All our experiments are all built with freely accessible web technology such as Web Audio API, WebMIDI, Tone.js, and more. These tools make it easier for coders to build new interactive music experiences. You can get the open-source code to lots of these experiments here on Github.

In pursuit of that goal, we've basically made you 123 mixtapes to go with our 123 best songs of 2023, little slices of those infinite possibilities. Don't know where to start? You can narrow the list to our "best of the best" or pick something you like and see what we recommend next. Follow any individual song to a playlist of suggestions that open new doors. (Of course, you can also listen to a big playlist of nearly every song on the list, and check out our 50 best albums of the year too, if that's your speed.) There's enough here to keep making discoveries and connections into 2024.

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Recaps are made just for you, based on your music listening history across YouTube platforms. Your Recap gets updated every time a new Recap is available. You can always save your previous stats and playlists.

Apple Music is a streaming service that allows you to listen to over 100 million songs. Its features include the ability to download your favorite tracks and play them offline, lyrics in real time, listening across all your favorite devices, new music personalized just for you, curated playlists from our editors, and much more. All this in addition to exclusive and original content.

Classical music has a fundamentally different metadata structure from that of genres like pop, hip-hop, and country. As a result, it requires a unique approach to search, browse, library, and recommendations features. In addition, presenting the data about each album requires completely different formats. Classical listeners also have specific interests, such as composer bios and descriptions of works.

Already a classical music enthusiast and Apple Music subscriber? All the classical music in your Apple Music library will automatically appear in the Favorites tab of Apple Music Classical, ready for you to enjoy.

Yes, both apps will offer the largest classical catalog in the world. However, Apple Music Classical will include multiple additional features, such as classical browse, a search engine designed for classical music, handpicked recommendations, composer and artist bios, and descriptions of the works.

No, Apple Music Classical is classical only, but it does include lots of film and other crossover genres with classical music. Apple Music Classical users can also listen to more than 100 million songs on Apple Music through their subscription.

Make sure that all of your devices have Sync Library turned on and signed in with the same Apple ID that you use with Apple Music. If your music library is stored on your computer, check the cloud status of songs to find missing music and resolve issues.

If you canceled your subscription to Apple Music or iTunes Match, your music library is removed on all of your devices except for the device your music library is stored on. Any music, including playlists, that you added or downloaded from the Apple Music catalog is also removed.

Musically, 2023 was defined by the return of major female pop stars, sonic diversity that topped the charts, and a global music atmosphere that gave rise to powerful genres. On the podcast front, creators are responding to trends in real time, and audiences are turning to podcasts to join larger cultural conversations. As always, our 2023 Spotify Wrapped campaign reflects these trends, and our toplists showcase how over 574 million people around the world listened this year.

Automatic music generation dates back to more than half a century.[^reference-1][^reference-2][^reference-3][^reference-4] A prominent approach is to generate music symbolically in the form of a piano roll, which specifies the timing, pitch, velocity, and instrument of each note to be played. This has led to impressive results like producing Bach chorals,[^reference-5][^reference-6] polyphonic music with multiple instruments,[^reference-7][^reference-8][^reference-9] as well as minute long musical pieces.[^reference-10][^reference-11][^reference-12]

We chose to work on music because we want to continue to push the boundaries of generative models. Our previous work on MuseNet explored synthesizing music based on large amounts of MIDI data. Now in raw audio, our models must learn to tackle high diversity as well as very long range structure, and the raw audio domain is particularly unforgiving of errors in short, medium, or long term timing.

Next, we train the prior models whose goal is to learn the distribution of music codes encoded by VQ-VAE and to generate music in this compressed discrete space. Like the VQ-VAE, we have three levels of priors: a top-level prior that generates the most compressed codes, and two upsampling priors that generate less compressed codes conditioned on above.

