The player who sits after the dealer in the direction of play (which is typically counter-clockwise) is known as trump-caller. Having received the first five cards, this player announces the trump suit (usually called rang of the game - "rang" meaning "color" in Persian or hokm - "hokm" meaning "rule" in Persian). The other players are not allowed to look at their cards before the trump suit has been announced. The trump-caller leads to the first trick. In trick-play the normal whist rules apply: Players must follow suit if possible, and the highest trump, or the highest card of the suit led, takes the trick. To choose the highest card, the cards must be 10 and below. The winner of a trick leads to the next trick.[2][3][4]

Immigrants from the Indian subcontinent brought the game to Suriname and Guyana, where it is known as troefcall ("trumps call", a mixture of Dutch and English) and t'rup chaal.[8][10][11][12] From Suriname it found its way to the Netherlands. Under the name hokm (Persian: , trumps) it is very popular in Iran.[13]

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This article analyzes and clarifies the difference between the divine judgment (hokm) versus the human judgment, using evidence from the Holy Quran and examples from Islamic history and Sunnah. The author tackles this topic due to its dire importance and its relevance in our lives and explains its relation to the concept of justice and the consequences of failing to differentiate between the divine and human judgment.

We have a good example in the judgments of our Master Ameerul Momineen Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) in the different tough cases which the scholars of jurisprudence and the Caliphs failed to make these judgments on their own. He always used to know the divine hokm in every case and issue. Same was the case with all our infallible Imams (AS). 006ab0faaa

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