This calculator provides body mass index (BMI) and the corresponding BMI weight status category for adults 20 years and older. For children and teens, 2 through 19 years, use the BMI Calculator for Children and Teens.

index raises ValueError when x is not found in s.Not all implementations support passing the additional arguments i and j.These arguments allow efficient searching of subsections of the sequence. Passingthe extra arguments is roughly equivalent to using s[i:j].index(x), onlywithout copying any data and with the returned index being relative tothe start of the sequence rather than the start of the slice.

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The value n is an integer, or an object implementing__index__(). Zero and negative values of n clearthe sequence. Items in the sequence are not copied; they are referencedmultiple times, as explained for s * n under Common Sequence Operations.

The arguments to the range constructor must be integers (either built-inint or any object that implements the __index__() specialmethod). If the step argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.If the start argument is omitted, it defaults to 0.If step is zero, ValueError is raised.

A range object will be empty if r[0] does not meet the valueconstraint. Ranges do support negative indices, but these are interpretedas indexing from the end of the sequence determined by the positiveindices.

Perform a string formatting operation. The string on which this method iscalled can contain literal text or replacement fields delimited by braces{}. Each replacement field contains either the numeric index of apositional argument, or the name of a keyword argument. Returns a copy ofthe string where each replacement field is replaced with the string value ofthe corresponding argument.

Return the highest index in the string where substring sub is found, suchthat sub is contained within s[start:end]. Optional arguments startand end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure.

Return a copy of the string in which each character has been mapped throughthe given translation table. The table must be an object that implementsindexing via __getitem__(), typically a mapping orsequence. When indexed by a Unicode ordinal (an integer), thetable object can do any of the following: return a Unicode ordinal or astring, to map the character to one or more other characters; returnNone, to delete the character from the return string; or raise aLookupError exception, to map the character to itself.

Since bytes objects are sequences of integers (akin to a tuple), for a bytesobject b, b[0] will be an integer, while b[0:1] will be a bytesobject of length 1. (This contrasts with text strings, where both indexingand slicing will produce a string of length 1)

Since bytearray objects are sequences of integers (akin to a list), for abytearray object b, b[0] will be an integer, while b[0:1] will bea bytearray object of length 1. (This contrasts with text strings, whereboth indexing and slicing will produce a string of length 1)

Return the lowest index in the data where the subsequence sub is found,such that sub is contained in the slice s[start:end]. Optionalarguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return-1 if sub is not found.

Return the highest index in the sequence where the subsequence sub isfound, such that sub is contained within s[start:end]. Optionalarguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return-1 on failure.

If format is one of the native format specifiersfrom the struct module, indexing with an integer or a tuple ofintegers is also supported and returns a single element withthe correct type. One-dimensional memoryviews can be indexedwith an integer or a one-integer tuple. Multi-dimensional memoryviewscan be indexed with tuples of exactly ndim integers where ndim isthe number of dimensions. Zero-dimensional memoryviews can be indexedwith the empty tuple.

Like other collections, sets support x in set, len(set), and for x inset. Being an unordered collection, sets do not record element position ororder of insertion. Accordingly, sets do not support indexing, slicing, orother sequence-like behavior.

Indexed earnings used to compute initial benefits

 When we compute a person's retirement benefit, we use the national average wage indexing series to index that person's earnings. Such indexation ensures that a worker's future benefits reflect the general rise in the standard of living that occurred during his or her working lifetime. When indexing an individual's earnings for benefit computation purposes, we must first determine the year of first eligibility for benefits. For retirement, eligibility is at age 62. If a person reaches age 62 in 2024, for example, then 2024 is the person's year of eligibility. We always index an individual's earnings to the average wage level two years prior to the year of first eligibility. Thus, for a person retiring at age 62 in 2024, we would index the person's earnings to the average wage index for 2022, or 63,795.13. We would multiply earnings in a year before 2022 by the ratio of 63,795.13 to the average wage index for that year; we would take earnings in 2022 or later at face value. (See two examples of indexed earnings.)

Indexed program amounts

 We use the average wage indexing series to update several amounts that are important to the operation of Social Security's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program. OASDI contribution and benefit base (also known as the taxable maximum) Retirement earnings test exempt amounts Formulas for a primary insurance amount and maximum family benefits Amount of earnings needed to earn a quarter of coverage ("credit") "Old-law" contribution and benefit base (as determined under the law as in effect before the 1977 amendments) Coverage thresholds for both domestic employees and election workers Substantial gainful activity amounts for disabled beneficiaries and earnings that trigger a trial work period  In addition, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation uses the national average wage index to compute premium rates for PBGC-insured plans, as required by section 4006 of ERISA.

Determination of the National Average Wage Index for 2022

 To determine the national average wage index for calendar year 2022, we multiplied the 2021 national average wage index of 60,575.07 by the percentage change in average wages from 2021 to 2022, as measured by annual wage data we tabulated. The wage data are based on wages subject to Federal income taxes and contributions to deferred compensation plans.

Increases in the abundance of atmospheric greenhouse gases since the industrial revolution are mainly the result of human activity and are largely responsible for the observed increases in global temperature [IPCC 2021]. Because climate feedbacks and future projections have large model uncertainties that overwhelm the uncertainties in greenhouse gas measurements, we present here an observationally based index that is proportional to the change in the direct warming influence since the onset of the industrial revolution (also known as climate forcing) supplied from these gases. This index is based on the observed amounts of long-lived greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and contains little uncertainty.

Because we seek an index that is accurate, only direct forcing from these gases has been included. Model-dependent feedbacks and adjustments, for example, due to induced changes in water vapor, atmospheric circulation, and stratospheric ozone depletion, are not included. Other spatially heterogeneous, short-lived, climate forcing agents, such as aerosols, clouds and tropospheric ozone, are highly variable and have uncertain global magnitudes and also are not included here to maintain accuracy.

To get started, you can browse the top 100 publications in several languages, ordered by their five-year h-index and h-median metrics. To see which articles in a publication were cited the most and who cited them, click on its h-index number to view the articles as well as the citations underlying the metrics.

The h-index of a publication is the largest number h such that at least h articles in that publication were cited at least h times each. For example, a publication with five articles cited by, respectively, 17, 9, 6, 3, and 2, has the h-index of 3.

The h-core of a publication is a set of top cited h articles from the publication. These are the articles that the h-index is based on. For example, the publication above has the h-core with three articles, those cited by 17, 9, and 6.

Finally, the h5-index, h5-core, and h5-median of a publication are, respectively, the h-index, h-core, and h-median of only those of its articles that were published in the last five complete calendar years.

We display the h5-index and the h5-median for each included publication. We also display an entire h5-core of its articles, along with their citation counts, so that you can see which articles contribute to the h5-index. And there's more! Click on the citation count for any article in the h5-core to see who cited it.

Scholar Metrics currently cover articles published between 2018 and 2022, both inclusive. The metrics are based on citations from all articles that were indexed in Google Scholar in July 2023. This also includes citations from articles that are not themselves covered by Scholar Metrics.

Since Google Scholar indexes articles from a large number of websites, we can't always tell in which journal a particular article has been published. To avoid misidentification of publications, we have included only the following items:

If you're wondering why your journal is not included, or why it has fewer citations than it surely deserves, that is often a matter of configuring your website for indexing in Google Scholar. Please refer to the inclusion manual. Also, keep in mind that Scholar Metrics only include publications with at least a hundred articles in the last five years. e24fc04721

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