I'm encountering a similar issue. In my case, after adding an additional layer to the webmap, existing layers will start redirecting to the token required page. The webmap is backing an app used by operations and there doesn't seem to be a way to easily resolve this and we're getting a hit in user confidence for not having found a deterministic way to deal with it.

After speaking with ESRI Tech Support and troubleshooting, we figured out that by ungrouping the layers would solve the "token" problem and it seems to be a bug. Notice on my first screenshot, my layers were in a "Group Layer", I had group them in the webmap to keep those specific layers grouped and to organize my map a bit. It worked fine like that for a while, but now with that bug, a work around is to ungroup the layers. Try that and see if it can help you.

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Why not just a view token option? Like the Feed token have (eye button). I mean you have to create a new token again and replace it everywhere if you missed it. And you can not find out which token id belongs to which name. If this is for security reason, we can put a password wall before viewing.

To gain access to NCDC CDO Web Services, register with your email address. An email will be sent with a unique token which will allow access RESTful services. For more information about CDO Web Services read the documentation for CDO Web Services guide.

I am working on a personalized marketing email that will be sent out as the Contact Owner. I have figured out how to personalize the email signature, and who the email comes from; however I have not been able to figure out how to personalize a specific meeting link without manually adding it. I know there is an option in the personalization tokens to add "meetings link," but what if a HubSpot user has multiple meeting links? Is there a way to pull through a specific meeting link that you'd want shared under this personalization, or will HubSpot only allow you to pull through the default meeting link for each user?

- 1 email can be sent out from John Smith, the Contact Owner, through personalization tokens. I want this email to include John Smith's meeting link titled "Getting to Know You Meeting with John Smith"

- A different email can be sent out from John Smith, the Contact Owner, through personalization tokens. I want this email to include one of John's other meeting links titled "Update Call with John Smith."

I'd be surprised if the personalization token for the meeting link pulled any other meeting link than the one that is labeled as default under Menu > Sales > Meetings. (Anything else wouldn't make sense.)

an item, idea, etc., representing a group; a part as representing the whole; sample; indication: The religious movement was an exhibition of latent energy, and a token of what may take place at some future day.

serving as a token: At the end of the field trip each child received a token gift to take home as a memento.The HR complaint was filed by a man who felt his hiring had been meant to add a token male to an all-female staff.

philosophy an individual instance: if the same sentence has different truth-values on different occasions of utterance the truth-value may be said to attach to the sentence-token: Compare type (def. 13)

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that it has filed an emergency action and obtained temporary restraining order against two offshore entities conducting an alleged unregistered, ongoing digital token offering in the U.S. and overseas that has raised more than $1.7 billion of investor funds.

The Authorization Code Flow returns an Authorization Code to theClient, which can then exchange it for an ID Token and an Access Token directly.This provides the benefit of not exposing any tokens to theUser Agent and possibly other malicious applications with accessto the User Agent.The Authorization Server can alsoauthenticate the Client before exchanging the Authorization Code for anAccess Token. The Authorization Code flow is suitable for Clients thatcan securely maintain a Client Secret between themselves and theAuthorization Server.

If an ID Token is returned from both the Authorization Endpoint and from the Token Endpoint, which is the case for the response_type values code id_token and code id_token token, the iss and sub Claim Values MUST be identical in both ID Tokens. All Claims about the Authentication event present in either SHOULD be present in both. If either ID Token contains Claims about the End-User, any that are present in both SHOULD have the same values in both. Note that the OP MAY choose to return fewer Claims about the End-User from the Authorization Endpoint, for instance, for privacy reasons. The at_hash and c_hash Claims MAY be omitted from the ID Token returned from the Token Endpoint even when these Claims are present in the ID Token returned from the Authorization Endpoint, because the ID Token and Access Token values returned from the Token Endpoint are already cryptographically bound together by the TLS encryption performed by the Token Endpoint.

