To use batch mode with any filter you have defined or any of the pre-defined functions, you give the command as an argument to the -b option of the gimp command. In the GIMP tutorial, to apply the simple-unsharp-mask to an image, for instance foo.png, you are told to run the command:

In the definition above, simple-unsharp-mask has four arguments: filename, radius, amount, and threshold, which are here as values in the command line. In this form, this gimp command needs to be run in the directory that contains foo.png because it's a relative path name.

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The simple-unsharp-mask function uses gimp-file-load to set the image variable from the filename and then uses gimp-image-get-active-layer to define the drawable variable from the image. Then it runs the plug-in-unsharp-mask function using the image and drawable that it created plus the other parameters that we gave it in the -b option on the command line. It saves the transformed image and drawable back where it got them and deletes the image from GIMP's memory.

I could create a shell alias for the command, or I could add a symbolic link into a directory that is in my $PATH, but since my goal is to use this within a KBM macro, I decided to just use the full path to the gimp command:

So what does gimp-file-load do? if you open the GIMP UI and go to Filters > Script-Fu > Console it will pop up a small Script-Fu Console window like this: 

The text entry field at the bottom has the Browse button at the right. If you click that button, it opens the Script-Fu Procedure Browser.

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In the above Procedure Browser window, I have searched for the term "load" and scrolled down to gimp-file-load to see documentation on this procedure, including why the filename parameter must be given twice.

After the image is defined, based on the loaded contents of filename, then another car operation gets the result of giving the image to the gimp-image-get-active-layer function, and that defines the drawable variable. In my simple-invert function, these operations, loading the file and getting the active layer, can be used exactly as they are in the example from the tutorial.

You can see documentation for plug-in-unsharp-mask in the Script-Fu Procedure Browser.

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This is the procedure I wanted to change in making my simple-invert function. I searched the SPB for "invert" and got four results. One inverted the color but not the brightness, one was for inverting a selection mask, one was deprecated, and the fourth, gimp-drawable-invert, seemed like exactly what I wanted. I changed that line of code to:

I'm not sure, but I think that if GIMP is not otherwise open then the gimp-image-delete may not be necessary because the second batch command on the shell command line closes this instance of GIMP. If you want to be able to use the script on a file, whether or not you're also using the GIMP GUI, then you might need this. It was part of the sample script that I simply kept because it made sense that it was there and didn't seem like it could hurt anything. The description of gimp-image-delete in the Script-Fu Procedure Browser was not really helpful in understanding why this command is needed.

HOWEVER, i came from the opposide side having used the much simpler gimp and wanting a stronger tool for graphics, and notice you have ignored the linux/gimp crowd out there by not making sure affinity can open gimp files. I have several files made in gimp which i would like to edit in affinity, but it is not possible. Gimp being open source, i dont think compatibility with gimp files would be hard to implement in affinity. Same go for krita files. It would also open doors in favour of affinity into the linux world of graphics.

Please consider my suggestion of implementing this, compatibility with formats of other image editors - especially gimp and krita - is a good selling point! I noticed you have support for .svg in affinity designer, which is excellent and mean i can import logos etc i made in inkscape!

i can think of many situations why this would be useful regarding opening up for importing and editing open source file formats, such as i as an individual could send my gimp or krita files to a printing press to have some big posters printed for my shop or birthday party (affinity seem to becoming a full desktop publishing package too now with affinity publisher). For the price many will buy affinity as it gets more known (i wouldnt buy photoshop, only if i worked with this full time, but if affinity has all the fetures i need why would i), but some that only use this a little once in a while or are at linux they would probably still use gimp/krita and if you get in files from customers in a business, having a program like affinity that can open it is a big plus.

Help provides access to the internal help system including the extensive GIMP User Manual. The package gimp-help needs to be installed. This documentation is also available online in HTML and PDF formats at Translations into many languages are available. 006ab0faaa

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