The mission of the Home Front Command is to strengthen national resilience and save lives. The command does this by preparing the civilian space before a conflict, supporting the civilian space during a conflict while carrying out Search and rescue operations in the event of an attack on the home front, and assisting in the rapid restoration of the civilian space after a conflict has ended. The Home Front Command publishes regular instructions for civil defense, especially in times of emergency, and operates a telephone emergency center numbered 104.[2]

Until the establishment of the Command, responsibility for the Home Front fell under the Civilian Defense's Chief Officer Corps Command and under Regional Defense. During that time, the three regional commands had their own home front commands. After the first Persian Gulf War, these organizations were unified and the Home Front Command was created. It is currently headed by Aluf Rafi Milo.

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The role of the Homefront command as a civil defense service are embodied in the Israeli civil defense laws of 1951 as well as other government regulations and decisions. Civil defense is defined in law as follows: "The measures taken to defend against any attack, or the danger the attack poses to the civil population, or to minimize the outcome of such an attack to remove weaponry which is not for self-defense."[2]

On 26 November 2019, an earthquake struck the Durrs region of Albania, killing 51 people, injuring 3,000 others, and damaging 11,000 buildings.[4] Israel sent Home Front Command military engineer troops and a rescue and service team from the regional council of Mevo'ot HaHermon to Albania to search through the rubble for survivors and rescue them, assess whether buildings were structurally sound, and provide Albanians who had been evacuated from their homes with waterproof tents to shelter them.[5][6][7][4][8]

The National Guard is on an endless quest to improve homeland defense in the United States. Circumstances have forced the IDF to be a world leader in homeland defense, as National Guard leaders saw firsthand during a visit to this town overlooking the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

"Our relationship with Israel is a critical one that is stronger than ever," Air Force Gen. Craig McKinley, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, said Tuesday as he toured Sderot's civil defense measures. "We greatly value this cooperation. Our exchange of ideas and information with the Home Front Command is of substantial benefit to the National Guard in exercising its responsibilities for homeland defense."

McKinley and other National Guard and Defense Department leaders, including Air Force Brig. Gen. Scott Schofield, the mobilization assistant to the commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command here representing U.S. Northern Command are visiting Israel to further solidify the Guard's relationship with the IDF/HFC.

On Monday and Tuesday, the National Guard delegation met with Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, HFC commander. McKinley announced the approval of the stationing of an HFC liaison officer at the National Guard Bureau beginning later this year.

The delegation has also met with U.S. Ambassador James Cunningham and embassy personnel since its Monday arrival in Israel. The National Guard works closely with the State Department and Defense Department and the combatant commands in its foreign partnerships, which include formal State Partnership Program relationships between the 54 states and territories and the District of Columbia and 62 foreign countries.

Perhaps as a result, Israel is notable for an extraordinary level of societal resilience, evidenced both by physical preparations such as the ubiquitous bomb shelters in homes, schools and places of work and also by a mindset that sets a premium on continuing as normal a life as possible even during upheaval.

During his visit, Lengyel spent time with Israeli leaders who specialize in responding to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents, a mission shared by National Guard units. He met with the director of the NEMA, which works with the HFC, just as FEMA works with the National Guard. He visited with senior Israeli military leaders, including the commander of Israel's air force, and he spent time with Israeli soldiers and airmen.

"It's what we do," he said. "Working with the geographic combatant commanders and U.S. ambassadors, we build international security cooperation relationships that are real, built on trust, and enduring."

Simison and Ulich worked with their Israeli counterparts to share their experiences, knowledge and best practices to establish and maintain communications during major disasters. They discussed HFC command and control capabilities with HFC cyber representatives Lt. Col. Itay Zamir and civilian Levi Itach.

The Home Front Command is an Israeli Defense Forces regional command, created in February 1992 in response to the lessons of the Gulf War, which centers of civilian population faced significant threat. The command is responsible for civil defense: preparing the civilian population for a conflict or disaster, assisting the population during the crisis, and contributing to post-crisis reconstruction. Home Front Command also operates search-and-rescue missions in Israel and worldwide, whether from terror attacks or natural disasters. For example, In 2021, Home Front Command responded and sent a search and rescue team to Florida to assist in rescue efforts associated with the Surfside condominium building collapse.

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This mission, dubbed Operation Yad Achim (Helping Hand), is headed by the commander of the National Rescue Unit in the Home Front Command, Col. (Res.) Golan Vach. The delegation includes former Deputy Consul General in Miami Guy Giladi, as well as approximately 10 reserve officers from the Home Front Command who are experts in engineering and social care efforts.

An exhibit devoted to life on the home front during World War II takes visitors back to a world defined by rationing and war bond drives. A re-creation of the entrance to Pensacola's Isis Theater leads to a setted street where a Marine, home on leave, gets a shoe shine in front of the local barbershop. Neon signs glow with the names of Pensacola establishments of the era, and re-creations of a wartime household and general store immerse visitors in day-to-day life during the early '40s.

The sirens are only one of more than 250 layers of data that form part of Israel's Home Front Command National Command and Control, a system called Shual in Israel. Lt. Col. Shlomi Maman says that his command is responsible for protecting civilian lives in emergencies, whether from rockets or earthquakes.

Technological advancements enable data to be centralized, "so soldiers can arrive in the field with a [tablet] computer and see who is where in the field, what is in the field in real time, and deal with the incident connection with the command center," says Maman.

Israel today faces potential conflicts on both its Gaza border and in the north with Hezbollah. Amid the tensions with Iran it foresees complex challenges in a potential multi-front war that would involve rocket fire and the need to deploy Israel's multi-tiered air defense system. Making sure Israel's millions of civilians can get to shelters in time and are warned correctly is integral to the country's defense and how it uses technology.

In November, Brig. Gen. Yair Dori, commander of Israel's air defense forces, gathered a group of reporters around the weapon that has come to symbolize Israel's effort to thwart a repeat of the 39 Iraqi Scud missiles that terrorized this nation for weeks during the Gulf War.

The Arrow missile is designed to disable an incoming warhead by exploding within 40 to 50 yards of its target, and the battery has a command and control system created to intercept as many as 14 incoming warheads, according to military specialists. However, military officials acknowledge that all previous tests have involved a single target. The first simulated test of the Arrow against multiple incoming missiles is scheduled for today, according to the Defense Ministry.

Although the Israeli military has refused to comment on the reports, the navy commander, Yedidya Yaari, said at the military conference, "What we can do at sea . . . is totally different from what we have known in the past." He added that the sea service is now "available and flexible for a whole gamut of capabilities."

Minutes after the sun set on an overcast winter day two weeks ago, military commanders and civil authorities received an alert saying a Scud missile had smashed into a densely populated working-class suburb of Tel Aviv.

Created in the aftermath of that conflict, the Home Front Command has become a major component of the Israeli military. During peacetime, the command drills and trains for crises. During a domestic disaster or war, it has the authority to take control over local police, civil authorities and emergency medical services to organize the response.

In recent weeks, as the command has increased the tempo of its emergency drills, it has also revved up notices to the public to prepare emergency shelters, trade in old masks for new ones and brace for a possible attack.

As a result, the command has been pelted with almost daily newspaper headlines criticizing its orders and questioning its capabilities. This week, gas masks were the target, with local newspapers reporting that one-third of the masks distributed by the Home Front Command were ineffective. ff782bc1db

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