If an Access Token is returned from both the Authorization Endpoint and from the Token Endpoint, which is the case for the response_type values code token and code id_token token, their values MAY be the same or they MAY be different. Note that different Access Tokens might be returned be due to the different security characteristics of the two endpoints and the lifetimes and the access to resources granted by them might also be different.

NOTE: Due to the possibility of token substitution attacks (see Section 16.11 (Token Substitution)), the UserInfo Response is not guaranteed to be about the End-User identified by the sub (subject) element of the ID Token. The sub Claim in the UserInfo Response MUST be verified to exactly match the sub Claim in the ID Token; if they do not match, the UserInfo Response values MUST NOT be used.

The Claims requested by the profile, email, address, and phone scope values are returned from the UserInfo Endpoint, as described in Section 5.3.2 (Successful UserInfo Response), when a response_type value is used that results in an Access Token being issued. However, when no Access Token is issued (which is the case for the response_type value id_token), the resulting Claims are returned in the ID Token.

The userinfo and id_token members of the claims request both are JSON objects with the names of the individual Claims being requested as the member names. The member values MUST be one of the following:

The Registration parameters that would typically be used in requests to Self-Issued OPs are policy_uri, tos_uri, and logo_uri. If the Client uses more than one Redirection URI, the redirect_uris parameter would be used to register them. Finally, if the Client is requesting encrypted responses, it would typically use the jwks_uri, id_token_encrypted_response_alg and id_token_encrypted_response_enc parameters.

An Attacker might generate a bogus token or modify the token contents (such as Claims values or the signature) of an existing parseable token, causing the RP to grant inappropriate access to the Client. For example, an Attacker might modify the parseable token to extend the validity period; a Client might modify the parseable token to have access to information that they should not be able to view.

To mitigate this threat, the Access Token SHOULD be audienceand scope restricted. One way of implementing it is to includethe identifier of the resource for whom it was generated as audience.The resource verifies thatincoming tokens include its identifier as the audience of thetoken.

An Attacker attempts to use a one-time use token such asan Authorization Code that has alreadybeen used once with the intended Resource.To mitigate this threat, the token SHOULD include a timestampand a short validity lifetime.The Relying Party then checks the timestamp and lifetime valuesto ensure that the token is currently valid.

Token Substitution is a class of attacks in which a malicious user swaps various tokens, including swapping an Authorization Code for a legitimate user with another token that the attacker has. One means of accomplishing this is for the attacker to copy a token out one session and use it in an HTTP message for a different session, which is easy to do when the token is available to the browser; this is known as the "cut and paste" attack.

In OpenID Connect, this is mitigated through mechanisms provided through the ID Token. The ID Token is a signed security token that provides Claims such as iss (issuer), sub (subject), aud (audience), at_hash (access token hash), and c_hash (code hash). Using the ID Token, the Client is capable of detecting the Token Substitution Attack.

For the HTTP binding defined by this specification, the responses to Token Requests are bound to the corresponding requests by message order in HTTP, as both the response containing the token and requests are protected by TLS, which will detect and prevent packet reordering.

When designing another binding of this specification to a protocol incapable of strongly binding Token Endpoint requests to responses, additional mechanisms to address this issue MUST be utilized. One such mechanism could be to include an ID Token with a c_hash Claim in the token request and response.

When an Access Token is returned via the User Agent using the Implicit Flow or Hybrid Flow, there is a greater risk of it being exposed to an attacker, who could later use it to access the UserInfo endpoint. If the Access Token does not enable offline access and the server can differentiate whether the Client request has been made offline or online, the risk will be substantially reduced. Therefore, this specification mandates ignoring the offline access request when the Access Token is transmitted through the User Agent. Note that differentiating between online and offline access from the server can be difficult especially for native clients. The server may well have to rely on heuristics. Also, the risk of exposure for the Access Token delivered through the User Agent for the Response Types of code token and token is the same. Thus, the implementations should be prepared to detect whether the Access Token was issued through the User Agent or directly from the Token Endpoint and deny offline access if the token was issued through the User Agent. e24fc04721

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