I have bought a domain and certificate from Azure. The certificate is given by Go Daddy as azure partner and it is signed with the intermediate certificate from Go daddy hence it always needs chaining of certificates till Root CA.

And lastly I have a fair idea of how certificates work w.r.t client and server but with the intermediate CA in picture I am unable to understand exactly where the intermediate CA should be put in. I read few posts on the SO but its still unclear. Please bear with me and if some one can explain me the approach how it works in general and what could be the good practice.

Download Godaddy Intermediate Certificate

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You should definitely configure the server to send all required intermediate certs; this is required by the TLS standards. (Although if you don't, clients have the option to try to obtain them by other means, like a cache or repository or AIA, and sometimes they do.) Whether the server sends the root is optional; the standards actually state this in reverse, by saying the server MAY omit the root, where the all-caps 'MAY' invokes the meaning defined in RFC 2119. E.g. for TLS1.2 in RFC5246 7.4.2:

How you do this depends on what web-server software you are using, which you didn't identify. Although from the fact you specify a Java version, I can speculate it might be Tomcat, or something based on Tomcat like Jboss/Wildfly. Even then, Tomcat's SSL/TLS configuration varies substantially depending on the version and which type of connector 'stack' you use (the pure-Java JSSE, or Tomcat Native, aka APR Apache Portable Runtime, which is actually OpenSSL). However, a 'pfx' (PKCS12) file can definitely contain both a privatekey and the matching (EE) certificate PLUS the chain cert(s) it needs, and is a convenient way to deal with the whole kaboodle at once.

For a cert obtained directly from GoDaddy, they provide instructions linked from -ssl-certificates-16623 for many common servers. I don't know if for Azure they use any different chaining that would alter these instructions.

Clients should not install intermediate cert(s) because as above the server should send them. The GoDaddy roots have been accepted in most official truststores for several years now, so most clients using default settings should not need to add them. However, some might; in particular Ubuntu 16.04 might be old enough that it doesn't have GoDaddy preinstalled. And any client(s) that wishes to use a customized truststore, and/or a pin, must ensure that it is set to include/allow your cert's trust chain.

GoDaddy has supplied its roots to (AFAIK all) the major truststore programs, as above. IINM Ubuntu uses the Mozilla/NSS list, which definitely includes GoDaddy today, but as above I can't be sure about 16.04. I don't know for alpine. CAs do not request truststore programs to include intermediates (although a program or user may be able to add selected intermediate(s) as trusted, depending on the software used).

Unable to validate certificate chain. The certificate chain must start with the immediate signing certificate, followed by any intermediaries in order. The index within the chain of the invalid certificate is: -1

I have my private key & certificate in PEM format and uploaded. If I use these without the "optional" chain, it works untrusted. I have been poking around, trying to find an answer on what to put into the field, and this answer suggests downloading the gd_bundle-g2.crt - I have done this and converted it into PEM by running openssl x509 -inform PEM -in gd_bundle-g2.crt but the error remains. When I downloaded my certificate from GoDaddy, I was given a ZIP with my SSL certificate along with gdig2.crt and gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt. I have tried using these files in various combinations, and alone, but again, nothing.

To start from the beginning - I used Digicert's Java Keytool to generate my commands to get my keystore and CSR using keytool. From there, I got a wildcard SSL certificate through GoDaddy and downloaded my certificate which was in a ZIP file along with gdig.crt and gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt. After this, I follwed to steps to get the private key from my keystore following this StackOverflow answer. However, the foo.pem file from this command required one more command, openssl rsa -in foo.pem -out foo.rsa to get the final form accepted by the AWS panel.

It is important to note that the intermediate certificates are not specific to your domain or certificate. So, every certificate issued that is like yours, has the exact same intermediate certificates.

You can think of them a bit like the routing number on your checks. The routing number is needed, but really says more about your bank than it does about you. Your account number, or your certificate in this case, is what is unique to you.

A server providing a TLS/SSL connection (as in a HTTPS web-server) should send the client all certificates in the chain. That is, the end-entity certificate, all subordinate CAs and optionally (but not mandatory) the Root CA certificate.

