Several years ago, I obtained a private video under the title Guinea Pig. Its commentary said that 'this is a report of an experiment on the breaking point of bearable pain and the corrosion of people's senses'... but it was, in fact, an exhibition of devilish cruelty as three perpetrators severely abused a woman. Note: 'Guinea Pig' is defined as any experimental material.[3]

In his book Eros in Hell: Sex, Blood and Madness in Japanese Cinema, Jack Hunter wrote that the filming and editing techniques implemented in the film lend to it being "an effective and surprisingly low-key meditation on the cumulative dehumanization that violence causes in both aggressor and victim alike."[5] In Nightmare Japan: Contemporary Japanese Horror Cinema, author Jay McRoy similarly notes such techniques, writing that while the film "[blurs] audience distinctions between fact and fiction, thus heightening the visceral impact generated by the 'experiment's' verisimilitude", its "technical sophistication and artistry" exposes its fictional nature.[2]

Download Guinea Pig Devil 39;s Experiment

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Opening crawl: Several years ago, I obtained a video under the title Guinea Pig. Its commentary said that "this is a report of an experiment on the breaking point of bearable pain and the corrision of people's senses...", but it was, in fact, an exhibition of devilish cruelty as 3 perpetrators severely abused a woman. Note: "Guinea Pig" is defined as any experimental material.

This one is almost like a bizarro retelling of Frankenstein. A Scientist with Dwarfism wants to save the life of his sister, who's slowly dying from an illness. So the Scientist pays a shady guy to give him the corpse of a girl to experiment on. Pretty standard Guinea Pig stuff ensues. However, when the Shady Guy comes back, the Scientist manages to severely injure him with an invention, and keeps his severed head alive Re-Animator style to experiment on as well. Shady Guy ends up looking a lot like Pinhead from Hellraiser but without the pins. The severed head's girlfriend comes over to the Scientist's house to look for him, and she gets cut up too. This movie actually has some sad moments, with the Sister actually wanting to pass on to be free from her illness but the Scientist will do absolutely anything except let his beloved sister go. 3/5

 The Bad Guy Wins: See Downer Ending Big Bad Duumvirate: The torturers who kidnap Yegg are a group of three men. Bunker Woman: Yegg is trapped in a house by sadists who want to see how much pain she can take. Direct Line to the Author: According to the Opening Scroll, the director found the film years ago and decided to release it to the public. Denser and Wackier: The Sequels He Never Dies and Devil Woman Doctor are Black Comedy films rather than straight horror movies. Downer Ending: The film ends with Yegg's presumably-dead body hanging from a tree in a bag, and the men getting off scot-free. There is a slight Hope Spot in a text scrawl stating the text is under investigation, but nothing comes of it due to the sequels having no plot connection. Eye Scream: The final experiment is one of the men slowly shoving a needle through Yegg's eye. Fingore: The third experiment involves Yegg having her knuckle skin twisted with a pair of pliers. The sixth has her fingernails being ripped off. Gorn: Surprisingly little for a Torture Porn, with there being very little blood barring a few experiments. That said, there are scenes that feature closeups of maggots eating flesh, the eighth experiment has the men throwing animals guts on Yegg while she sleeps and the final one has a Gross-Up Close-Up of Yegg's eye being stabbed with a needle. Loud of War: The fifth experiment has Yegg forced to listen to a piercing shriek for 20 hours. Messy Maggots: The seventh experiment has Yegg's flesh burned and maggots placed on the wounds. No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: The first experiment has the men hitting Yegg a hundred times with various objects. The second is them doing similar, but with kicking. No Name Given: While the victim is named Yegg, the torturers are never identified. No Plot? No Problem!: The film presents itself as experiment footage, so narrative isn't really a concern. Sadist: The three unnamed men abduct a random woman and gleefully torture her so they can test the limits of human pain. Torture Porn: The film's based entirely around a bunch of sickos torturing a woman to test the limits of pain. Torture Technician: The antagonists are a group of men torturing a woman to test the human body's pain limits. Vomit Indiscretion Shot: The fourth experiment, which involves spinning Yegg hundreds of times, ends when she vomits everywhere.

this movie is actually so bad and so annoying. it doesnt even look remotely real nor is it good at all. theres like no backstory or any plot and its obvious they did it just because they wanted to show a woman getting tortured which like okay yas! but at the same time you have to make it interesting or its actually insufferable to watch. it just seems like they tried too hard to make it seem shocking and disturbing when they could have done that in so many different ways than these dumb ass ways. sorry i sound mad im just upset that this movie is so trash when it could have been so much better. its such a try hard movie and gives the guinea pig series an awful rep!

