Costumes are a great way of boosting stats and some also have special effects, which give you an advantage in the game (mostly by hurting the opponent). They can be unlocked by beating the Cyborg in a Rank match (every tenth round) in the Survival mode, or by obtaining a Headball. However, do note that even if you unlock them, you will still have to pay points to finally use them. They may be kicked off during the match as well. In Head Soccer there are 93 costumes as of Update 6.11 (January 4th 2021). There are 8 Costume Ranks:

You can knock costumes off by causing harm to your opponent. It can be by kicking him/her or using your power button effect. Sometimes, it's much easier because there are some characters that lose their costume when they activate their power button.

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Most of the time, it is good to try to knock a costume off your opponent's head as fast as possible, but there are exceptions. For example, when your opponent has a very weak power shot and wears a costume that boosts his power shot, you can just leave the costume on his head, because you can try to score out of your opponent's power shot. Another scenario is when your opponent wears a costume that makes him jump so high, that his power shot goes over the goal all the time. You must decide when it's logical to knock a costume off and when it's okay to let him have his costume, but to give you an impression, you can find further information about it in the How to deflect section for every costume. There is also a mistake with the costumes in which CPUs can jump much higher and move much faster than you while wearing a costume. For example, when you wear a certain SS Rank Costume you can jump pretty high, but when a CPU wears the same Costume, he almost seems to fly across the field! This is a disadvantage for you, and you must be aware of it. Costumes in general are a great way to boost your stats, so try to obtain some of the best ones to become even better at Head Soccer!By using most of the costumes, it is a good idea to stand near your opponent.

Since Update 6.0, most Costumes can be unlocked through Headballs. Since even SS ranks costumes can be found, it may be likely that all costumes can be found in Headballs. If you want to unlock them, play Fight Mode or Head Cup because the HeadBalls have the best rewards in these modes.

How to use = This is the only C Rank Costume in Head Soccer with a special effect. Nothing is needed to do to use it. A fly will come out and each times it dies, it adds 15% of the power shot bar. It can die by getting hit by the ball, going through it with the costume. So try to kill as much as you can. Try to get it as much as you can, so your power shot will increase quickly and you will get the advantage in the match.

Purchase advice = This costume is one of the few that aren't in the S/SS rank with an effect. This costume and the Diamond Tiara Costume are the cheapest costumes with an effect. This is recommended for beginners, not for people that are familiar with the game and want something really useful.

How to use = This is the only B Rank Costume in Head Soccer with a special effect. To use it, you don't have to do anything. Every 5 seconds, the Diamond Tiara Costume fills around 20% of your Power Bar. The only thing you have to do is to make sure that you wear this Costume as long as possible; so don't let it get kicked off your head, otherwise you can't really take advantage of the Effect of the Costume.

How to deflect = The only thing you need to do is to kick this Costume off the head of your opponent as soon as possible, otherwise his Power Bar gets filled faster than usual and he can use his Power Shot much more often, Or, not that much more actually, because in fact 20% isn't that much anyway. To put it in perspective: if you have your Power Upgraded to the maximum, your Power Bar will still be charged much faster than that of your CPU opponent wearing the Diamond Tiara Costume.

How to deflect = You can dodge this Costume by not coming too close to your opponent, or you can eliminate it once and forever by kicking it off the head of the other player. It doesn't matter that much if your opponent wears this costume, because the effect isn't that disadvantageous for you at all. It can only make you lose your Costume, so if you wear one you must make sure you don't get hit by the hammer; otherwise it doesn't matter that much, because it only hurts you a bit but won't knock you out. Besides, mostly you won't get hit by the hammer multiple times, as the hammer doesn't reach far. Later, you can knock the Costume off with your Power Shot anyway, so you don't have to take all the effort to kick the costume off.

How to deflect = It's easy to deflect this Costume. The only thing you have to do is trying to not touch the Electric Costume when it use his Effect. All other times you can just touch this Costume and even you can easily kick it off the head of your opponent. Also when you touch this Costume, it doesn't matter very much since the Costume not give you huge damage. You never will lose your own Costume or the without getting hurt Achievement and that makes this Costume useless.