The top-level prior models the long-range structure of music, and samples decoded from this level have lower audio quality but capture high-level semantics like singing and melodies. The middle and bottom upsampling priors add local musical structures like timbre, significantly improving the audio quality.

Once all of the priors are trained, we can generate codes from the top level, upsample them using the upsamplers, and decode them back to the raw audio space using the VQ-VAE decoder to sample novel songs.

To train this model, we crawled the web to curate a new dataset of 1.2 million songs (600,000 of which are in English), paired with the corresponding lyrics and metadata from LyricWiki. The metadata includes artist, album genre, and year of the songs, along with common moods or playlist keywords associated with each song. We train on 32-bit, 44.1 kHz raw audio, and perform data augmentation by randomly downmixing the right and left channels to produce mono audio.

To attend to the lyrics, we add an encoder to produce a representation for the lyrics, and add attention layers that use queries from the music decoder to attend to keys and values from the lyrics encoder. After training, the model learns a more precise alignment.

While Jukebox represents a step forward in musical quality, coherence, length of audio sample, and ability to condition on artist, genre, and lyrics, there is a significant gap between these generations and human-created music.

For example, while the generated songs show local musical coherence, follow traditional chord patterns, and can even feature impressive solos, we do not hear familiar larger musical structures such as choruses that repeat. Our downsampling and upsampling process introduces discernable noise. Improving the VQ-VAE so its codes capture more musical information would help reduce this. Our models are also slow to sample from, because of the autoregressive nature of sampling. It takes approximately 9 hours to fully render one minute of audio through our models, and thus they cannot yet be used in interactive applications. Using techniques[^reference-27][^reference-34] that distill the model into a parallel sampler can significantly speed up the sampling speed. Finally, we currently train on English lyrics and mostly Western music, but in the future we hope to include songs from other languages and parts of the world.

We collect a larger and more diverse dataset of songs, with labels for genres and artists. Model picks up artist and genre styles more consistently with diversity, and at convergence can also produce full-length songs with long-range coherence.

We scale our VQ-VAE from 22 to 44kHz to achieve higher quality audio. We also scale top-level prior from 1B to 5B to capture the increased information. We see better musical quality, clear singing, and long-range coherence. We also make novel completions of real songs.

The AI vocal programs are created by people from across the globe who upload thousands of samples from artists such as Adele, Beyonce and Taylor Swift. The more prolific the artist's songs are, the more thorough the AI vocal profile will be.

ABC News Live reached out to the big three music record labels as well as Apple Music and Spotify for comment on how they plan to handle any AI-generated music that may end up on their platforms, but none responded to the requests.

Johnny Venus and Doctur Dot of the hip-hop duo EARTHGANG said they were able to get their first albums produced because of cheap, available recording software that allowed them to produce their songs without an expensive studio.

And while SIXFOOT 5 has been exploring the creative sides of Al in music and music production, he emphasized that the technology still has hiccups and, most importantly, that Al vocals cannot bring life to a record in the same way ahuman can.

\"I want to hear the human element in music, in arts. So, I'd be curious if Adele actually sang the song,\" SIXFOOT 5 said. \" I would love to hear what she would do and how her voice would sound on it, because there are just some things that machines cannot do.\"

Song of Songs is set to music composed by David Lang, performed live by six musicians: three vocalists, one viola, one cello, and one percussionist, who are onstage alongside the dancers. The music is meant to pose questions about the connections between love and spirituality. Hear more from the composer.

Methods:  Six participants attended group music therapy sessions over a one-month period. Using content analysis, we qualitatively examined transcriptions of verbal and sung content during 8 group sessions for the purpose of understanding the relationship between specific songs and conversations that occurred during and following group singing.

Results:  Content analysis revealed that songs from the participants' past-elicited memories, especially songs related to their social and national identity. Analyses also indicated that conversation related to the singing was extensive and the act of group singing encouraged spontaneous responses. After singing, group members expressed positive feelings, a sense of accomplishment, and belonging. 2351a5e196

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