The hall, which was the largest in the palace, andopened immediately from the central courtyard, was aremarkable example of the massive, clumsy, and inartisticarchitecture of uninvaded India. Stone pillars,of unequal size and design, supported the roof. Thewalls were covered with multicolored hangings, andfurthermore were to-night covered with ropes of flowers.A hundred lamps of wrought bronze and silverhung from the ceiling, and torches were fastened tothe pillars. At the head of the room, opposite theentrance, was the das, on which stood a broad divanoverhung with a canopy. This was the judgmentseat of Mandu, to be used to-night in a lightercause. As the Rajah laid himself in his place, thethree high officials squatted on cushions near theroyal couch, each with a low, round stand before him.Below, in the hall, stood three long, low tables, raised[Pg 15]not more than eight inches from the floor, besidewhich were rows of woven mats, on which the feasterssquatted in customary fashion. In three minutes everyseat was taken, and immediately a throng of slavescame hurrying in, each bearing his burden of food orwine or metal bowls filled with water for the washingof hands. Among these ministers of the feast wasFid, who came halting along in the rear, side by sidewith the young Ahmed, now perfectly content by reasonof the nearness of his lord. Fid was dressed ina loose white cotton vestment that hung to his ankles,and was confined about his waist with a broad, redscarf. The sleeves were wide and short, and thetunic opened loosely in the front, disclosing his bare,bronzed chest. His feet were unshod; but his headwas bound round with a brass circlet, the sign ofslavery. In his hands he carried a jar of the liquorforbidden to his creed. As he neared the royal divanmany eyes were turned to him, and he was pointed out,here and there, as a prince of the enemy; and if thefeasters gazed at him once for his station, they lookeda second time at his beauty, for Fid was worthy of hisbirth. Taller in stature, better shaped as to limb,cleaner-cut in feature than any Indian, he gave ampleevidence of the higher civilization and keener intellectof his race. For at this time the men of Arabia wereat the zenith of their power; and were bearing the religionof their Prophet at the point of their swords intoevery nation of the known world.

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