Justice vs Vengeance hosts Caleb West and Robby Gaddis battle out their favorite comic book heroes and villains who might never have the opportunity to face each other. Perhaps they have a hero from the DC Universe and the other is a hero from the Marvel Universe, or maybe they have a villain from the DC Universe and the other is a villain from the Marvel Universe. The two host may even battle out two very well known comic book characters just because. Check out episode one where they do just that. The two host are just two guys who absolutely love comics and wanted to create an outlet for other likeminded people to escape. Follow the podcast for tons of epic battles and loads of entertainment.

Vengeance battles were a series of one-on-one battles held during Robot Wars Extreme: Series 1. Two teams harbouring grudges against each other would have their robots fight each other to settle the grudge. The grudges ranged from losing to the robot the previous year to teams simply trying to out-do each other or responding to opponents' comments about themselves and/or their robots.

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After the battle, it was revealed that the two teams had never held any grudge against each other, and that the only reason the battle went ahead was to fight Sir Killalot. In spite of this, Team Big Brother were given a Union Jack to fly at the end, to signify they had gained vengeance.

It's bomb loud out options & armament presets would be very useful, the only comparable aircraft I can see at it's level is the Premium Avenger with 4 less .50s at 3.0 and possibly the Firefly Mk. I at 3.7. This would make a great ground attacker, probably pretty useful for combined battles to.

On the 13th of June 1944, a strange sight appeared in the early morning London sky. What looked like a short-winged plane half on fire tore through the sky at over 350 miles per hour with a distinctive buzzing engine noise. Onlookers didn't know it yet, but they had just caught a glimpse of the first Nazi Vergeltungswaffen or 'vengeance weapon' the V1. A few minutes later the engine cut out and the flying bomb went into a steep dive. The aircraft and its 1,800-pound warhead hit a railway bridge killing six and making hundreds homeless.

The Combined Bomber Offensive were relentlessly bombing German cities the RAF flew at night under the cover of darkness and the American bombers flew throughout the day. Hitler was looking for a way to combat the bad propaganda that these terrible raids were having and so he looks to create these vengeance weapons as a way to show Britain that they weren't losing the war yet and they would still be able to fight back.

Escort Duty 

 As soon as the mission begins a Tribe gunship will be seen entering the sector. Fly towards the enemy craft and use your anti-shield lasers to disable its protective shields. Once the shield surplus has been depleted, switch over to your regular lasers to destroy the gunship's hull. Three more Tribe gunships will appear in the vicinity, destroy them before they take aim against the Navy frigate. When the three gunships have been neutralized you will receive orders from the Navy battleship to retreat from all encounters with hostile enemies. Now stay clear while the Navy frigate finishes off the final Tribe gunship. Return to your base and get ready for the next mission.

Intercept League Sappers 

 The first part of this mission will deal only with destroying various League fighter craft. Soon you will begin to see fighters towing mines towards the Navy frigate. The mines must be destroyed, using your seismic lance, before they have a chance to harm your Navy battleship. After all the mines have been either detonated or destroyed, you will have to face another two waves of League fighters.

There's no "real" time limit, but the sooner you are able to finish this task, the easier this mission will be. Each fully assembled defense turret will fire upon any enemy craft in the area. Protection of the Navy battleship is essential to the completion of this level. Destruction of the Navy vessel will result in a loss. Be sure to keep in mind that, even though the defense turrets belong to the Navy, you may suffer from friendly fire if you should accidentally get in the way.

Defend Crippled Battleships 

 Again, it will be you acting alone in this mission. In the start of the mission you must intercept a team of League sword fighters attacking a crippled battleship. Protect the battleship.

Eventually, unknown forces will be detected uncloaking in the sector. Divert all your attention the Alien fighters. As soon as the Alien vessel is visible, it will attempt to steal the Navy battleship. Attack it with your full force. The vessel's shields must be removed before it exits through the jumpgate (to keep the battleship from being taken). Try to use all your anti shield torpedoes and missiles, along with short blasts of your scattergun, for fast results.

Support Heavy Assault: Part 2 

 A League processing plant will be shown falling under the might of an Alien vessel. The unknown Alien vessel will then launch several teams of fighter crafts to assault the Navy battleship. Ignore the Alien vessel and just concentrate on the fighters to complete this mission.

