In 1887, Major League Baseball counted bases on balls (walks) as hits. The result was skyrocketing batting averages, including some near .500; Tip O'Neill of the St. Louis Browns batted .485 that season, which would still be a major league record if recognized. The experiment was abandoned the following season.

There is controversy regarding how the records of 1887 should be interpreted. The number of legitimate walks and at-bats are known for all players that year, so computing averages using the same method as in other years is straightforward. In 1968, Major League Baseball formed a Special Baseball Records Committee to resolve this (and other) issues. The Committee ruled that walks in 1887 should not be counted as hits. In 2000, Major League Baseball reversed its decision, ruling that the statistics which were recognized in each year's official records should stand, even in cases where they were later proven incorrect. Most current sources list O'Neill's 1887 average as .435, as calculated by omitting his walks. He would retain his American Association batting championship. However, the variance between methods results in differing recognition for the 1887 National League batting champion. Cap Anson would be recognized, with his .421 average, if walks are included, but Sam Thompson would be the champion at .372 if they are not.

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Hits are treated differently based on type and circumstance, and your billable hit volume for a month may not match the sum of the hits reported in the corresponding Analytics 360 view for one or more of the following reasons:

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Multiple parallel hits, including genetic differences, insulin resistance and intestinal microbiota, account for the progression of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Multiple hits induce adipokine secretion, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and oxidative stress at the cellular level that subsequently induce hepatic steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis, among which oxidative stress is considered a key contributor to progression from simple fatty liver to NASH. Although several clinical trials have shown that anti-oxidative therapy can effectively control hepatitis activities in the short term, the long-term effect remains obscure. Several trials of long-term anti-oxidant protocols aimed at treating cerebrovascular diseases or cancer development have failed to produce a benefit. This might be explained by the non-selective anti-oxidative properties of these drugs. Molecular hydrogen is an effective antioxidant that reduces only cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) and several diseases associated with oxidative stress are sensitive to hydrogen. The progress of NASH to hepatocellular carcinoma can be controlled using hydrogen-rich water. Thus, targeting mitochondrial oxidative stress might be a good candidate for NASH treatment. Long term clinical intervention is needed to control this complex lifestyle-related disease.

A hit occurs when a batter strikes the baseball into fair territory and reaches base without doing so via an error or a fielder's choice. There are four types of hits in baseball: singles, doubles, triples and home runs. All four are counted equally when deciphering batting average. If a player is thrown out attempting to take an extra base (e.g., turning a single into a double), that still counts as a hit.

Hits come in all varieties. Some can be hard-hit balls or long home runs. Others can be slow bouncers in the infield -- or even bunts -- where the batter reaches first base before the throw. (These are called "infield hits.") Hits are also credited to the batter when the ball takes an awkward bounce that a defender cannot field (provided the scorer rules that the batter didn't reach base with the help of an error).

(A) Shown are representative structures of potentially problematic compounds from initial hits (colored as black) and next generation compounds (colored as blue), identified by the application of the REOS,32 PAINS,33 and Eli Lilly filters.34(B) Venn diagram showing the overlap of potentially problematic compounds from the different filters against initial hits.

A top_hits metric aggregator keeps track of the most relevant document being aggregated. This aggregator is intendedto be used as a sub aggregator, so that the top matching documents can be aggregated per bucket.

The top_hits aggregator can effectively be used to group result sets by certain fields via a bucket aggregator.One or more bucket aggregators determines by which properties a result set get sliced into.

top_hits does not support the rescore parameter. Query rescoringapplies only to search hits, not aggregation results. To change the scores usedby aggregations, use a function_score orscript_score query.

Field collapsing or result grouping is a feature that logically groups a result set into groups and per group returnstop documents. The ordering of the groups is determined by the relevancy of the first document in a group. InElasticsearch this can be implemented via a bucket aggregator that wraps a top_hits aggregator as sub-aggregator.

