Watch his audience as he sings. Mark the almost hypnotic hold he hasover them; not only over pit and[Pg 40] gallery but over stalls as well, andthe well-groomed loungers who have just dropped in. I defy any saneperson to listen to "Watcher, me Old Brown Son!" without chortles ofmerriment, profound merriment, for you don't laugh idly at HarryChampion. His gaiety is not the superficial gaiety of the funny man whomakes you laugh but does nothing else to you. He does you good. Ihonestly believe that his performance would beat down the frigid steelramparts that begird the English "lady." His songs thrill and tickle youas does the gayest music of Mozart. They have not the mere lightness ofmerriment, but, like that music, they have the deep-plumbing gaiety ofthe love of life, for joy and sorrow.

And there, flitting about the room in dainty lace petticoat, and littleelse, was young Beryl, superintending her aunt's feverish struggles withpaint and powder-jars, frocks, petties, silk stockings, socks, andwraps, snatching these articles from a voluminous wardrobe and tossingthem, haphazard, into a monumental dressing-basket, already half-fullwith two life-size teddy-bears.

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