Whether its sport or fitness that you are wanting to get into but are struggling to find the motivation, it always comes down to goal setting or a plan. Making sure you have goals is key to longevity and making sure there is always a reason to be getting up. This was something I used day to day in my sporting career, getting up at 5am every day and training twice a day can be exhausting, and tat times I questioned whether this is something I really wanted to do. But once I had goals set in place it was much easier to stay motivated and keep my head in the game. So the tough days became more bearable.

My goals for the future are pretty broad as I have a few ideas. I currently work at two fantastic boutique gyms in Bath, while promoting my own business for PT/Swim Clinics and online coaching, the plan is to continue growing this for a few years and then ultimately open my own gym/studio. I spent a lot of time in Australia as a swimmer and fell in love with the country and feel that one day I will definitely head back over there on a permanent basis. I do some work with Swim England as an athlete mentor, helping other athletes and this may lead to bigger opportunities within the sport. I strongly believe that the transition from elite sport to the real world is one that is not taken seriously enough and would love to be a part of breaking that stigma down and helping others step out into the world with confidence that there is more to life than the sport they have lived and breathed.

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We were so fortunate to have Chris in our lives. He loved his life, he lived his life how he wanted to live and loved and inspired all of us that were fortunate to come to know him. Chris had a way about him. His smile, his smirk, his dry wit, and his obnoxious laugh. He could always bring out the best in everyone. As musicians, he made each and every one of us a better player simply by stepping onto the stage. Always teaching, always coaching, always smiling. As a friend, he was as loyal and as big hearted as they come.

While we will miss our brother dearly, we take comfort in knowing that he is no longer in pain. Our hearts and thoughts go out to his amazing family. 

We love you CW. 


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On this episode of The Unlearn Podcast, Chris Walker, the Founder and CEO of Refine Labs shares his Revenue R&D framework. He also talks about demand creation and capture strategies, and the flaws in the current mindset around generating revenue.

To thrive in an era of digital transformation. you have to go to market differently. Let's find out how. All right Chris tells us a little bit about yourself that we don't already know and then we'll introduce ourselves to you.

But what I was doing was understanding business. I think I was spending a lot of time in operations and product development and marketing and now I've probably sold 30 or 35 million dollars worth of deals in my career.

And so I've been working across the whole business and now I think I have a really interesting perspective when it comes back to how the marketing function is operated today, understanding it at I think one of the deepest levels of a professional out there and consulting with more than two companies over the past three years.

So seeing a lot of that stuff and then translating that to my view as a CEO of the size of a company that many of our customers are, you know, 100 to 500 employees and how you should structure your organization, how you should set your KPIs between your quote-unquote marketing and sales team whether just dividing it between marketing and sales.

The way that we've always done it is not even the right way to do it anymore. Whether we should challenge how we structure our organization to be successful. So I think my perspective both in the depths of marketing and that was my vantage point as a CEO is very unique.

Cool. Well, this podcast we're calling it Unlearn, and Kelly and I were talking about what we need to do to like growing in this. Like, let's say even more highly volatile times than we've all experienced before. And you know, as people grow older, which I am doing now, I'm thinking like hey there's a few things we gotta just unlearn and then create some mental space to learn some new concepts.

So I thought okay it would be a great way to like interview some guests or just not even an interview. But just have a quick conversation about like hey here's the quick concepts that we, I think that we should learn and then have a quick discussion about them and then keep this uber high quality and see if we can drive some change in people's lives, you know, so that was like my perspective on this podcast.

Yeah, I think following digital transformation, there's been a lot of adjustments to how businesses want to buy and the sort of direct marketing and sales playbooks have not caught up with that transformation. So we're sitting at this very interesting point and I think data and attribution have a lot to do with it as well.

I don't know though. So we come from partnerships and ecosystems and one of the things Asher and I talk about a lot is marketing and sales and partnerships, you get these echo chambers and people aren't going over to the other side.

I think that touches with what you were just saying, Chris about marketing and sales and do we have this structured properly? But for people who aren't familiar with your work, I would love it if you can give a sort of high-level overview of your position that demand generation is broken and dead and we need a better framework. If you could just kind of explain that point of view. I think that would be interesting.

Yeah, absolutely. There was one point that was mentioned that I just kind of want to cover here. I find it fascinating that companies never challenge how we're going to be effective at driving revenue until things are going wrong, like the time to figure out your podcast, you're having positive ROI on your paid social media spend, not cutting out all the garbage lead generation programs that don't drive revenue or wasting money for years at a time

And making some of those decisions in 2019 when it would be a total offensive move and you could have capitalized as many businesses did over that time by doing things differently, but don't question it until the economy tanks and you get forced to do it in 2022.

I think those are really interesting perspectives that business leaders should consider. People only look at the marketing function when things are going wrong, they don't treat it like an offensive function.

And so I think there's just when you get into this time where demand is falling for every category, where companies are having layoffs, where stocks are crashing across the tech and SaaS, where valuations are declining in these volatile times.

The way that you drive growth is through your product strategy and your business model, not by trying to figure out your revenue system. You're like you're fighting against the mark, the dynamics of the market demand is declining and you're trying to build it from the ground up and you're going to struggle to make it work.

And when it happens, then you think about what our customers need differently today. How can we change our product quickly to adapt to this climate? How could we innovate our business model to set us up to be highly differentiated to capitalize right now and ask those questions in April of 2020 versus the funk? We don't, we don't know how to create demand. What are we gonna do?

I think as a CEO now when you think about the state of how demand gen has operated at companies, I just believe that the function is highly misunderstood. I believe that some people when they hear demand gen, think of running AB tests. I think that some people think it's outbound cold calling.

I think that some people think that all you do is just generate leads. But generally, I think the function is misunderstood. And when you look at it's not about the definition of the function, it's looking at how it's implemented in practice. I spent time working at more than 200 companies and I see how their quote-unquote demanding function gets implemented in practice and it's effectively a sales support function.

It is generating leads or other types of signals like MQAs to trigger their SDR team or perhaps they're a team to do outbound sales to people that didn't ask to talk to them. And so what you need in that function, what you need in a revenue holistic revenue system is you need high levels of autonomy. You need to be focused on revenue, not an intermediate metric to revenue to be effectively disoriented.

You need to be looking at things for now and in the next 12 months, you need to have a short time frame and you need to be customer-centric. And so those are the things that you need. And then when you look at how companies structure their demands, an organization that it's based on efficiency, how do we hit a cost per lead number or a cost per meeting number? Not how we find the right things to drive revenue in the future. It's an internal focus to support sales. It's not focused on customers.

And for all of these reasons how the company sets it up, like what you need out of that function versus how it's implemented in companies doesn't make any sense. And so what I've suggested to companies, many companies already do this is they take the operational support for sales functions, intent, and data, ABM, and SDR outbound lead generation and that just puts that under a Chief Revenue Officer under your sales team.

It's just operational, it's an efficiency function to support that sales function. But then you have this huge void in your revenue team and the way that you solve it is by creating a holistic view of all revenue programs, marketing, or demands. 152ee80cbc

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