Jarm had now arrived at that period when the onlypersonal freedom allowed a slave is to debase hisspirit by demoralizing instincts. Bereft of all othergratifications, he would doubtless have plunged tothe bottom of the abyss, but for causes to bedeveloped. For the last eight years he had not listenedto words of kindness, friendship or compassionfrom a white man or woman, and was forced toregard them as enemies. His hopes had been crushedin every direction. On the verge of manhood hestood on the brink of moral desolation. But anevent occurred at this time, which set him right,and rescued him from danger.

You sold my brother and sister, ABE and ANN, and 12 acres of land, you say, because I run away. Now you have the unutterable meanness to ask me to return and be your miserable chattel, or in lieu thereof send you $1,000 to enable you to redeem the land, but not to redeem my poor brother and sister! If I were to send you money it would be to get my brother and sister, and not that you should get land. You say you are a cripple, and doubtless you say it to stir my pity, for you know I was susceptible in that direction. I do pity you from the bottom of my heart. Nevertheless I am indignant beyond the power of words to express, that you should be so sunken and cruel as to tear the hearts I love so much all in pieces; that you should be willing to impale and crucify us out of all compassion for your poor foot or leg. Wretched woman! Be it known to you that I value my freedom, to say nothing of my mother, brothers and sisters, more than your whole body; more, indeed, than my own life; more than all the lives of all the slaveholders and tyrants under Heaven.

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O Thou, whose goodness is new to us every morningand fresh every evening, we bless Thee for Thypatient and unforgetting care of all of us. Thoughwe transgress Thy beneficent laws and frequentlylose sight of our cherished ideals, our hunger andthirst for righteousness never dies, for we partakeof Thy Divine Nature. O that we might alwaysbe animated with Thy spirit of disinterested Love.We thank Thee this day for the inspiration of lightand joy of our gifted poets and pray that we maymeet the daily trials of life with a sweet and courageousspirit, remembering that "no star we haveever seen will cease to shine." Amen.

Our Father, we would learn to trust Thy love,to live so that Thy grace shall have in us its perfectwork. Not the easy thing is what we ask, but strengthfor duty. Give us the confidence that Thou art byour side. Let Thy strong touch be felt, Thy blessedpresence seen. In all the turmoil that rages within,without, grant us Thy peace. In childish helplessness,grant us the Father's help. To grow like Jesusis our heart's desire. All things that Thy greatheart permits or sends, we would receive with gratitude,that so our wills and lives may be in harmonywith Thine. And so day by day may something ofthe Saviour's glory shine through us and bless andbrighten other lives in need. Amen.

O God, our heavenly Father, make our heartsexultant, as the earth in the spring morning, withthe radiance of Thy Presence. Fill them with thejoy and hopefulness of eternal youth, and cause themto be uplifted in gratitude and thankfulness toThee. We have seen earthly faces so beaming withthe light of love that we never shall forget them.We have spoken names that are so endeared to usthat they will linger in our memory as long as welive. So, O Father, may it be with Thy face andThy name. May Thy face beaming upon us asthe sun of righteousness win our love to holinessand virtue, making us fruitful of good works, andThy name be so woven in our affections that weshall cherish and hallow it forever. Amen.

We thank God for the beauty of the world. Wethank God that it is good to be alive. We thankGod for the joy that joins us to Thy world in gladness,and makes it seem to be the open book of Thygraciousness and tenderness and compassion. Wethank Thee also for the ministry of those days thatwere not bright, but that were full of comfort, evenin their darkness, into which God came shrouded,only to reveal Himself more clearly as the light.We thank Thee for the intervening by the hand oflove and tenderness that is human, so that our bestnature was called out for love's sake, and all thelower forces of our lives led in the leash of that sweetattraction. We thank God for everything for whichour life is better, and pray Thee to help us to useThy mercies to turn them into strength, not thestrength of praise alone, but the strength of servicealso. Amen.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! early inthe morning we approach unto Thee. The wholeround of creation is burdened with the exuberanceof Thy life, and everywhere is hallowed ground.We come with unshod feet. The sun, mighty ministerof Thy great goodness, flooding the world with lightand piercing all things with his fiery arrows, callsback to life the sleeping earth, and assures us thatwe are partakers of Thy light and Thy love and Thylife. O most glorious God! may these Thy mercies,fresh every morning, be with us through the day tostrengthen us to do Thy will, we ask in the nameof Him who came that we may have life and have itabundantly. Amen.