In this episode of Justice vs Vengeance, cohosts Caleb and Robby delve into the murky origins of Swamp Thing and Man Thing, exploring the fascinating world where justice and vengeance collide in the swampy realms of these iconic characters. Unearth the secrets behind the mossy guardian and the muck-encrusted creature as they navigate the tangled vines of their complex narratives. Join us for a deep dive into the swampy mysteries that define the origins of these legendary beings.

Dive into the ultimate clash of titans on Justice vs Vengeance as cohosts Caleb and Robby go head-to-head in a heated debate over the age-old question: Namor vs. Aquaman. In this episode, tensions rise as Caleb staunchly defends Namor's prowess, citing Marvel's Atlantean prince as the rightful victor. Meanwhile, Robby champions DC's King of the Seven Seas, Aquaman, arguing for his strength and regal authority. Will justice prevail with Namor's might, or does Aquaman's vengeance reign supreme? Brace yourself for a wave of passionate arguments, comic lore deep dives, and an epic showdown of opinions. Tune in and join the battle!

After the battle of Shiloh, Sherman led troops during the battles of Chickasaw Bluffs and Arkansas Post, and commanded XV Corps during the campaign to capture Vicksburg. At the Battle of Chattanooga Sherman faced off against Confederates under Patrick Cleburne in the fierce contest at Missionary Ridge. After Ulysses S. Grant was promoted to commander of all the United States armies, Sherman was made commander of all troops in the Western Theatre, and began to wage warfare that would bring him great notoriety in the annals of history.

I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.

- William Tecumseh Sherman

His words were almost prophetic: Knowing the weakness of their position, the UNSC and Sangheili forces at Determined Resolve had built up deep webs of fortifications, both in space and on the surface in a defence plan code-named Operation: KURSK, inspired by those used in Operation: HOT GATES six years previously, and they were equipped with the new Glorious-class Carriers that had caused the Blood Covenant Navy so much grief at Alpha Centauri earlier in the year. Despite their supply lines being dramatically extended after the capture of Silent Reverence and Worshipful Submission, the UNSC Second, Sixteenth, and Thirtieth Fleets held out and fought running battles with the Blood Covenant in the system for over three months before they were reinforced. On the ground, eleven million UNSC and Sangheili soldiers fought twenty million Jiralhanae for control of the planet. Fifteen thousand tanks and eleven thousand aircraft participated in the ground campaign. Finally, on the sixteenth of August, the Sangheili Fleet of Enlightened Benevolence arrived to reinforce the allied forces. Arboreus called off the attack and withdrew his forces, and avoided execution on his return to Expansive Judgement by managing to foiste the blame for failure on "junior Fleet Masters and their incompetent execution of war plans." Fortunately for him, these "junior Fleet Masters" were in no position to defend themselves, having been killed during the battle. He did it out of a sense of preservation, knowing that with this defeat, the Blood Covenant would need him more than ever in the coming years. The Blood Covenant leadership recognised this as well, but knew that they could not be seen as weak by not punishing a defeated Admiral. Furthermore, Arboreus was a capable, popular officer and good leader, whom they saw as a person who could overthrow them. They chose to put Arboreus as far away from the capital as possible, and so bundled him and his fleet off to the marginally important Undefeated Glory system until they really needed him. Arboreus didn't get a chance to come home, however, before he was killed at the Battle of Undefeated Glory during Operation: FURY in 2560. The Battle of Determined Resolve is often seen by historians as an arbitrary point after which the Blood Covenant clearly began to lose the war.

By 2559, the war appeared to have ground to a halt, at least in the eyes of the UNSC public. There were none of the massive battles between opposing fleets and armies dominating the news networks, and while the campaign of Unrestricted Prowler Warfare continued, it was almost completely unappreciated by the public. As such, many were calling for the official cessation of hostilities, especially since the emergency wartime tax measures instituted by the Plantard Administration were beginning to hurt less-affluent families, and the public were quickly becoming bored of hundreds of petty and not-so-petty inconveniences such as increased fuel tax and inflated food prices. 2351a5e196

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