Use a table chart to turn your spreadsheet table into a chart that can be sorted and paged. Table charts are often used to create a dashboard in Google Sheets or embed a chart in a website. Learn more about table charts.

I have several worksheets which have different data but organized in the same way (same number of col and rows). I created several charts in sheet1 which I would like to copy to sheet2. while the normal copy/paste copies the charts to sheet2, the charts is still referring to data in sheet1, not in sheet2. How can I automatically make them use sheet2 data rather than sheet after copying?

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As a work around, I tried copying sheet1 and called it sheet2 (which copies all data and charts), then copy and pasted the real sheet2 data in this new sheet. This works, but I was hoping there is a faster way and perhaps a macro that copies all charts from sheet1 to sheet2 and automatically updates the references.

The easiest way to copy a chart to another sheet and have the chart link to data on the new sheet, isn't to copy the chart. The easiest way is to copy the sheet including the chart, then change the data on the copied sheet.

A tedious way is to change all of the sheet references in all of the chart's series formulas, for example, changing all instances of Sheet1 in the following formula to Sheet2:=SERIES(Sheet1!$B$1,Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4,Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4,1)

It is extremely useful, and it probably covers the needs of most cases of this type.It provides a convenient interface (UserForm) to search and replace strings in chart series formulas. It is actually more versatile than a "change source worksheets", since one can use search and replace for changing other parts of series formulas for many series at once.

So something like this worked for me. CopyCharts copies all charts from a source sheet to a target sheet. Then SetChartRef sets the reference of the charts in the target to what I want them to be. In this example I know which chart number is what. I guess it can be improved so that it uses the chart names instead.

I can create a chart sheet in Microsoft Excel 2010. I wish to resize the chart so that the proportions fill my wide screen. I right-click the chart and select Format Chart Area. Then I select the Size panel, but the controls are grey-out. How do I resize the chart?

@guitarthrower is right, you can't grab and resize the chart area - the chart will automatically size itself to the sheet. You can change the size of the sheet though - in the Page Layout tab, Page Setup section, use the Size dropdown. There are a limited number of options here, which are populated from the sizes provided by your printer driver. (If you go to Print, select a different printer, and go back to the sheet, you'll see that the selection of paper sizes will change.)

This is pretty frustrating when you've got a graph that will never be printed, and you just want to scale it up to screen size with no 'dead' space. I found that the Microsoft XPS Document Writer pseudo-printer had a large selection of sizes. And apparently some printer drivers allow you to enter a 'custom' size, but I haven't come across one of those.

I'm the developer of openpyxl (a Python library for XLSX spreadsheets), and have recently been debugging a rendering issue related to this with Excel for Windows. Years ago I encountered this problem and solved it by setting "zoomToFit" to True on the view for the chartsheet (cs.sheetViews.sheetView[0] = True) removes the dependency on the page format set for the current printer.

Whenever you copy-paste/move a chart into another sheet, the chart will still refer to cells within the original sheet it was made in. This is because anytime you refer to a cell within a chart, it specifically refers to the sheet it was made it (i.e. Instead of saying $T$7:$T$12, references are made to be SHEET'!$T$7:$T$12).

The easiest way to handle this is to copy the entire worksheet with data and chart, then paste the new data into the copied worksheet. It's a simple enough protocol, if time-consuming, but there's more description in my tutorial at Copy Chart to New Sheet and Link to Data on New Sheet.

An alternative is to copy the chart to the new sheet use a VBA procedure to modify the series formulas in the copied chart, to replace the old sheet's name with the new sheet's name. The VBA is basically this:

Here's my 'Excel for Dummies' way to do this.Change the name of the source sheet so it only differs by the last character from the destination tab (eg 'sheet 2' graph and data are going to be copied into 'sheet 1')Put your chart and sources etc. at the top of the source sheet say rows 1 to 40. Make a similar space in the destination sheet (we are supposing there are other items already on this sheet). Select the rows then Copy and past this across. This wont conflict with the locked cell references.

