In some cases, drift may have no impact on the daily performance of a system. In other cases, it can cause instability or even total service outages. (Configuration drift is often the root cause of deployment failures.)

As software production and delivery systems grow more complex, the opportunities for drift increase. Code moves from a developer's workstation to a shared dev environment, then to test and QA environments, and finally to staging and production environments.

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The further along in the pipeline that drift occurs, the greater the potential impact. Typically only staging and production are intended to be exact replicas of each other, but even differences between the version of a package version installed on a developer's laptop and the version installed on a test server can cause delays as problems are debugged. With many companies now deploying new code multiple times per day, the pressure is intense.

Hotfixes are code changes made to address an immediate problem that cannot wait for the next planned release. To understand how they can result in configuration drift, let's return to the data warehouse scenario where the upstream changes are now causing problems downstream. VPs are hitting refresh on their Tableau reports and growing impatient. Emails and chat messages are flying.

Modern CI/CD pipelines typically include built-in checks for errors and tests. The move to the cloud and infrastructure as code paradigms allow us to replicate systems and scale out existing systems with ease. Infrastructure as code inherently provides a record of current and previous configuration, eliminating the problem of failing to document planned changes. As we will see, configuration management tools can spot and sometimes stop configuration drift before it becomes a problem.

Many changes are meant to be temporary. A sysadmin grants a developer elevated permissions to troubleshoot a problem. Someone installs a new package on a test server to try out its new functionality. Bucket permissions are changed in order to share a file quickly with a teammate. When these changes are not reverted to their original state drift occurs.

The most commonly listed consequences of configuration drift are lost productivity and downtime as engineers troubleshoot code and environments, trying to identify the cause of the unexpected behavior.

The same argument applies to understanding the costs of configuration drift. We need to move beyond thinking that the primary impact is limited to the DevOps team and think more about the implications for a broad range of stakeholders.

The consequences of configuration drift go far beyond frustrated engineers, delayed deployments, and unplanned downtime. The security threats and potential damage to both companies and their customers are immense and not to be taken lightly.

In a very detailed (and to be applauded) incident report posted to their blog, Twilio identified the root cause of the intrusion to be a change made to the bucket configuration while troubleshooting an earlier problem. After applying the hotfix, the engineer working the problem failed to roll the bucket's configuration back to its original secure settings, and configuration drift ensued. Interestingly, the misconfiguration remained undetected for over four years before the breach occurred.

Configuration drift is, unfortunately, probably inevitable given the current CI/CD pipeline. With the push for continuous delivery, hotfixes and critical package updates will continue to be deployed inconsistently. And then there is always just good old human error.

Instead, you should approach drift through the paradigms used to manage risks: reduce the probability that the assumed risks actually materialize and improve the company's ability to manage or contain the risk events should they occur.

As outlined above in the causes of configuration drift, human error is often the true culprit, whether by failing to follow established change management procedures or by failing to communicate and plan effectively. Of course, no one can follow rules that do not exist. If your organization does not have them, then clearly defined change management policies and procedures must be your first priority.

Once detected drift must be corrected. In the case of the Twilio breach, they only had to change the permissions on the bucket and replace the corrupted file with a backup from before the breach. Detailed logs made it possible to identify when the breach occurred and automated backups ensured they had a clean version of the file to restore.

Recently we are getting an error on the VxRail V570F cluster we are running. The error is: VXR024002 ALARM Software component drifted from the recommended version. Has anyone else dealt with this. I've read through several KBs and haven't found a fix yet.

Now from my understanding, database drift occurs when you add some type of SQL Server object (table, function, sproc, etc.) to the externally deployed database in SQL Server after you have deployed and registered said database as a Data-Tier Application on said server. As I have been testing this out though, something seems a bit off with this drift detection.

When I deploy/register the DACPAC the very first time, of course all is fine and there is no drift. Yet, if the only thing I change is the version number in the properties of my Database Project within VS, rebuild the project, and then attempt to re-deploy the DACPAC file using DacFx, it detects a database drift.

Is this a bug or am I missing something? I'm tempted to ignore this whole drift detection and enforce strict access to the production database in an attempt to limit changes after the fact. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The history of science is littered with true stories of individuals who made important discoveries, but whose discoveries were not accepted as legitimate during their lifetimes. One such scientist was Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), who was born in Berlin and who obtained a doctorate in astronomy from the University of Berlin. But Wegener is best known today for his theory of continental drift, which is now accepted as fact, but which was considered outlandish when he first proposed it at the 1926 American Association of Petroleum Geologists conference in New York City.

You can also use higher-level query APIs like select, update or delete inside a migration callback. However, be aware that drift expects the latest schema when creating SQL statements or mapping results. For instance, when adding a new column to your database, you shouldn't run a select on that table before you've actually added the column. In general, try to avoid running queries in migration callbacks if possible.

Writing migrations without any tooling support isn't easy. Since correct migrations are essential for app updates to work smoothly, we strongly recommend using the tools and testing framework provided by drift to ensure your migrations are correct. To do that, export old versions to then use easy step-by-step migrations or tests.

Accuracy issues with any AR tracking system can be caused by unintentional shaking or inconsistent motion of the camera. Please ensure steady movement when scanning locations. Additionally, since Wayspot anchors are dependent on the planes generated by the ARDK, scanning the environment for a bit first before loading Wayspot anchors can help to minimize anchored object drift.

How do we get a version of the elasticsearch-drift-plugin for current versions of ES? ES is up to 7.17 and 8.1 is considered current, but the last release of the plugin tagged on the github page was in 2020 for ES 7.6.2, which is also the latest version in the debian repo.

AgDRIFT (version 2.1.1), a modified version of the AGricultural DISPersal (AGDISPTM) model developed by the US Forest Service, was created under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement between the EPA, the US Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, and the Spray Drift Task Force. The AgDRIFT model has the capability to assess a variety of spray drift conditions from agricultural applications and off-site deposition of liquid formulation of pesticides. This model can be used in estimating downwind deposition of spray drift from aerial, ground boom and orchard/vineyard airblast applications.

AGDISPTM (version 8.26) is a "first-principles" science-based model that predicts spray drift from application sites. The model was developed by the USDA Forest Service. AGDISPTM was designed to optimize agricultural spraying operations and has detailed algorithms for characterizing the release, dispersion, and deposition over and downwind of the application area. This model can be used in estimating downwind deposition of spray drift from aerial and ground boom applications. In addition, it can be used in estimating downwind deposition of spray drift from forestry and adulticide/mosquitocide applications.

Drift Detection in Terraform Cloud makes it easy to detect drift and provides a single, shared source of truth so teams can increase efficiency while reducing risk related to security, compliance, and operational consistency. Enabling Drift Detection in your workspaces allows Terraform to:

We always want the same user experience for UI and API users, and the workspace setting, drift_detection is being renamed to assessments_enabled. This will not impact UI users, but if you have custom scripts hitting the API, they will need to be updated.

For Kubernetes nodes provisioned with Karpenter that have drifted from their desired specification, Karpenter provisions new nodes first, evicts pods from the old nodes, and then terminates. At the time of writing this post, the Drift interval is set to 5 minutes. However, if the Provisioner or AWSNodeTemplate is updated, then the Drift check is triggered immediately. Drift for AMIs has two behaviors: one when an AMI is provided by a user and one without.

You may consider this approach to control the promotion of AMIs through application environments for consistency. If you change the AMI(s) in the AWSNodeTemplate for a provisioner or associate a different node template with the provisioner, Karpenter detects that the existing worker nodes have drifted from the desired setting. ff782bc1db

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