How to deflect = It's dangerous to try to kick the Wolf Costume off the head of your opponent, because it will kill you eventually if you stay close to your opponent for some time. Avoid its bites and only when the costume has just done its Effect, you are safe to go at your opponent and kick him to remove this Costume. You can also wait until your Power Bar is fully charged and knock the Wolf Costume off with your own Power Shot. Another possibility is to use the Effect of your own Costume. Both ways are not without danger but at least you don't have to come close to your opponent.

How to deflect = This Costume is hard to deflect, because it seems it's always faster than your own Costume or kicking. Kicking is the best way, but you will always knock the Rocket once. After that you can kick it off the head of your opponent and that is the best way you can use. Using another Costume is often not possible, because the rocket is fast and you already lost your own Costume when you did that. You can also try to jump over this Costume, but this is hard and you need your Jump upgraded to the maximum.

How to Use = This costume is really effective if you stand in front of your opponent, because there's only a few chances he can escape this costume, and that can be really advantageous for you.

How to deflect = More than any other costume, you should knock it off your opponent's head as soon as possible, otherwise you might lose the game just because your opponent is wearing this costume. You can't come close to him, because the effect happens so often, that you will usually get hit even if you are close to your opponent for a little while. So: make sure to use your power shot as soon as it is loaded and use it to knock the costume off. If you don't do it: the longer your opponent will wear this costume, the greater the chance you'll lose this match.

How to deflect = This costume is a powerful costume, and needs to be removed as quickly as possible, otherwise it can be really disadvantageous for you. If the opponent is offensive, try to remove the costume as fast as possible to avoid being knocked out, and if the opponent's defensive, stay in the drawn circle of your side of the field, and nothing will happen to you while your power charges and give you a chance to remove the opponent's costume. The quickest this costume will be removed from your opponent, better are you chances to win the match.

How to deflect = This Costume's effect is easily avoidable, as long as you don't jump when a bullet comes out. If you want to keep your costume on, you better remove it from the opponent when you will need to jump, or it will be lost.

Purchase advice = This costume was one of the first effect costume in the game, explaining is weak effect. The bullets only hurt the opponent, and push him back, and it is only effective when the opponent jumps. However, Stats are good, mostly Speed and Jump. You will more interesting costumes along the way. It costs 800,000 points.

How to use = This costume is not pretty effective. Every 3 seconds, Spikes will come out of the helmet, and if the opponent touches it, he will be pushed away and will lose his costume. It only works when the opponent stands on it.

Purchase advice = This costume isn't the best costume I would recommend to buy, since the effect is weak and there's few chances the opponent will stand on it at the good time. It costs 750,000 points.

Purchase advice = The costume costs 1,000,000 points to buy. A good way to get points is getting an SS Rank on Survival or completing a game on Death Mode. Death Mode can give you a lot of points of how many stages are there. There's 30 if you didn't know. Completing a Death Mode game can earn you 325500 points of how long and hard it is.

How to use = This costume will freeze your opponent for a short time if he touches the laser beam that gets out of the costume, so you will have to make sure the opponent is always in front of you to make it advantageous.

Purchase advice = The Technology costume is kinda the same as the Ice costume, the effect lasts a little shorter, but it activates frequently. You will have a really small time to score, while the opponent is blocked, but it is meant to interrupt the opponent more than directly scoring. The stats are okay, especially for kick and power. You might want to get another costume. It costs 1,000,000 points.

How to use = This costume shoots spider web silk, but shoots it quite far away. This means that you can hit your opponent while being on your own side, and you should use it that way. This is great against characters that play defensively. Here is what you should do: Walk forward until you are in the center circle, then wait until your costume performs its trick, and once your opponent is dangling on the ceiling you can simply walk the ball in. If you jump, the spider silk reaches even further. Because it the spider silk lands almost a half field away, you usually won't step in it, but you always have to watch out. It also works really well in combination with your power shot! ff782bc1db

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