Your so called Affected PCs are showing the symptom of a web-server that has been misconfigured and is simply sending the end-entity certificate. Your browser gets this certificate and has no way to chain it to the Root CA that's installed in your trust-anchor store.

Your Unaffected PC is showing the symptom of a Windows computer which conveniently has the subordinate CA certificates cached in its certificate store. These are usually placed there when a user browses to another website which uses the same subordinate CAs but whose administrator knows what they are doing :-) The PC is still only receiving the end-entity certificate from the server, but as it has the subordinate CAs certificates cached, it can join them together and build the chain.

Now, Windows has a facility to download any subordinate CAs from a repository, but this will only work if (a) the URL of this repository is contained within the certificate, (b) the certificate is actually installed on that repository, and (c) the repository is online and accessible.

Behind the production firewall is the server for one of our client applications. We've applied SSL/SSH inspection, set to "protect SSL server", with the server's private certificate imported to the firewall and attached to the profile. The SSL profile is then applied to the inbound firewall policy. If I view the webpage locally, I see 4 certificates in the trust chain: Server Cert --> GoDaddy CA --> GoDaddy Intermediate CA --> GoDaddy Root.

The catch... the firewall is presenting a different intermediate CA cert with the same subject. The "Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2" when viewing the page locally is issued by "Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority"

Firstly, the page itself is completely fine when viewed at the client. No certificate errors at all. However, the client application we use that talks to this server is failing because it's expecting to see a particular trust chain which is not there.

So, I just ran through the entire process again, and had GoDaddy Re-Key the certificate. This was a pain in the butt since it took them several hours to verify everything.

Once I did that, everything worked perfectly.

All of this to say, THIS TIME: I kept a copy of my original ssl.key BEFORE adding in any of the certificates. So, hopefully in 2 years when this happens again, I can just take a copy of that file and add the 3 cert files.

Hello- We are also seeing this issue when trying to import a GoDaddy cert. It is a wildcard cert that was exported from azure. We have been successful importing it to several other services. When following the instructions here we get the error: certificate is not a valid PEM certificate

bring your own certificate. You generate a CSR and key file, send to a vendor like comodo, they send you a certificate, which you upload. We never see your CSR; just your CA Chain, private key, and the certificate in PEM format.

The code lives on GitHub, built by Netlify and it should then reflect on the Namecheap domain I have (which has the PositiveSSL certificate provided via their 3rd party).

Netlify is then used as the CD platform (where Identity receives the forms).

I am migrating my radius server to a new Azure server, so I am setting this back up. Last time, I set up a 2012r2 radius server as a CA and created a certificate directly on the server that I then pushed out with GPO. I am doing basically the same thing again, but with a GoDaddy certificate. I am following the guide here:

If so, have you ticked the box saying what is allowed to be the root CA server to be used to verify the RADIUS server certificate, and is that by chance still set to your old enterprise CA certificate?

Now, with plain-vanilla web apps, Azure has a very handy SSL provisioning process which does the grunt-work for you, and gets basic SSL certificates up and running and even custom domain names assigned. I recommend it.

You do not need to touch the remote server until you have the final .PFX file. It is perfectly OK to initiate an SSL certificate signing request on a development machine and uploading it to the final (say, Azure-hosted) server later. A certificate, once issued, can be uploaded to different machines.

Situation: I have a licensed copy of Confluence 6.9.1. Setting it up for vanilla http was simple. I then generated a self-signed certificate and stepped through the how-tos and was able to get everything working fairly quickly using the self-signed cert.

The next logical step was getting a verified certificate, which I did through GoDaddy. The Tomcat collection of certs contains the actual certificate for my FQDN, a gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt and a gdig2.crt.pem intermediate cert.

As I mentioned above, GoDaddy sent me the actual certificate for my domain, gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt and a gdig2.crt.pem intermediate cert. First, I created a new keystore and added the certificates like this:

I've been working on installing a godaddy certificate and was wondering if anyone else has done the same with Virtualmin? This is one of those funky (but cheap) intermediate certificates. See this thread for more background: -discussion/certificate-options.... ff782bc1db

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