I purchased Grindr Xtra subscription for an year , few days back the app crashed and my profile got deleted along with my profile and SUBSCRIPTION, when I restarted the app went on trial version for 7 days, it shows zero days now ,

Had the same problem. Went to sign in online through safari to contact support and i changed my password because i didnt remember it and as soon as i did the change the subscription went back online. I think by doing this i brought my profile back online by passing it through the system again and it worked. Try that requesting a password change through email online.

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That's the thing Grindr Xtra doesn't have an option to restore purchase , and emailing is not helping at all as no one has replied till date , I don't want to repurchase it again , yearly subscription cost around 60 $ and even if I purchase again what's the guarantee that the app won't do a 360 again and crash - delete subscription again .

Ther reason I posted here is becuase , AppStore transfers the money to Grindr off course and why do clients have to suffer because of no proper customer support from Grindr, either there should be an option in the Grindr Xtra app for restoring purchase or there shall be prominent response to clients .

This is a user-to-user tech support forum, not iTunes Customer Support. No one here can help you get your money back. You can find contact information for Apple at the Contact us link at the bottom right of every page.

Grindr is known for being awful at customer service and reliability. If you contact iTunes support by email they will refund the cost of the subscription for you and you could try to puchase it again and see if it works?

I am sorry I never asked for a reimbursement the reason why I am posting a comment here is because apple approved an app that is flawed and is causing issues , I have send multiple emails which (WITH ZERO RESPONSES) as the money is and was charged through AppStore account through the in app purchase - I think this should be coordinated by apple to Grindr as clearly they don't reply clients emails , they might respond to apple email.

It says discussion and Apple support doesn't highlight tech support and Thank you for specifying this is tech support section as this should be sorted by tech support team any ways as you have not been helpful in any way could u please post the link here (IAM NOT REFERING THE CONTACT US LINK) the link where I could contact apple rather then going through multiple links on the contact us page I have send 5 emails to grindr and not really looking forward to waist anymore of my time on this .

I don't work for Apple. If you don't like my advice, don't pay attention to it. The only ways I know of to contact Apple are listed in the Contact Us link. You need to figure out which link to use yourself.

Since that moment every single day we were in touch, had long Facetime converstaions, lots of messages,we were sharing our daily life moments and emotions and became very very close. We also agreed to meet as i would come and visit him, but unfortunately my visa got rejected and im not able to visit him and be there for him in person.

But since that moment we found out i wont be able to come and visit him, he has changed. He started pushing me away, started ignoring my messages and calls, so it does feel like we are loosing each other. Im not trying to ask anything or to argue, i just swallow my pride and try to act as if nothing has happened. He got really sad and frustrated after i told him about the visa issue.

I also know when he doesnt talk/reply to me he goes on Grindr and apparently chatting to someone else. And to be honest this is the main concern i have. I know patients going through cancer do push others away, but the fact he is on Grindr pisses me off.

First after we found out my visa got rejected we also agreed to meet somewhere else, where we could stay together for a few days. He first liked the idea and we started making a plan. But now.....he just doesnt want to talk, and sometimes replies with very "empty" messages.

The fact he had a cancer was ON since very beginning. Since the first moment i found out i was showing my support and was there for him when he was in the hospital on chemo, when he was going to the appointments with doctors ecc.

I can't say that I have experienced this before, since I am not really all that familiar with most of these dating apps. However, I will say that in your situation it seems like clear, open and honest conversation will help. I think that as long as you let him know how much you care about him and you want to make things work you have done your best. I also want to point out that I understand the jealousy you might feel when he talks to other people on grindr, but it is a part of life and something you should comes to terms with, especially if you are not in a long term committed relationship

Are you in a relationship, or is your goal to eventually be in one? First, have a talk to him. Tell him how you feel. If that doesn't work, and if he ignores your complaint about him talking to other guys on Grindr, then if I were you, I would just end whatever you have with him. Even if you aren't in a relationship with him yet, he shouldn't be talking to other guys. If he was serious about you, he wouldn't need to see other guys. From what you've told us, it seems like you're there for him, but he isn't there for you.

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