This page lists all available Appian icons. These icons are available to designers for use throughout application interfaces. Styled icons are recommended for most cases because they offer the widest variety. Indicator icons and News Event icons are recommended when designers are using components other than rich text.

Styled icons are used in rich text. They are configured by specifying the key shown in the table below, as well as optional configurations for size and color. Designers have access to an icon picker to search and browse available icons.

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News event icons are generated by using the a!iconNewsEvent() function. They are most commonly used with System News Posts. The icon color can be set to: blue (default), green, grey, orange, purple, or red.

In my interface there are several dropdown filters, I want clear filtrers with a button click. The button is working alright, but I want to show refresh icon instead of text in the button label, but the richtextdisplayfield and richtexticon is not working correctly. What is the way out?

1. The information in the tutorial does not match the Appian software. If I chose "styled icon" for the rich text field, there is no "icon" item in the configuration menu as shown in the tutorial. It might be useful if someone updated this, at least it would be less confusing.

For what it's worth, I recommend people use a!richTextIcon() and the natively supported icon set (as opposed to the a!documentImage approach seen here), unless there are strong reasons that require it - just for standardization and upkeep reasons.

These are only able to use the built-in icons from the system icon collection. For "custom" graphics which you've provided yourself, you would need to use an image field or some similar workaround, though you would have to put it as a component within the section's contents (or outside the section in some way).

Yes, There is no way to insert custom icon. I tried using Unicode for a circle with letter inside. The only issue is that I am not sure how to get a unicode for a circle with two letters inside. I used below code.

We also recently added a bunch more out-of-the-box icons in the rich text icon component. Even if you've used these in the past, it might be worth checking again to see if something new could work for you!

For that you'll need to use one of the official icons. A workaround that's sometimes usable is using the "card as a button" pattern where you take a Card Layout, fill it with whatever you want (including a document image), and make it clickable like a button. There are obvious limitations to this approach, though.

Short of creating a constant that contains all valid icons and richTextIcons (which is suboptimal given that icons are updated between Appian versions), is there a way to make icons "invalid icon"-safe?

I didn't actually know this before, but after a quick test in my environment I've found that when an invalid icon name is provided, a!richTextIcon() will return a dictionary of data wherein one of the properties is "isError" and a value of "true".

Hai, I've been around here for a while, and I find it interesting that there is a community apart from the community, I've been working for about 6 months with appian, I have a couple of questions for appian experts, talking about best practices, tricks, etc...

I think the Outlook UI in particular really shows off the power and capabilities of Advanced UI design on the Appian Platform. Whilst acknowledging that it's unlikely anyone will want a re-build of the Outlook UI it's important to open users and designers minds to what can be achieved, I'm often disappointed when I see the standard 2 column layout designs as Appian is capable of so much more and building an engaging and functional UI design is a skill in itself. It was fun to try and find the correct sweet spot for the various icons and layout choices.

Always search first. It is the best way to quickly find your answer. Check out the icon for that.

Clicking the options button will let you set more specific topic search filters, i.e. only the ones with a solution. 2351a5e196

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