I am new to Curl and Cacerts world and facing a problem while connecting to a server.Basically, I need to test connectivity over https from one machine to another machine.I have a URL to which I need to connect from Machine A (a linux machine)I tried this on command prompt

I had the same problem - I was fetching a page from my own site, which was served over HTTPS, but curl was giving the same "SSL certificate problem" message. I worked around it by adding a -k flag to the call to allow insecure connections.

Download Https Certificate Curl

Download Zip 🔥 https://urloso.com/2y4J1e 🔥

Edit: I discovered the root of the problem. I was using an SSL certificate (from StartSSL, but I don't think that matters much) and hadn't set up the intermediate certificate properly. If you're having the same problem as user1270392 above, it's probably a good idea to test your SSL cert and fix any issues with it before resorting to the curl -k fix.

You need to provide the entire certificate chain to curl, since curl no longer ships with any CA certs. Since the cacert option can only use one file, you need to concat the full chain info into 1 file

For me, I just wanted to test a website that had an automatic http->https redirect. I think I had some certs installed already, so this alone works for me on Ubuntu 16.04 running curl 7.47.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.47.0 GnuTLS/3.4.10 zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.32 librtmp/2.3

With modern versions of curl, you can simply override which ip-address to connect to, using --resolve or --connect-to (curl newer than version 7.49). This works even with SSL/SNI. All details are in the man page.

If libcurl was built with Schannel or Secure Transport support (the native SSL libraries included in Windows and Mac OS X), then this does not apply to you. Scroll down for details on how the OS-native engines handle SSL certificates. If you are not sure, then run "curl -V" and read the results. If the version string says Schannel in it, then it was built with Schannel support.

This system is about trust. In your local CA certificate store you have certs from trusted Certificate Authorities that you then can use to verify that the server certificates you see are valid. They are signed by one of the certificate authorities you trust.

Which certificate authorities do you trust? You can decide to trust the same set of companies your operating system trusts, or the set one of the known browsers trust. That is basically trust via someone else you trust. You should just be aware that modern operating systems and browsers are setup to trust hundreds of companies and in recent years several certificate authorities have been found untrustworthy.

If the remote server uses a self-signed certificate, if you do not install a CA cert store, if the server uses a certificate signed by a CA that is not included in the store you use or if the remote host is an impostor impersonating your favorite site, and you want to transfer files from this server, do one of the following:

Get a CA certificate that can verify the remote server and use the proper option to point out this CA cert for verification when connecting. For libcurl hackers: curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, cacert);

--with-ca-path=PATH: use the specified path as CA certificate store. CA certificates need to be stored as individual PEM files in this directory. You may need to run c_rehash after adding files there.

Get a better/different/newer CA cert bundle! One option is to extract the one a recent Firefox browser uses by running 'make ca-bundle' in the curl build tree root, or possibly download a version that was generated this way for you: CA Extract

Neglecting to use one of the above methods when dealing with a server using a certificate that is not signed by one of the certificates in the installed CA certificate store, will cause SSL to report an error ("certificate verify failed") during the handshake and SSL will then refuse further communication with that server.

If libcurl was built with Schannel (Microsoft's native TLS engine) or Secure Transport (Apple's native TLS engine) support, then libcurl will still perform peer certificate verification, but instead of using a CA cert bundle, it will use the certificates that are built into the OS. These are the same certificates that appear in the Internet Options control panel (under Windows) or Keychain Access application (under OS X). Any custom security rules for certificates will be honored.

Schannel will run CRL checks on certificates unless peer verification is disabled. Secure Transport on iOS will run OCSP checks on certificates unless peer verification is disabled. Secure Transport on OS X will run either OCSP or CRL checks on certificates if those features are enabled, and this behavior can be adjusted in the preferences of Keychain Access.

Since version 7.52.0, curl can do HTTPS to the proxy separately from the connection to the server. This TLS connection is handled separately from the server connection so instead of --insecure and --cacert to control the certificate verification, you use --proxy-insecure and --proxy-cacert. With these options, you make sure that the TLS connection and the trust of the proxy can be kept totally separate from the TLS connection to the server.

