I try to setup hashicorp consul(as a windows service) to log data to file. The doc says to set the log_level in the config file but nothing about where the logfiles will end up on a Windows computer? There is a consul monitor but I need it to log to file.

I honestly can't remember where I found this out but it did take some hunting originally. I discovered that you can modify the ExecStart of the service that is created on the yum installation for consul. By adding a -log-file=some-path at the end of that line you can direct the logs from consul to say /var/log/consul for instance.

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In this configuration we are monitoring multiple Consul servers from the same integration. For the first instance (HOSTNAME: 1st_consul_host) we are collecting metrics and inventory while for the second instance (HOSTNAME: 2nd_consul_host) we will only collect metrics.

The Consul client implementation lets applications register services with a Consul server and discover services registered by other applications. This Steeltoe client utilizes the Consul .NET package provided by the open source project consuldotnet.

The health check for a Consul service instance defaults to /actuator/health, which is a good default when you have enabled the Steeltoe Management features in your application. You can change this path and provide your own implementation using the consul:discovery:healthCheckPath setting. Additionally, the interval that Consul uses to check the health endpoint may also be configured. You can change this setting using the consul:discovery:healthCheckInterval. You should use settings such as "10s" and "1m" to represent 10 seconds and 1 minute respectively.

Tags with the form key=value will be split and used as IDictionary keys and values respectively. Tags without the equal sign will be used as both the key and value. You can add metadata with the consul:discovery:tags string array:

If you are adding your integration to an existing service, click the name of the service you want to add the integration to. Then click the Integrations tab and click the Add a new integration.Select your app from the Integration Type menu and enter an Integration Name.

If you are creating a new service for your integration, in General Settings, enter a Name for your new service. Then, in Incident Settings, specify the Escalation Policy, Notification Urgency, and Incident Behavior for your new service.Click the Add Service or Add Integration button to save your new integration. You will be redirected to the Integrations page for your service.

Copy the Integration Key for your new integration. On the Consul server:Install Consul-Alerts as per the guide at -alerts/blob/master/README.mdOnce Consul-Alerts is running, we can configure the PagerDuty integration key using curl.curl -X PUT -d 'INTEGRATION_KEY_HERE' :8500/v1/kv/consul-alerts/config/notifiers/pagerduty/service-key(Optional) Set a client name and URL to show up in PagerDuty incident details using curl.curl -X PUT -d 'Consul' :8500/v1/kv/consul-alerts/config/notifiers/pagerduty/client-namecurl -X PUT -d ' -host.local/web/' :8500/v1/kv/consul-alerts/config/notifiers/pagerduty/client-urlEnable PagerDuty notifications in Consul-Alerts.curl -X PUT -d 'true' :8500/v1/kv/consul-alerts/config/notifiers/pagerduty/enabledConsul should now be able to trigger and resolve incidents in PagerDuty. We recommend generating a test incident by having a health check fail to confirm the integration is working.

This guide assumes the DNS entry .consul.traefiklabs.tech exists and points to a load balancer type service in a Kubernetes cluster. The cluster runs on AWS and is connected to the HCP Consul environment through a VPC Peering connection.

To begin, make sure that both Process Automation and HashiCorp Consul are installed. The easiest way to get HashiCorp up and running is using their docker image. The docker image is named "consul." Consul can be found at localhost:8500, but this can also be changed from within Consul. For more information about installing, visit Consulopen in new window. Next, make sure that Process Automation knows to use Consul for configuration. There are a couple of different ways to do that:

Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed unless you modify the labels used on the chart's deployments. Use the workaround below to upgrade from versions previous to 2.0.0. The following example assumes that the release name is consul: 2351a5e196

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