn how to game the system.

But with all of that comes the question: How can brands use Stories to their fullest advantage, in the effort of driving traffic and conversions for their businesses? It starts with knowing how to add links to Instagram Stories with the Swipe Up feature so you can promote your website. Let's dive into that now.

IGTV (Instagram TV) is an app that allows you to create Instagram videos with a minimum length of 1 minute and a maximum length of 15 minutes (via mobile) or 60 minutes (via web). Unlike regular Instagram posts and Stories, however, IGTV allows you to add clickable links to the video description.

While Stories get more attention than IGTV videos, one tactic you can use is creating a Story that promotes the IGTV video with your link. This will allow you to get some level of click-through from your Story.

Instagram also allows you to drop a link in your profile bio. In many cases, this real estate is best used to list the homepage of your website. However, if you want to drive traffic to a particular page, you could conceivably add the promo link and then include "link in bio" language in your Instagram Story to direct people there.

Both of these methods may result in lower conversions because of the extra steps the user has to take in order to access the links. However, they're both excellent ways to earn traffic from Instagram as you build your audience to 10,000 followers.

Food bloggers such as @Detoxinista use Instagram Stories' Swipe Up link to embed recipes on the platform. They wisely post images of delicious-looking food, which incentivizes users to swipe up to learn how to make it themselves. The link isn't a direct advertisement, but users are directed to Detoxinista's website, where they can find her cookbook and become familiar with her brand.

If you're a Bachelorette fan, you might've noticed the growing trend among Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants to become product influencers and embed Swipe Up links in their Stories. As a fashion and style blogger, Ali often takes pictures or videos of outfits she's wearing, with Swipe Up links so users can buy the items online. She also often incorporates discounts if users swipe up, further incentivizing a user to purchase an item from a brand's website.

@jenninthewoods Thank you for testing. Your stories AMP validation errors are related to invalid code being inserted or missing. Since Web Stories are AMP pages, they must adhere to the specification. This could be caused by a conflicting plugin/theme. While I test your setup with the Site Health information provided, could you try some things on your end as well?

While the above animation represent lighter examples, such use of heading links could also be used to great effect in more serious endeavors, such as emergency response and management. A similar map could be used to break down, say, evacuation zones or routes, with potentially affected readers able to simply take a glance at the map and instantly jump to the information that is pertinent to them. e24fc04721

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