@Ezana_Abebe no resolutions yet, as the team has been unable to reproduce the issue with highlights not appearing in the selected location. Have you tried adjusting the zoom levels (both on the viewer and the browser)? This has worked for some users.

Coming from the Altium world there is one thing I really miss in Allegro / Orcad PCB Designer: the ability to simply highlight a net by reducing the brightness of everything else. In Altium, there is a possibility to simply Ctrl-Click a net, everything else will go darker and the net will show more vivid. This way you can easily determine where the net is going, through all layers.

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In Allegro/Orcad PCB Designer I have found the option to "highlight" a net which will make it a bit patterned, the rest will stay the same and it is really hard to distinguish it from the rest visible. I have found that you can give colors to a net which is slightly better but then I won't be able to determine the layers it is going through anymore. Also, the rest will still be bright, again - pretty hard to visually distinguish.

To get rid of the annoying bit-patterned highlight and make it solid and bright, go into User_Setup->Display->Highlight and select "display_nohiltefont".

The other trick for display contrast is as per steve's post.

Thanks, that makes it a bit better but I'd like to see the whole net to be highlighted, not just the tracks on the layer where I selected the Cline segment, including all involved Vias, CLines, Pads so you can easily see where the signal is going. Currently it will stop at the first via - is there an option for that?

Highlight was designed to offer a flexible but easy to use syntax highlighterfor several output formats. Instead of hardcoding syntax or colouringinformation, all relevant data is stored in configuration scripts. Thesescripts may be altered or enhanced with plug-in scripts.

If no input filename is defined by --input or given at the prompt, highlight isnot able to determine the language type by means of the file extension (butsome scripting languages are determined by the shebang in the first inputline). In this case you have to pass highlight the given langage with --syntax(this should be the file suffix of the source file in most cases).

Highlight enters the batch processing mode if multiple input files are definedor if --batch-recursive is set.In batch mode, highlight will save the generated files using the originalfilename, appending the extension of the chosen output type.

If files in the input directories happen to share the same name, the outputfiles will be prefixed with their source path name.

The --out-dir option is recommended in batch mode. Use --quiet to improveperformance (recommended for usage in shell scripts).

With --style-infile you define a file to be included in the final formattinginformation of the document. This way you enhance or redefine the defaulthighlight style definitions without editing generated code.

Note: Using a plug-in script is the preferred way to enhance styling.

If highlight could be invoked with all kinds of input, you can disable parsingof binary files using --validate-input. This flag causes highlight to match theinput file header with a list of magic numbers. If a binary file type isdetected, highlight quits with an error message.

A language definition describes all elements of a programming language whichwill be highlighted by different colours and font types.Save the new file in langDefs/, using the following name convention:

The --plug-in option receives the name of a Lua script which can override andenhance the settings of theme and language definition files. Plug-ins makeit possible to apply costum settings without editing installed highlightconfiguration files.

See Plug-Ins for file format and examples.

The Custom Highlight API provides a programmatic way of adding and removing highlightsthat do not affect the underlying DOM structure,but instead applies styles to text based on range objects,accessed via the ::highlight() pseudo element.

It assumes general familiarity with CSSand with the DOM Standard [DOM],and specifically extends the mechanisms defined in CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4 [css-pseudo-4] to handle highlight pseudo-elements.The Selectors Level 4 [selectors-4] specification defines how pseudo-elements work in general.

Custom highlights are represented by Highlight objects, setlike objects whose set entries are AbstractRange objects. Ranges can be added to a custom highlight either by passing them to its constructor,or by using the usual API of setlike objectsto manipulate its set entries.

The ::highlight() pseudo-element(also known as the custom highlight pseudo-element)represents the portion of a document thatis being contained or partially contained in all the ranges of the registered custom highlight with the custom highlight name ,if any. must be a valid CSS .

As there are no priorities set(i.e. there is a tie between h1 and h2),the custom highlights' styles are stackedin order of insertion into the highlight registry.The rendered results will have "Som" with blue text on yellow background,"e t" with blue text on orange background,and "ext" with the default color on orange background.

UAs should make custom highlights available to assistive technologies.When exposing a highlight using a given platform accessibility API,UAs should expose the semantic meaning of the highlightas specified by its type attributewith as much specificity as possible for that accessibility API.

The addition or removalof a custom highlight in the highlight registry,or of a range in a registered custom highlight,must cause the user agent to reevaluate the rendering,and to repaint if appropriate.

Hi @ScottR , in the Styles section of navigation component, I am able to see only the following options. No highlight.

Any help would be appreciated.

Also, I would like to set the value of a temp.state based on the selected navigation menu item. How to do that?

a question if that is already possible or maybe doable:

Is it possible to highlight text in different colors? Background is, that I clip a lot from the web (using Diigo) and use different highlight colors for various things such as different users highlighting or different passes over the same text.

Highlight is an extension that adds support for code highlighting. Its purpose is to provide a single place to configure syntax highlighting for code blocks. Both InlineHilite and SuperFences can use Highlight to configure their highlight settings, but Highlight will also run all non-fence code blocks through the highlighter as well.

The Highlight extension is inspired by CodeHilite, but differs in features. PyMdown Extensions chooses not to implement special language headers for standard Markdown code blocks like CodeHilite does; PyMdown Extensions takes the position that language headers are better suited in fenced code blocks. So standard Markdown code blocks will just be styled as plain text unless guess_language is enabled. If you wish to highlight lines and define line numbers per code block, it is advised to use the SuperFences extension.

To be clear the SuperFences extension does not strip leading and trailing new lines, this is the default behavior of the Pygments syntax highlighter, not the SuperFences extension's parsing logic. When Pygments is disabled, both leading and trailing newlines are preserved.

Recently, I change my laptop from old Thinkpad to newer laptop with much larger touchpad. I've found that I frequently touch the sensitive touchpad while I'm using emacs. And with some mysterious combination, very often there will be a highlight appear on the emacs buffer. The highlight is persist. Cannot be removed by navigating cursor or mouse click. It's not emacs selection mark. The only way I can remove it is to close the buffer and reload the file.

@Anne NO, when you are writing your formulas in SS, once you have all of your parameters identified correctly, SS as a program will highlight the cells or columns that are involved in your formula to help you visualize which data is involved. If it is not visualizing in this manner, the most common reason is a missing bracket or comma.

The CSS Custom Highlight API extends the concept of other highlight pseudo-elements such as ::selection, ::spelling-error, ::grammar-error, and ::target-text by providing a way to create and style arbitrary Range objects, rather than being limited to browser-defined ranges.

Multiple ranges can be associated to one highlight. If you want to highlight multiple pieces of text the same way, you need to create a single highlight and initialize it with the corresponding ranges.

But you can also create as many highlights as you need. For example, if you are building a collaborative text editor where each user gets a different text color, then you can create one highlight per user, as seen in the code snippet below:

JavaScript is used to listen to the input event on the search field. When the event is fired, the code locates matches for the input text in the article text. It then creates ranges for the matches, and uses the CSS Custom Highlight API to create and register a search-results highlight object: 17dc91bb1f

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