Eternal Spirit of Love, teach us the power oflove. Help us to learn that love is supreme, andhence envieth not, nor vaunteth itself, nor seekethits own, but suffereth long and is kind. We, whoin Jesus of Nazareth have seen the glory of Thylikeness and experienced the sweetness of Thy love,desire like Him to reveal Thee in our lives, to beloving and gentle, sincere and generous, to cooperatewith friend and stranger in all that is good,to live so that they can work with us for the advancementof everything righteous. Fill us, therefore,with Thy spirit, and send us forth today in Thyservice. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we would begin the day withnoble purpose; may we scorn all meanness, and liftup our heads unto the Lord as men who have a greatexpectation. Our hope is in a living God; Thou wiltnot allow our life to wander into darkness; if for asmall moment we are forsaken, we shall be gatheredwith ineffable and everlasting mercies. In the confidenceof Thy presence, in the assurance of Thysustaining grace, we look steadfastly to heaven, andthen we look hopefully to earth, and we know that,having begun the day with prayer and praise and piousexpectancy, its hours shall all be gladdened and itseven-tide shall be a benediction. Guide us with Thineeyes; sustain us by Thy mighty power; keep us thisday without sin. Amen.

Almighty Father, whom, though we have not seen,we love, we know not what this day may bring forthbut we know that it shall be for good as our trust is inThee. We look up and adore Thee, and we believeand love and obey. Throughout all the hours of thisday may we be "diligent in business, fervent in spirit,serving the Lord." We believe in the victory of goodover evil, of light over darkness; help us to bear ourpart courageously in the battle. Be merciful to usand make us merciful to one another. May we benumbered with those who are pure in heart, and seeGod in the humblest service to the humblest people.We beseech Thee to answer according to Thy lovenot only these prayers which we utter with our lipsbut also the silent prayers of our heart. Amen.

Oh, Father, we are in a world of wonder and ofbountiful promise. We scarcely know which to choose.Of all life's quests we would seek the highest and best.Thou art a Lord gracious and kind. Grace is butanother name for kindness. It is this which is pronouncedas a benediction Sabbath after Sabbath, andfor which we lift up our faces morning after morning,to receive. Crown us with Thy loving kindness andtender mercies. But not for ourselves alone! As wemeet the weary and heavy burdened in life, inspire usto show them the kindness of our God. As freely aswe have received, so freely may we impart. Amen.

Our Heavenly Father, Thou hast covered us withthe darkness and we have slept under the shadow ofThy care. Thou hast opened for us again the gatesof the morning, and refreshed, we rise to praise Thee.The memory of mercies past inspires our hope fortoday. Reveal Thyself to us by Thy spirit and throughThy word; make nature to minister to us in the heavensabove and the fields below; let every experiencelead us toward Thyself. Help us to see Thy face inthose about us, and honor Thee in loving, helpfulministry to them. Bring to us today a fresh andlarger sense of Thy presence, forgiveness, and care,and so the assurance that all things are working togetherfor our good. In the name of Jesus Christour Saviour. Amen.

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who hastillumined the morning with the brightness of Thylife, we rejoice in the potency of the influence thatbrings us into communion with Thee. For the blessedrevelation of Thyself, for life and all things thatnourish it, for the earth and the fulness thereof, fordaily comforts and mercies and for the Light thatlighteth every man who cometh into the world, we giveThee thanks. We thank Thee too for the songs thatwe have sung and for the better songs that are in ourhearts. We thank Thee for every noble deed and alsofor the dreams of nobler deeds that men have cherished.O Lord, bless our work and fill us with aspirationfor nobler service. Bless the poor, the sick, andthose that mourn. Hear this our prayer and answerour petition through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. e24fc04721

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