Itshwayo lesiTjhaba kuyingcenye ehlangana yamaTshwayo aDumileko, ngokwesiko lithathwa njengetshwayo lomBuso lezinga eliphezulu. Igunya elipheleleko linikelwa omunye nomunye umtlolo ngombono wamaTshwayo aDumileko akiwo. Lokho okutjho bonyana umtlolo low uvunywe nguMongameli weSewula Afrika.

Ukuhlanganiswa kobujamo obusaqanda bangaphasi nangaphezulu buhlangana bese benza umkhondo ongapheleliko, ukuzwana hlangana nesakhiwo esisisekelo aqedelela ngokuba nomtlamo ohlakaniphileko, okarisako begodu nohlukileko. Nalapho isabulunga ukuqina, amandla begodu nokuba seduze okufunwa yiTshwayo lesiTjhaba.

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Ilanga eliphumako leli lijamele umthombo wokuphila, wokukhanya begodu nokuthi abandu bangabapheleleko. Isakhiwo seTshwayo lesiTjhaba lihlanganisa ingcenye yesibumbeko seqanda engehla nengenzasi, okutjho ukubumbana okungapheliko. Ukuhlangana kweengcenye ezimbili zihlanganiswa mazinyo wendlovu nelanga eliphumako ngaphezulu, sifana neqanda okuphuma kilo inyoni ugilonko. Lokhu kujamele umoya wokubumbana kwesitjhaba esithumbako namkha esiphumelelako.

UmNyango wezoBukghwari, amaSiko, iSayensi neTheknoloji wabawa umphakathi bona uveze imibono yawo malungana neTshwayo lesiTjhaba ngo 1999. Kwathathwa imibono leyo yahlanganiswa naleyo evezwe yikhabinethe kwatlolwa umbiko omfitjhani ngayo. Umnyango wombuso i-Government Communication and Informatio System (GCIS) yasuka yathindana ne-Design South Afrika okuliphiko elikhulu eliqalene nokubunjwa kwamatshwayo enarheni zombelele bona lithindane nababumbi-matshwayo abalisumi abaziwako. Abenzi-matshwayo abathathu hlangana nabalisumi bakhethwa bona bethule amatshwayo wabo amatjha phambi kweKhabinethe. Umfanekiso namkha itshwayo elabunjwa nguMnumzana Iaan Bekker kwaba ngilo elikhethwako bona libe liTshwayo leSitjhaba leSewula Afrika. Umnumzana lo ngakwelinye ihlangothi umnqophisi we FCB Group begodu ungusosaziwako ekwenzeni umsebenzi wokubumba amatshwayo qala ngombana sele abumbe amatshwayo ambalwa asetjenziswa kurhulumende begodu nasetjenziswa ziinhlangano ezinengi ezizijameleko.

It is important to understand the essential economic and political conditions that lay the foundation for some young people to practice Yahoo-Yahoo. Nigerian youths' unfortunate birthright of financial instability and a weakened infrastructure can be traced back to lengthy economic dependency on Western policies, government instability, and corruption. A depressed employment market resulting from government corruption and globalized neoliberal policies creates conditions that result in some youth delving into Yahoo-Yahoo. Yahoo-Yahoo recruits have changed over the decades, but the consistent draw of recruits remains unchanged because of the endless cycle of youth unemployment. Yahoo-Yahoo is often the last resort for some secondary school graduates and college students unable to find jobs in the formal sector.

The Yahoo-Yahoo story should not just be about the Yahoo boys and girls and the act of Yahoo-Yahoo. It involves the Nigerian communities and the nation. Thus, it is imperative to explore how Yahoo-Yahoo, directly and indirectly, affects Yahoo boys and girls, Nigerian nationals, and the Nigerian government. The instability caused by unemployment and global economic disjuncture creates an environment where some Nigerian youth consider work in the informal economy, sometimes in extralegal activity. Community members hold the youth responsible for becoming involved in scam activity, yet they still charge the government with failing to provide work for Nigeria's younger citizens.

For many Nigerians, Yahoo-Yahoo intersects with daily life. It is the vigilant watch for fake government job postings on fake government websites; it is also hoping that your identity is not stolen and that your bank account is not hacked. It is in the portrayal of Yahoo boys and girls in Nollywood films as materialistic, against traditional values, and treacherous. And in the police profiling Nigerian youth suspected of Yahoo because they own a nice car and are wearing trendy Western clothes. And in Nigerians with IPs identified as originating from within Nigeria being denied access to websites and questioned by international airport customs because they are Nigerian and suspected of doing 419 or Yahoo.

The pragmatic political style that President Morsi has adopted heretofore has earned him a generally favorable assessment in public opinion polls and elsewhere, and both the ruling Muslim Brotherhood and some Salafis have begun to show political flexibility as they become more deeply involved in practical politics. Indeed, political flexibility is also being demanded of the minority secular liberals who have a marked tendency to adhere rigidly to principles, and they are expected to look to enhance collaboration and build up their base of support with an eye to the coming parliamentary elections. One of the outcomes of the January 25 Revolution was a substantial expansion in political participation. The provisional military government suffered repeated failures, and the vox populi moved "from the soap box to the ballot box" to find expression. If the diverse views of the populace are to be reflected in national politics, it is essential for the sake of Egypt's transition to democratization that more open political competition through elections become established practice. The minority secular liberal political forces have an extremely important role in this regard.

"These latest COVID restrictions instituted by ALL state governments and the uncertainty it creates makes it impossible for The 'King of Rock and the Prince of Pop' to make it to Perth Concert Hall July 16, but there is an upside. We're now coming in the safer summertime when most Australians will have been vaccinated and we will celebrate Christmas together via this spectacular production which 'Sounds' host and legend Donnie Sutherland OAM has described as 'The greatest Aussie production I've ever seen.' Please stay with us. You will not be disappointed." 2351a5e196

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