This is the last thing I am trying to edit and set-up. I have the "Accept appointments" as 'phone only' and my business location as 'mobile' but on the Square Online Appointments Page it is still showing my home address.

My services are all done remote and I do not want to give out my home address. I have everything toggled off for the Services list -> Location information when editing Appointments. How can I make the business (aka private home) address disappear??

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I have the same need. I was VERY disappointed to view my appointments site that I worked so hard to set up and find out that my home address has been published without my consent and no notification that the change had been made! I too followed all of the instructions for making my location "mobile" and toggled switches off and when I published my site my location was NOT visible. I don't know when it changed, but now my home address shows up on my appointments page! I just had to UN-publish my square appointments site because I can not have my home address showing up. I do not have a separate business address or PO Box. I hope Square fixes this very soon so I can book remote appointments again! This is not ok.

I am working on setting up my square website now and wondering if I need to change platforms because I work from home and do not want my home address publicly available. I also travel a lot for my business so I would like to have a mobile location but can't figure out how to do it in a way that keeps my primary home address private.

Many countries impose harsh censorship protocols on the internet, limiting what sites are available for browsing. China is one example of this. Other countries block copyrighted content that was produced elsewhere. For example, YouTube or Netflix videos that can be viewed in the United States may not be available for viewing in Germany or Ireland. When you hide your IP address, you can sometimes trick the servers into thinking that you are actually connecting to the internet from another country, bypassing the restrictions.

When you learn how to hide your IP, you can stop the search engines from connecting any searches you make with your particular IP address. As an added measure, you can use the private browsing option that most browsers offer as a feature today.

There are essentially two methods you can choose from to hide your IP address. One is using a proxy server, and the other is using a virtual private network (VPN). Either one will be sufficient, but there are a few cons associated with proxy servers that make VPNs a more optimal choice for many.

The data moving from one point to another is routed through different servers. Consider them something of an internet checkpoint. Each server logs your activity and your IP address. And so a complete route of your internet activity is recorded by various servers and websites and other companies.

When you use a proxy server, it is like driving those internet roads and highways in a secure, private limousine with darkly tinted windows. The limousine, which is the proxy server, has a different IP address than your current device that is connected to the internet. The servers, search engines, and other companies see only the IP address of the proxy server, and not your own.

The main reason people use proxy servers is to hide an IP address. All your internet activity is routed through the proxy server, keeping your own IP address hidden from prying eyes. Using a proxy server also improves security since it adds an extra layer of protection against hackers. And, if you want to browse the internet anonymously, using a proxy server is one of the best ways to hide your identity.

A virtual private network works in a somewhat similar fashion to a proxy server. When you connect your devices to a VPN before going online, your device will appear to be on the same network that the VPN is operating on. Your internet traffic data will be sent to the VPN via a secure connection and routed appropriately to the sites you intend to visit, effectively making your own IP address private and hidden.

VPNs are great tools for securing your data, such as private messages, passwords and usernames, financial information, and anything else that is a normal part of your digital footprint. Using a VPN not only hides your IP address but also encrypts all the data related to your internet browsing sessions. Some premium VPNs use advanced encryption protocols that make you nearly invisible to anyone else on the internet.

Obviously, VPNs also keep your IP address secure from other entities that track the activity related to it, such as your ISP, search engines, social media platforms, or government agencies. Because your IP address is hidden and your data is encrypted, your online actions will pass undetected through servers.

Installing and setting up a VPN is fairly simple, which is another reason they have become increasingly popular for people who want to hide an IP address. With most VPNs, all you need to do is install the software or download and install the app. You can do this for both computers and mobile devices, so that you can protect as many devices as possible.

What else I should do to keep my address private and offline? My stalker has in the past hired a private investigator to try and find me before. I would really appreciate your input, thanks for everyone's help!

We run our small business from home and are fairly very private people. Is there a way to not have an address for buyers to select as an option for when they selects pickup/delivery? 

The only address we have is our home address and we always deliver items or meet buyers in a safe public location. We prefer to not have the private home address linked and local strangers knowing where we live, but this is seemingly unavoidable with a Square shop. We do use a P.O. Box for our shipping address with our labels on Etsy and our Facebook page shows that we are a "mobile" business with "My Page doesn't have a location" as the option for address we have selected. It only shows our town. We also don't feel comfortable using another businesses address for our meeting location since it's obviously not our place.

We would like an option for buyer to select either pickup or delivery and, once order is placed, we email them to figure out the details. Is there a way to do this or do we have to avoid pickup/delivery all together and just stick to shipping?

We're really happy to see you in our Seller Community! You can't remove your address from the pickup and delivery settings. What I recommend is to set up the services as shipping and state that the item will not be shipped.

Since this question was asked well over a year ago, has there been any discussion on making changes to listing our home addresses in the "pickup" option? Had I known that my exact home address would be listed on the website, I would have went with Shopify. They seem to protect their customers safety and security better than Weebly/Square. I will be sure to inform others that are beginning a home based business on our social media platforms. Nobody wants to only have shipping as an option, then have to refund local customers that inadvertently paid for shipping.

I completely understand your concern with this, however, the pickup address will need to be displayed for the customer so that they know where they are meant to pickup the order from before making the purchase.

We only have friends, neighbors and family pickup at our home, general public is met in a public space. I changed my address to a P.O. Box without adding a box number to avoid having our home address listed. Our second website will be listed through Shopify.

The issue is not for pickup, if you turn on pickup then yes I agree, the address should be displayed. However, I currently use only 'delivery' turned on but on the website under local delivery my home address is still displayed even though it's irrelevant for me to deliver to people in the zip codes I set. This is a HUGE security issue for me!!!!

The address is shown because your customers need to know where they are picking up an item (before making the purchase). Check out @RedOakResin suggestion here to use cross streets, though. This is the first time I have seen this as a suggestion, and I think it sounds like a great option if you do not want to display your full address.

I wanted to keep pickup on to allow the option, but give an address after since I am a small business working out of my home. I just put in a fake address / description saying address communicated after purchase.

Yes, it seems that is the work around everyone is doing. Unfortuantely, for me the address is pre-filled from a database of addresses but luckily, an address with just the street and not the house number was acceptable, so I was able to submit that.

I run my business from home and do NOT want my address public on the site. I do allow pickup, but want to give the general neighborhood and then provide specific address to individuals after purchase. This is important for safety. I tried using "exact address provided after purchse" but the system is insisting on an exact address in the setup. this is VERY frustrating.

I live in Bahrain and the address system here is messy, so identifying an exact address is pretty difficult. Previously I could hide an address using GPS coordinates but that doesn't seem to work any more either.

When using your map visibility settings to hide an address, Strava uses a different service to look up your address depending on which of our platforms you are currently using. To troubleshoot this situation, we recommend looking up your address on multiple platforms to see if you find better results.

If you have tried to enter your address using the Strava mobile app, please try entering your address again using the Strava website. To access your map visibility settings on the Strava website, login to your account and navigate to your Privacy Controls settings page. From there, locate the Map Visibility section. 2351a5e196

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