Unless you provided a custom password during installation, a password will be randomly generated and stored for 24 hours in /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password. Use this password with username root to login.

If you want to try it again, I would try installing rvm (ruby version manager) into WSL, then go language, then get the gitlab-development-kit (a gem, gem install gitlab-development-kit) and follow the instructions here:

Download Gitlab For Windows 10 64 Bit

Download 🔥 https://geags.com/2y3AwI 🔥

You have essentially succeeded in solving the first one by creating the bash.cmd file. But if you're curious about why it didn't work without it, my guess is that bash runs in your command prompt because the directory that contains it (e.g. in your case "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin") is included in the PATH environment variable for your user account. But perhaps you are running the gitlab-runner in the system account, which might not have the same PATH.So the first thing to do is just check your system's PATH variable and add the bin directory if necessary (i.e. using the System applet in the Control Panel as described here or here). Just make sure you restart your machine after you make the change, because the change isn't applied until after you restart. That should make bash work, even when called from a service running in the system or admin account.

As for the strange error you got after creating bash.cmd, that was due to the second issue. Paths are often really hard to get right when combining bash and Windows. Gitlab-runner is probably trying to determine whether the build path is relative or absolute, and ends up prepending the windows path with what it thinks is the working directory ($PWD). This looks like a bug, but gitlab still has not fixed it (as of version 9.0 of the runner!!) and probably never will. Maybe they have decided it is not a bug or that it is due to bugs in underlying software or tools that they can't fix or that it would be too difficult to fix. Anyway, I've discovered a work-around. You can specify the base path for builds in the config.toml file. If you use a unix-style path, it fixes the problem.On windows, config.toml is usually in the same folder as your gitlab-runner.exe (or gitlab-multi-runner-amd64.exe etc). Open that file in your favorite text editor. Then find the [[runners]] section and add two lines similar to the following.

The path you use should be the "bash version" of whatever directory you want gitlab-runner to use for storing builds etc. Importantly if you are using cygwin, you would use a path similar to /cygdrive/c/... instead of just /c/... (which is appropriate for msys-git or standalone MSYS2 etc).

It looks like you're attempting to link gitlab-ci up with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (which can be accessed by typing bash at the Windows command prompt)? I doubt that this is supported directly by Gitlab's runner configuration.

Given that it's bad practice to execute more than very trivial shell scripts within the .gitlab-ci.yml itself (as opposed to calling out to an external script), you lose little by being forced to use a native Windows shell.

For me it happened that I installed git after I started PowerShell to run gitlab-runner. To fix this you need to restart PowerShell after git is installed and then restart gitlab-runner to get git on your PATH.

on this image I have hosted the gitlab image on docker desktop on port 8080. when I click on the issue "unable to update stock for serial item " it will not open , you can see the next screnshot with the error

I found a way to avoid to prompt ssh passphrase after each boot. It is based on windows credential. Please give a look here: @glsorre/windows-subsystem-for-linux-never-prompt-your-ssh-passphrase-again-353db7c931ab

I'm new to using GitLab, but my company has their own GitLab server where I'm to house repos for my projects, push commits, etc. I'm trying to set up my ssh key pair, but I'm getting stuck and not really sure what to do. I followed the instructions on the gitlab site for setting up ssh key pairs. I now have a folder C:/Users/{username}/.ssh containing the files id_rsa, id_rsa.pub, and known_hosts.

While I marked Kenster's answer correct (as he was), in case anyone else runs into a similar problem, I found out from IT that our gitlab server has SSH disabled -- the 'connection' I see happening is an artifact of the Zscaler private access system the company uses. SSH makes a TCP connection through the private access firewall, but then gets dropped immediately since it's not a 'real' service that's enabled. Cheers!

Ultimately, to setup your CI/CD you'll need a Docker Helper Image. This will then start your container and prepares the environment (downloading the git repo, and probably some other stuff). The helper image also has to be available on the host machine, I used this one here: kdeorg/gitlab-windows-runner-helper

Since we're running on a private git repo and we manage internal dependencies also with conan, it took me a while to find something generic from the command line. Since Windows manages all credentials with the credential manager, I added the following line in my gitlab script and it works just fine:

Sophos UTM is a VM in a third machine with two network cards. One connecting to WAN (external internet), other connecting to a switch (internal). Sophos is my DHCP server, with giving dhcp addresses in range. Both linux and windows machine are in the same subnet. Linux and Windows

I installed gitlab on the linux server. The gitlab is configured with URL gitlab.myserver.com listening on port number 9100 (default is 80 for nginix). To make gitlab accessible from my windows machine, I have done so far in Sophos:

Now from my windows machine (, i am able to browse to giltab server using gitlab.myserver.com:9100. I can create repositories, git push etc with no problems. From windows cmd prompt I can ping gitlab.myserver.com, use git CLI commands with no issues at all. I tried to do couple of things, and I ran into issues.

a) from within the linux server where the gitlab is running, i am not able to ping gitlab.myserver.com. I can use browser on the linux machine and go to gitlab.myserver.com:9100 and manage my gitlab settings with no issues. I am not able to find gitlab server from the command line in the linux machine, especially git CLI from the linux box itself. git CLI fails saying cannot find gitlab.myserver.com

Question : Is this the right way to do this? Why the linux server is not resolving gitlab.myserver.com through the UTM Gateway itself like the windows machine. Linux uses the same gw settings as well (

b) I tried to setup NAT rules to resolve/forward gitlab.myserver.com to gitlab.myserver.com:9100. I have tried various NAT combinations (DST NAT, Full NAT etc.), but i cannot browse using just domain name. I tried to understand and follow several suggestions from the following references, none of them seem to work my case.

Vaidyanathan Balasubramanian said:a) from within the linux server where the gitlab is running, i am not able to ping gitlab.myserver.com. I can use browser on the linux machine and go to gitlab.myserver.com:9100 and manage my gitlab settings with no issues. I am not able to find gitlab server from the command line in the linux machine, especially git CLI from the linux box itself. git CLI fails saying cannot find gitlab.myserver.com

Vaidyanathan Balasubramanian said:b) I tried to setup NAT rules to resolve/forward gitlab.myserver.com to gitlab.myserver.com:9100. I have tried various NAT combinations (DST NAT, Full NAT etc.), but i cannot browse using just domain name. I tried to understand and follow several suggestions from the following references, none of them seem to work my case.

a) I am not running dnsmsaq. I did check /etc/resolv.cof. It is pointing to my internet router IP address as Name Server. It was not having UTM as name server. I think the opensuse/network manager installation did that as I was directly connected to internet first. After much thinking, I decided to leave that way and not change to UTM as the name server. My entry in /etc/hosts helps may to ping and use gitlab server from the host where it is running. For the time being, I am going to leave it that way. At least I now understand what the issue is. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. -- closed

When your Windows machine tries to connect to the IP of your Linux machine, instead of sending the packet to the default gateway, the network stack will recognize that "Ohh, this IP is actually on the same subnet as me. This means I don't need to send this packet to the default gateway at all!". What it will do then is send an ARP request to the whole subnet asking "Hey guys, what is the mac address of". Your Linux machine will receive the packet and will reply back to your windows machine saying "Hey Windows, that is me! Here is my mac address A8:00:00:00:00:AA". Your Windows machine will then put this in the ARP table. All this does not involve the UTM. 2351a5e196

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