From this point onwards, the series gets strange. Very strange. The Guinea Pig of the title was the central subject: the victim being a guinea pig for mutilation. Eventually, the series itself becomes the guinea pig, as it evolves into a series of films that are defined by experimentation. It becomes an exercise in what you can do in straight to video film, using name recognition to legitimise (to a degree) these experiments. This change in tone was also signalled by a changed in ownership. Orange Video House handled the first two and then Japan Home Video took over, the films were a success and people were interested. This leads us to a film called Guinea Pig 3: He Never Dies (1986).

Ultimately, that is what these films are. They are a fun franchise of experimental films, born out of a love of movie making and a want to satiate an audience that was not being served. Even the bad films, of which there are a few, radiate this joy. They may always be known as the films Charlie Sheen tried to get banned, though the story is more simple than this, but they are actually a fascinating chapter of Japanese cinema. Exploring these films is a journey worth taking, just know that they are best watched with like minded friends, and an open mind.

In fact, Hall says that because so many people around the world now claim to be victims of this experimentation, it can no longer be attributed only to delusional disorders, schizophrenia, or any other mental illness.

I feel like the people in my hometown want me to leave but I refuse to run away only to fall into the hands of more paid actors elsewhere. They will have to see my face everyday and be forced to face their own destructive toxic behaviours. Nothing will stop me from pursuing my art and using my voice to shed light on this darkness. The devil has overplayed his hand and no amount of judicial or police corruption will prevent the truth coming out.

Spot on Ramola D, just like Flat Earth & aliens conspiracies are boosted online by different agencies in order to make legit whistle blowers look bad by amalgamation including TIs, victims of electromagnetic harassment/torture for different reasons (by real estate mobsters with friends/relatives in the government, secret services/military experiments, etc).

Yes, im a targeted individual. I guess its government, all i know is im chosen because im a good person and the entities that run the country experiment with me to see if i will kill myself or someone else, they are trying to drive me crazy, I, too, think i have transmitters inside of me so they can keep up with me 24/7. My house vibrates, its like theres a bunker under my house. High frequecy ringing in my ears, just every once in a while. They sabotage my vehicles, i have to keep my keys on my person at all times. I just give it to God, and things He tells me turn out true. Like the IRS demanded a huge payment from me and gave me 2 weeks to come up with six figures so i was forced to sell my land and the new owner is bulldozing the property and the ink is hardly dry on the contract. But God said it would happen and several people were involved in this conspiracy to get my land which is a sacred , very spiritual and i have to protect it. it is written in stone that i be the caretaker and this is to get the governments attention because no one helps me. I have to do everything and my feet also swell every day from those things they shoot me up with while im sleeping. Im in a tug of war between good and evil and i know the Devil cant get my soul but he keeps trying. God is trusting in me to keep the faith and keep believing in Him. And God told me that the aliens made Him and made Him Superior to everything, The aliens are mostly good but there are some bad ones.i thought it may be my sister and ive accused her many times and its damaged our relationship. I do have one weight off my mind these past couple of days is i took care of that IRS problem.

The brutal Japanese treatment of Allied POWs in WW2 has been well documented. The experiences of British, Australian and American POWs on the Burma Railway, in the mines of Formosa and in camps across the Far East, were bad enough. But the mis-treatment of those used as guinea pigs in medical experiments was in a different league. The author reveals distressing evidence of Unit 731 experiments involving US prisoners and the use of British as control groups in Northern China, Hainan Island, New Guinea and in Japan. These resulted in loss of life and extreme suffering. Perhaps equally shocking is the documentary evidence of British Government use of the results of these experiments at Porton Down in the Cold War era in concert with the US who had captured Unit 731 scientists and protected them from war crime prosecution in return for their cooperation. The author's in-depth research revealed that, not surprisingly, archives have been 'combed' of much incriminating material but enough remains to paint a thoroughly disturbing story. 2351a5e196

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