The Blackboard Grade Center resembles a spreadsheet that was designed to be used as a grade book. Each row represents a user in your course and each column includes information for assessment items such as an assignment, test, graded blog entry, or survey. You can also use columns to calculate grades--both letter and numeric. You can provide grades and comments directly on the Grade Center page, on the Grade Details page, and from a tool, such as the discussion board.

Before the course starts, it is important for instructors to verify that the Grade Center is set up correctly, that all graded items are included, that the columns are properly organized, and that grade weighting is set up correctly. Contact your Instructional Designer if you need help setting up the Grade Center.

Download Grade Center Blackboard


Blackboard's Grade Center can freeze grade columns, re-order grade columns using drag-and-drop, quickly hide or display grade columns, and much more using the Column Organization page.

If a Grade Center has a lot of columns, it is sometimes easier to enter grades if some columns are temporarily hidden. Also, you may want to hide grading columns that appear in Blackboard by default that you will neveruse (such as Student ID or Username).

Merged courses disclaimer: If by merging your courses you cause students to be enrolled in more than one course within a merged set, the SiS grade center import function may fail for those students that have overlapping enrollments in the merged set.

Not only is it a place students can track their progress and upcoming assessments, but it can automatically calculate according to your specific rubrics and grade schemas, and can be downloaded into Excel to work offline. The grade center can now be imported into SiS at the end of the semester, which can be helpful for instructors with large class sizes, and can reduce manual data entry errors. For more information about how to use the many features of the Full Grade Center in On-Campus Blackboard, watch our support videos, schedule a consultation, or email:

The Grade Center is a critical component of each Blackboard course whether the course is online, on ground, or blended. The Grade Center includes a column for each graded activity in the course and the overall course grade. You can also create columns for course activities that do not require a submission in Blackboard. An example of this is a classroom presentation. The Grade Center calculates an overall grade for the course based on your specifications. You can also use the Grade Center to monitor student progress in the course and to initiate communication.

It is important that the Blackboard Grade Center matches the syllabus posted in a course since this is what is being communicated to students regarding how grades are calculated for the course. The overall course grade calculation needs to be set up properly from the beginning of the term as this is what students see and use to keep track of how they are doing.

With weighted grading, each course activity is put into one of the categories used for the overall grade calculation. Blackboard automatically applies the weights that you specify in calculating the overall course grade.

Calculating course grades accurately is important so please ask if you have any questions about this. Your chair is a good source of information regarding any guidelines or suggestions for setting up grading for a course. For technical assistance with setting up grading in Blackboard, contact the Help Desk at or 866-291-4357. You are also welcome to stop by during CTE Office Hours (Milano 15) or set up an appointment for a consultation.

Read the Setting the Grading Schema guide sheet to learn about grading schemas. Grade Center columns can display grades in a variety of ways. If you choose to use letter grades, you will need to ensure that the correct Schema is being used so that percentage grades are translated to the correct letter grade.

Read Displaying Both Percentage and Letter Grades to learn how to create a Grade Center column with an alternate grade display method. This can be used to allow students to see their overall grade for a course as both a percentage and a letter grade. Be aware that the Secondary Display setting of a Grade Center column is not visible to students, only to you, so this option cannot be used to show students both percentage and letter grades.

Once you download your Grade Center, you can work on your Blackboard Grade Center on your computer and upload the edited spreadsheet back into Blackboard to allow students to see their current grades.

3. The cell will become active. Type in the grade and press ENTER. Note that information about the column appears in the grey box below. This will usually be an override grade.

11. Choose which attempts to download. All attempts for this item may be downloaded under All attempts. Downloading Only valid attempts will only use the attempt that is being graded. For example, if the grading option is Last attempt then only the last attempt will be provided. If the Grading option is Average, all attempts will be provided.

Once you have exported your grades from the Grade Center, visit, and Find Midterm and Final Grades. Once there, you will import your Excel sheet into Banner XE grading. For help with importing your grades into Banner, see Step 3 in Banner XE Faculty Grading.

When you create assessments and gradable tools, a column automatically generates in the Grade Center. From here you can add basic scores, grade from a rubric, add voice comments, type feedback, exempt assignments, offer extra credit, and more.

Blackboard offers a rubric tool that works in conjunction with the Grade Center. Once they are established in your course, you can easily and objectively grade student work using the rubrics right in Grade Center.

The Grade Center can be used to manage and record student grades throughout the semester. The columns shown in the Full Grade Center are composed of User, Calculated, and Graded columns.

Note: While the Grade Center can be used to record grades and calculate final grades, these are not the official grade of record. Instructors will still need to record their final grades in Self Service

By default the Grade Center in your Blackboard course comes with a total column that sums up the points of all other graded columns in your grade center, but did you know it's possible to create your own customized total column that only includes the columns you wish to sum? Possible uses for this column could be to quickly add up the total points of the individual discussion board grades, or to add extra credit columns to existing assessment scores.

Weighted total columns are similar to total columns in that they are used to sum graded columns together, but while the total columns treat every point equally, weighted total columns go the extra mile and allow you to assign a percentage value each graded column is worth towards the sum. In other words, you can use weighted total columns to create a grade that reflects the grading breakdown you should have listed in your syllabus.

By default, every course comes with an empty weighted total column in the Grade Center, so the only thing you need to do is edit the existing weighted total and add the graded columns / categories so they reflect your syllabus schema.

You can customize the view of items with a Needs Grading status. You can sort, filter, hide, and grade the most urgent items first. For example, you can sort by due date to ensure you grade your final tests by the Registrar's deadline at the end of a term.

We recommend that you assign an override grade from the Manual Override tab on the Grade Details page. You can add feedback for the user and notes for yourself about the grade change. You will have a record of why you chose to override any future attempts.

The only way to assign on override grade for gradable journal and blog entries, wiki page saves, and discussion posts is on the Manual Override tab. However, you can edit an override grade from an interactive tool's grading panel and disallow its precedence.

For each attempt, you can grade, clear, or edit the grade. You can also ignore an attempt to keep it but omit the score from Grade Center calculations. The attempt isn't counted toward the number of allowed attempts.

On the Manual Override tab, you can assign a new grade for an item. Type a new grade in the Override Grade box. You can also provide Feedback to User and Grading Notes, and attach files in the editor.

In the Grade Center, you can calculate grades using calculated columns. Calculated columns

combine data from multiple columns to attain performance results. You can share these results

with students and your institution.

In Blackboard, you are now able to create several different types of calculated columns:

 Average - An Average Column calculates and displays the numeric average for a selected

number of Columns. Columns with text as the primary display cannot be averaged.

 Minimum/Maximum - A Minimum/Maximum Column calculates either the minimum or

maximum grade for a selected number of Columns. Columns with text as the primary

display cannot be displayed as a minimum or maximum grade.

Total - A Total Column calculates the total points for a number of Columns related to the

total number of points allowed. Total Columns are useful for generating a final score.

Columns with text as the primary display cannot be totaled.

Weighted - A Weighted Column calculates and displays a grade based for a selected

number of Columns based upon each column's respective worth of the total grade.

Columns with text as the primary display cannot be displayed as a weighted grade. 17dc91bb1f

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