In the example below we search across crawled webpages. For each webpage we store the body and the domain the webpagebelong to. By defining a terms aggregator on the domain field we group the result set of webpages by domain. Thetop_hits aggregator is then defined as sub-aggregator, so that the top matching hits are collected per bucket.

If the top_hits aggregator is wrapped in a nested or reverse_nested aggregator then nested hits are being returned.Nested hits are in a sense hidden mini documents that are part of regular document where in the mapping a nested field typehas been configured. The top_hits aggregator has the ability to un-hide these documents if it is wrapped in a nestedor reverse_nested aggregator. Read more about nested in the nested type mapping.

If nested type has been configured a single document is actually indexed as multiple Lucene documents and they sharethe same id. In order to determine the identity of a nested hit there is more needed than just the id, so that is whynested hits also include their nested identity. The nested identity is kept under the _nested field in the search hitand includes the array field and the offset in the array field the nested hit belongs to. The offset is zero based.

If _source is requested then just the part of the source of the nested object is returned, not the entire source of the document.Also stored fields on the nested inner object level are accessible via top_hits aggregator residing in a nested or reverse_nested aggregator.

If there are multiple levels of nested object types defined in mappings then the _nested information can also be hierarchicalin order to express the identity of nested hits that are two layers deep or more.

top_hits can be used in pipeline aggregations that consume a single value per bucket, such as bucket_selectorthat applies per bucket filtering, similar to using a HAVING clause in SQL. This requires setting size to 1, andspecifying the right path for the value to be passed to the wrapping aggregator. The latter can be a _source, a_sort or a _score value. For example:

The bucket_path uses the top_hits name top_sales_hits and a keyword for the field providing the aggregate value,namely _source field price in the example above. Other options include top_sales_hits[_sort], for filtering on thesort value date above, and top_sales_hits[_score], for filtering on the score of the top hit.

One of the most exciting accomplishments in major league baseball is exciting because of its rarity. When a batter hits for the cycle, he gets a single, double, triple, and home run in the same game. From 1876 through the end of the 2017 regular season, there have been only 319 instances of a batter accomplishing this feat.1 Given that there have been 214,651 games played, hitting for the cycle is indeed a rare event, as it has occurred in fewer than 1% of all games (0.149%, to be more precise).2 To date, no game has seen more than one batter hit for the cycle.

Figure 11 shows that of the hits that occur last in the cycle, triples occur most frequently at 31.32%. Nearly as frequent is having the third hit be a single at 30.18%. The most infrequent occurrence is having the last hit of the cycle be a single with 20.00%.

Another noticeable trend seen in Figure 12 is a steady increase in the percentage of last hits that are triples since the Lively Ball Era; in particular, another relatively large spike in the Free Agency Era. With the Long Ball Era having the largest number of cycles and the Free Agency Era having the third largest number of cycles, all of which we have the full sequence in which the cycle occurred, there seems to be a significant trend.

If one were to show using probabilities that a certain type of hit (single, double, triple, or home run) is the hardest to attain, one would need to explore the frequency of all hits, and the type of hit that occurred the least would arguably be the hardest to attain. By focusing on cycles, the probabilities we examine are conditional on the fact that we know one of each type of hit occurred. We no longer want to look for the hit that occurs infrequently, but rather explore the order in which the hits take place. It can be argued then that the hits that occur in the first at-bats are perhaps easier to attain than hits that occur last in the sequence. Therefore, if a certain type of hit occurs more often as the last hit in the sequence, it can be viewed as the hardest of the four types of hits.

We can conclude that, for the last close-to-50 years, triples are most likely to be the final hit which completes the cycle. Our research has studied just the four hits, not taking into account the number of at-bats (how often has it been only four at-bats?) or the number of hits (some batters have had more than four hits in accomplishing the cycle). In those instances, we do not include extra hits of the same number of bases but only recorded which type of hit was first, second, third, or last. 006ab0faaa

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