When l read what haxe can do l get really amazed and l cant believe that l have totally missed out on this language. When l look for libs for professional web development l mostly find tools or projects that seems abandoned.

Today l work with

my goals are to get away from from npm, php and javascript and to be able to work with a typed oop language both front and backend.

The potential in haxe is impressive and l have been looking for something in between gaming and conventional programming for quite a while. With a solid webstack l belive haxe would be unbeatable.

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Just use VSC it is the default for most discord Haxe users, so you will always get users that can answer questions, and features will only get better and better. Forget setting up Intellij and spend your time on exploring the haxe ecosystem and games toolkits instead ( heaps, flixel, openfl, nme, ceramic, kha ).

@nanjizal I have tried to switch to VSCode, but my current haxe project is quite big and it takes a lot for VSCode to go to a definition for example. I did not figure it out how can I run VSCode as fast as InteliJ IDEA.

That is definitely possible, but might be quite involved as the as3hx tool is not perfect. OTOH we use a (heavily) modified version of it at work that actually produces a compileable and working haxe code from AS3 (which is still the primary source for now).

If you open this folder with VSCode the Haxe VSCode extension should detect all the .hxml files in the root folder, you can select one of them as the active haxe configuration. It will also automatically create an implicit build task for every .hxml so you can easily build from VSCode without using the terminal.

You can think of hxml files as bundled compiler arguments inside a file.

Instead of haxe -p Lib1 -p Lib2 -p src -js bin/main.js --main Main you can write haxe build-js.hxml and put all those arguments inside the .hxml file separated by newlines.

Depending on how large your array is and how many duplicate elements it has, you could sort it and use a haxe.ds.Vector to allocate unique elements while keeping track of the last added element: Try Haxe !.

Thank you so much for your answer. I studied that website. I know the basics of coding in haxe and when I see people out there who are very good at coding in armory, then i have to ask myself, how the fuck did they learned that. Maybe I really should ask on the Forum.


 by gamehaxe

Hxcpp is the runtime support for the C++ backend of the Haxe compiler. This contains the headers, libraries and support code required to generate a fully compiled executable from Haxe code.

4.3.2 published 8 months ago 

1264468 downloads View project page


I use Haxe for many years to build large scale web applications. Haxe is much more powerful than Javascript.

You can compare it to Typescript -vs-haxe/ but still have many benefits.

For exemple you can do isomophism with javascript front-end and php/java/or c# back-end.

You can also have a look on Haxe React -react to see how a popular javascript framework is used.

In regards to the C++ target the Haxe compiler transpiles your haxe code to C++ code, and that code is then processed by your C++ compiler afterwards. The C# and Java targets work in similar ways I believe - ie. the Haxe compiler outputs source code that is then used as input for the relevant compilers.

Hi so I was installing Haxe and some other stuff using the haxelib installer and stuff like that, then I run a scan with Malwarebytes and I see all these RiskWare.Injector.Generic and all these flagged registry keys BTW I turned on Advanced AI Scanning so possibly false positive. But then i remember Installing like File Viewer Plus and It said there was Malware.Heuristic.1001 inside of the file so I

I'll start off with a project from Patrick Le Clec'h that's piqued my interest. Patrick has been releasing on twitter a bunch of experimental modifications to the Haxe compiler which you can try out over on hacking-haxe.atouchofcode.com.

Lets start off with probably the biggest news, Greg Caldwell has released Away3D 1.0.0-alpha, available now from haxelib, which is a complete port to OpenFL working across all platforms. This release includes model loading of 3DS, AWD, MD5, MD2 DAE formats, skeleton and skinned animation and plenty more.

Lars Doucet has released his light weight localization library Fire Tongue onto haxelib. The github repository README file is full of setup instructions, asset setup, formatting instructions, a yoda-ish advanced use guide, HaxeFlixel UI integration and more.

Note the difference in prefixes: -main, -js, and -cpp are each parameters you would pass to haxe directly, while --each and --next (two hyphens) are up a meta-level, telling the compiler what to do with the other parameters.

In the install phase, the worker will run yes | haxelib install $hxml foreach of the provided values. Similarly, in the script (test) phase,the worker will run haxe $hxml for each of the provided values.

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