Most accounts at Companies House are filed using software, rather than using paper or our online service, WebFiling. Using software is quick and efficient and improves transparency, traceability, and validation of accounts filings. This adds value to the register and assists our intelligence service in fraud detection.

Our vision is to create a single, cost-effective, sustainable way of filing accounts, which will be secure, transparent, and traceable. We also want to enable much wider tagging of accounts data. This means that the data is electronically tagged and categorised to a specialist accounts taxonomy, making it easier for our users to access, analyse and search for data.

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There are several ways for a company to file its accounts. Some use our web-based systems (WebFiling and Find and Update Company Information service), or our joint filing service with HMRC (Company Accounts and Tax Online), and a small number of users file on paper.

Companies House has made a strategic commitment to become a fully digital filing service. This means we need a fit-for-purpose way to improve the quality and value of information on the register to fulfil our organisational priorities of delivering legislative reform and preventing economic crime.

Companies House intends to move to software-only filing of accounts and will eventually cease to use CATO as a submission route. However, that does not necessarily mean that HMRC will stop using CATO for their tax and accounts submissions.

So small entities will have to file separately to HMRC and Companies House, instead of going through HMRC's online filing and submitting accounts to CH by clicking a button? How friendly. Thanks a bundle.

We are collating the information on software options and the qualifying criteria for potentially free options. This information will be shared on help pages once we have timelines for each stage of the incremental roll-out of the move to software-only filing.

Companies House will eventually cease to accept accounts filed via the Company Accounts and Tax Online (CATO) service. However, that does not necessarily mean that HMRC will cease to use CATO for tax and accounts filings.

Yes, when we make the change to software-only accounts filing, this will see the removal of all other filing routes for all types of accounts. There are free options available for some companies and we will support businesses by signposting them to the software options that match their needs.

We are collating the information on free software options and the qualifying criteria. This information will be shared on help pages once we have timelines for each stage of the incremental roll-out of the move to software-only filing.

Can you assure me that Fujitsu will not be involved, as it would seem that since the great post office software (Horizon) debacle which ruined many honest postmasters' lives with its software failings, many people have lost faith in 'secure online software systems', or indeed the British Legal institution since its travesty of justice to deal quickly and appropriately at such a time when these systems fail? If the Companies House accounts system fails it could be, perhaps, like a nuclear catastrophe in regards to the British finances and security of British business. Huge companies are not immune to cyber attacks, we regularly hear of them and it causes a lot of disruption. How can we be sure the British Government systems are impregnable? Rather like an aircraft carrier, it becomes quite a target and may not be invincible. I have to say I have my reservations about the wisdom of this move. Better a few small errors than one that could perhaps affect us all.

We are a not-for-profit company and have been given exemption from filing accounts with HMRC.

We are exempt from corporation tax.

The company exists to look after our village green and recreation area.

We do not make a profit.

We do not employ anyone.

Our income (what little there is) comes from donations and the ocassional grant.

In the above responce you said there were free options - can you tell us what those are?

Not necessarily. We are collating the information on free software options and the qualifying criteria. This information will be shared on help pages once we have timelines for each stage of the incremental roll-out of the move to software-only filing.

Can you pleased provide a list of free software to enable filing in the future. I use the Webfiling because the cost of software's monthly fees are prohibitive and quite frankly are a rip-off given it's just a matter of common sense bookkeeping for many businesses. Thank you

I am concerned this will mean more work for me, as a v. small company I have to do everything, studies for clients, travel, and admin including preparing accounts and use HMRC/ Companies House joint web filing service which has worked out well for me. Now I will have to obtain and learn a new package with these proposals, it looks like a lot of 'make' work really. What about keeping an easy service for small businesses like mine with simple affairs to avoid adding beaurocracy. There won't be any more tax paid than now, I have satisfied bank fraud checks and have the same company details for 20 years. Can I suggest an easy service is maintained for small companies with less than 100,000 revenue, based on the current set up, the status quo. For larger ventures supported by accountants ( 60% of companies using accouts software?) then a change over is all supported, but for the small independent venture this proposal is not attractive and will add to the admin burden.

When we make the change to software-only accounts filing, this will see the removal of all other filing routes for accounts. This includes our WebFiling service. Once the legislation which relates to these changes has been passed and the Bill achieves Royal Assent, we will communicate a timetable for the incremental roll-out of the move to software-only filing.

I am in full agreement of the need to submit P&L statements for small and micro entities and also the disappearance of the abridged accounts reporting. However, I am slightly concerned by the disappearance of web based filing and CATO.

I note that you will be signposting free commercial software vendors but please ensure these vendors do not offer a free product but only for a limited time. Let's not forget the meaning of "commercial" - if such vendors receive no income from such products their shelf-life is often quite short.

The online service uses Secure Socket Layer (128-bit SSL) protocol which is the standard mechanism used by web browsers to encrypt information. The SSL encrypts all the information you enter before sending it to us, which ensures that no-one can intercept and read your details.

After you've entered the authentication code, you'll then have the option to store the company details. This means you will not have to re-enter the code for most online filings, and can digitally authorise other people to file online for the company.

A LLP entity may opt to have only Designated Members appointed. In such cases, the WebFiling LLAP01 form only allows the appointment of a Designated Member to a LLP whose status is to have only Designated Members appointed. The status of the LLP is determined on incorporation or by thereafter filing a form LLDE01 to give notice of a change of status.

Yes. The joint filing service will allow you to complete the accounts and submit the accounts data to Companies House, then complete the HMRC submission at a later date.

 It is directors' responsibility to know their Companies House and HMRC filing deadlines.

It is a PIN code associated with a Government Gateway account. The Government Gateway is an internet portal which allows users to access a range of online services provided by UK Government Departments. You must have a Government Gateway account and PIN code to access HMRC Online Services.

Companies House uses the GOV.UK Pay online payment service to collect your card details. All the information you provide on the payment page (including your credit or debit card numbers) is encrypted and securely passed through to the bank.

PROOF (Protected Online Filing) enables companies to protect themselves from unauthorised changes to their company's record as it prevents the filing of certain paper forms. These include documents for an appointment/resignation/change of particulars of company officer, annual return, change of company name and the change of the registered office.

PROOF is available online, simply agree to the Terms and Conditions and choose 'Join PROOF'. You can be assured that attempts to file the following forms on paper will be rejected: change of registered office address, appointment, resignation or change particulars of an officer.

Click Submit to confirm the online submission of the United Kingdom VAT100 Return to HMRC. An In Queue stamp will appear on your VAT form while your submission is in process. Otherwise, click Cancel to go back to the VAT report. 2351a5e196

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