In the destination sheet edit the source data for the graph(s), which is now easy because you only need to change that one character in the sheet names, everything else will match. It should now be possible to cut and past the whole selection to somewhere else within the worksheet.This may sound like a lot of steps but it's fairly quick and easy and reliable in the sense you control what is happening in a simple way.

If instead we cut and past the graph and data across then it automatically shifts the references without any fuss, in which case we may wish to begin by making a copy of the source tab if we want to retain it.

In many cases, this data is pulled from different tools and is, therefore, located in several different Google Spreadsheets. This is when things get messy and complicated and make data visualization in a tool like Google Sheets impractical.

Right-click on the sheet tab to select Add Graph as Sheet or Add Matrix as Sheet item to open the Hunt dialog(as below), click the window you want to add as a sheet to add the graph or matrix window as a new sheet into current workbook window.

From Origin 2018b, you are allowed to copy current sheet with all information(including the header lines and structure) into the clipboard, and then paste it as a new sheet from the clipboard into a workbook window, by right-clicking on the sheet tab and selecting Copy Sheet and Paste as New Sheet context menu item.

When you select Duplicate Without Data context menu item, a worksheet with same structure and header lines but without data will be created and added to the current workbook as the last worksheet.

Please note, since Origin 2020, when you select Duplicate Without Data to duplicate the sheet, only the raw data will be deleted but the cell links(such as cell references, cell formula etc.) will be kept to further uses. You can use the system variable @DkL to roll back to the older behavior which will delete the cell links too.

In addition, to the plain-text notes you can add to the worksheet (described here), there are several other places in the Origin Project where you can add notes. Three of them -- Folder Notes, Cell Notes, and standalone Notes windows -- support mixed objects (e.g. text and images) and complex formatting, such as Origin Rich Text.

If you need to unselect the current worksheet selection, click on the cell in the upper-left of the worksheet; or click in the gray area to the right of the worksheet columns. Note that "black arrow" cursor is used to select the entire worksheet.

Right-clicking on the sheet tab to select Navigate... context menu will open the Navigate Worksheets dialog box which can be used to manage the worksheets in current workbook. To learn the details about this dialog, please refer to this page.

To zoom the Worksheet, press Ctrl key and then scroll the mouse to zoom in and out the current worksheet in the workbook. You can also use the Zoom toolbar to set the percentage to zoom in and out the worksheet columns and rows.

To pan the Worksheet, click the Zoom-Panning Tool button to enable panning, then press the left button of mouse to drag the horizontal scrollbar or/and vertical scrollbar to view all columns and rows in current worksheet.

Sometimes, if you have embedded a floating graph in current worksheet, and this graph has been moved beyond the worksheet workspace and can not show in full, you can select View: Arrange Graphs menu to get the graph back to the view.

I want to make a libre office-file where I can import csv-files and plot a xy-graph from the data in the csv-files. At the moment I am able to import the csv-files, and make a simple plot in another sheet. However, I would like to be able to import multiple csv-files (one in each sheet of the document) and somehow be able to choose which one to plot in the graph-sheet. The sheets look like follows and the data in the csv-files are two columns wide but of different lengths.

By ploting the given points on the graph(a) It can be observed that points A, B, C, and D lie on the same line (b) points P, Q, R, and S lie on the same line. (c)points K, L, M, and N are not lying on the same line

I have an Auto number column in my sheet. I have now reached over 100 numbers, but when I sort the rows ascending, all the 100 numbers are now shown in the top of the column before the numbers lower than 100. 102, 101, 100, 37, 48, 69, 98. How do I get the 100 numbers to be at the bottom?

After you've entered data into Google Sheets, you may want to create a visualization of that information to make it easier to convey. Luckily, Google Sheets makes it easy for you to convert data into a graph or chart. Easy as Raspberry Pi, if you will.

Google Sheets gives you a variety of options for your graph, so if you want to show parts that make up a whole you can go for a pie chart, and if you want to compare statistics, a bar graph will likely make more sense. Here are our step-by-step instructions for making a graph in Google Sheets. e24fc04721

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