I need to download an SSL certificate of a remote server (not HTTPS, but the SSL handshake should be the same as Google Chrome / IE / wget and curl all give certificate check fail errors) and add the certificate as trusted in my laptops Windows' certificate store since I am not able to get my IT guys to give me the CA cert.

A quick method to get the certificate pulled and downloaded would be to run the following command which pipes the output from the -showcerts to the x509 ssl command which just strips everything extraneous off. For example:

Since Chrome version 56, you do the following: go to the Three Dots Menu -> More Tools -> Developer Tools, then click on the Security Tab. This will give you a Security Overview with a View certificate button.

A modal window will open. It has two panes. The top one shows the trust hierarchy of the site's certificate (the last one listed), the intermediate certificate(s), and the root certificate (the topmost one).

Found a much easier way if on Windows. Tried Microsoft Edge (pre-chromium) and clicked on the lock in the address bar -> View certificateDialog pops up with an "Export to File" button, which saves it as a .crt file.

I've just setup a website/webserver, and just got it verified by ZeroSSL, but when i try and run curl or wget over it, it errors. I could bypass this by running wget --no-check-certificate or curl -k but I'd rather have it work out of the box considering that a decent part of the website is built around installing files. Is there anyway to fix this without downloading certs or not checking them?

I am trying to send a cURL request to a server with an IP address x.x.x.x . It is a part of an health monitoring system. On the server I have configured virtual hosts for subdomain.example.com on both port 80 and 443. For the ssl certificate, I am using a *.example.com wildcard certificate which I use on this server as well few more servers.

I know this is because certificate is specific to domain name and I am trying to send a request using the IP address. But as I said this is a limitation that I have (rackspace load balancer health monitoring).

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not

establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and

how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.

Most likely you have to update your certificate store as the Lets Encrypt cert expired end of Sept this year and sounds you are not updated/patched on that install as 18.04 is a LTS release so good for some time.

I rechecked and reinstalled cleanly all 3 parts - curl, openssl, certs.

And found the problem. It was a crafted PEM file forcing letsencrypt chain into DST X3 root. It wasn't purged as it was adhoc-made.

I can vaguely remember that in 2020 there was another wide known problem with letsencrypt chain. I guess I was fixing or preparing to fix it and left the chain enforcer kludge forgotten on disk.

After having expired DST X3, the PEM started to force the chain into dead end.

remote SSH into my ubuntu 22.04.02 machine today.

Did apt update / apt upgrade which I always do. I did note it something about new kernel so I rebooted.

I then went to update two installed services - but when I run curl to github I keep getting error:


curl -LO -chain-v4.0.7-modern-linux-amd64.zip

curl: (60) SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'objects.githubusercontent.com'

More details here: 

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not

establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and

how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.


I get the same error for multiple different projects on github.

There is source code to bash, php, JS code (and other languages) which uses openssl and curl ( linked above ) which you can use / modify if you want to. Alternatively you can ignore those and write your own client from scratch.

Also, this is exactly how I did it with mkcert for another local domain (served with nginx) and it worked fine. The certificate generated by mkcert is also located in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates, like the ones generated by Caddy.

I just realized I forgot to respond to your previous post. I am surprised the curl tries to take the information from the issuer certificate itself instead of using the information embedded into the x509 certificate.

Those are two different layers: of course it is possible to add the ca certificate used by TLS inspection to the docker demon. As TLs inspection breaks the security context to the registry, you will need to treat it like a secure private registry:

A secure registry uses TLS and a copy of its CA certificate is placed on the Docker host at /etc/docker/certs.d/myregistry:5000/ca.crt. An insecure registry is either not using TLS (i.e., listening on plain text HTTP), or is using TLS with a CA certificate not known by the Docker daemon. The latter can happen when the certificate was not found under /etc/docker/certs.d/myregistry:5000/, or if the certificate verification failed (i.e., wrong CA). e24fc04721

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