I have installed GDAL from where it is written: "Built with all command line tools and with GEOS and HDF5 support". But obviously something is wrong. I also tried install additionaly first geos and after that gdal from but ended up with the same error.

For example, on ubuntu linux you would use the software centre to ensure libgeos (and libgeos-dev) are installed, then use "git" to download a clone of the GDAL repository from github, run the configure script using arguments to switch on support for both python and GEOS (neither of which seem to be on by default), then use "make" to install GDAL. But if you're reliant on a pre-compiled binaries, you could try asking for an update from the maintainer upstream of you.

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Knowing that the package rgeos, from the R language, requieres a prior installation of geos libraries, I installed, both, libgeos and libgeos-c1 (3.2.2), using the synaptic installer in my Ubuntu 12.04 (32 bit) machine.

Forgive my ignorance, but I don't know where this file, "geos-config", comes from: should it be generated by the gcc compilations above, or should it be previously installed when the libgeos libraries were intalled?

All GEOB and GEOS courses carry Science credit and therefore may not be used by B.Sc. students to satisfy the Faculty of Science requirements for credits in Arts. Only Geography courses carrying the GEOG designation may be used to satisfy the Faculty of Science requirements for credits in Arts.As of Summer Session 2021, all GEOB courses have been renamed GEOS [ -descriptions/subject/geos] with equivalent course numbers.

I gave a talkon geoCom (a BASIC compiler for GEOS)at VCFMW 2018; here arethe slides. Follow the geoCom link for thesource code.At VCFMW 2017, I gavea talk on the gopher client for I wrote for GEOS called... (can youguess?) geoGopher. Followthe link for more information.These arethe slidesfrom my "Introduction to GEOS Programming" talkat VCFMW 2015. Here'sthe demo disk image,which includes the source, executable, and debugger symbol table. Youcan also view the demo program's source code in your browser (but notethat the graphics pasted into the geoWrite source files do notappear): geosDemoS (GUI/event handler source) geosDataS (data tables) geosDemoH (GEOS file header source) geosDemo.lnk (linker directives) geosDemo.dbm (debugger macros) geosDemo.sym (human-readable symbol table)At VCFMW 2013, I gavean "Introduction to GEOS" talk that you can watch videos of(part 1, part 2). Hereare the slides. A visitor to the site from Argentina sent me these 

pictures of GEOS 1.2 disks published there by Drean.

These are some software collections I've picked up at the shows inrecent years.Mystic Jim disk 2, side A | downloadMystic Jim disk 2, side B | downloadMystic Jim disk 3, side A | downloadMystic Jim disk 3, side B | downloadMystic Jim disk 4, side A | downloadMystic Jim disk 4, side B | downloadMystic Jim disk 6, side A | downloadMystic Jim disk 6, side B | downloadNeoFonts, side A | downloadNeoFonts, side B | downloadDiskArt 1 | downloadDiskArt 2 | downloadDiskArt 3 | download Thanks, Diestro!DiskArt 4 | downloadDiskArt 5 | downloadDiskArt 6 | downloadDiskArt 7 | downloadDiskArt 8 | downloadPowerPak, side A | downloadPowerPak, side B | downloadPowerPak II, side A | download (includes geoTerm, a modem terminal program)PowerPak II, side B | downloadHere's the "Graphic Idea Files" collection fromSusan Lamb (see geoWorld ad at right):CAVEATUTILITOR! At least one of these images (disk 7) iscorrupt! I'll do a proper analysis and repair (or replacement withdifferent images) as time permits.disk 1disk 2disk 3disk 4disk 5disk 6disk 7disk 8This D64 image contains archivingutilities for GEOS, including Convert2.5, geoBEAP2.1, geoPack, and GeoConvertE98f. I made up a D64 withthe geoBEAP source when I wasstudying the Convert file format (which can be foundon Peter Scheppers' site).geoBEAP (Bo's Excellent Archive Program) relies on a massiveproject, also by Bo Zimmerman, to create a library of GEOS routinesfor programmers. The project iscalled geoModules,and after extracting and converting the Lynx files available on hissite for my own use (with geoBEAP, of course), I took the liberty ofmaking the resulting files available here on D64s to make them easierfor GEOS programmers who prefer to work from disk images. Make sure tovisit the link to his site for documentation. As the saying goes, "Boknows GEOS!" geoModules.d64: the assembled object files geoModules-src-a.d64: source code, side A geoModules-src-b.d64: source code, side B (and the bitmap button worksheet)Here's a grab bag of GEOS utilities ina D81 image. Have a lot of fun!Here's the first of the "Red Storm" disks by Joe Buckley(side Aand side B). Anyone know where I canfind more of these?I've removed the geoWorld disks that I had here, sincethey're inthe geoSpecificcollection. 



 GEOS manualsHere's an entire set of GEOS manualsthat DLHscanned. GEOS 2.0 geoCalc (spreadsheet) geoChart (charting tools) geoFile (database) geoPublish (desktop publishing) geoPublish manual addendum #1 geoPublish manual addendum #2 DESK PACK Plus FONTPACK (includes font printouts)GEOS Programming ToolsI've got a page of GEOS programmingtips 'n' tricks that I've collected over the years.This D64contains geoProgrammer(geoAssembler, geoLinker, and geoDebugger), along with a few utilities(sector editor, header and icon editors, onscreen ruler, fast filecopier). Note that this is the 1.1 version. The 1.0 versions ofgeoAssembler and geoLinker are known to be buggy: in particular, thatversion of geoLinker will not correctly assemble a VLIR application,and will sometimes trash the disk as well!This is the geoProgrammermanual (all 439 pages of it, scannedby DLH). It includessections on the assembler, linkage editor, and debugger. Here is ahandy PDF list of geoDebuggercommands from the manual.Here's a D64 of the sample appsthat came with geoProgrammer (source code only). This disk alsocontains the symbol file (geosSym) and the macrofile (geosMac).Several disassemblers have recently cometo light; or rather, their proper versions have. Onthis disk image you willfind: DISASSEMBLER (Note that there are two versions of this program in the wild; you want the one with "Will now work with any drive..Airs'" in the info block.) Thanks to Scott "xlar54" Hutter. geoSourcer (in '64 and '128 versions). Paul Murdaugh has removed some accumulated cruft from the '64 version and made enhancements to the '128 version. This is probably the disassembler you want to use, as it allows for external files describing how to disassemble parts of the file (hex, code, &c). See the included Instruction file.If anyone has any information on theancient history behind the hacked versions of these programs, pleaseemail me using the link at the top of this page.A geoProgrammer sample program was also publishedin the October 1988 issue of Compute!'s Gazette (availableon Bombjack). There'sa review of geoProgrammer on page 59, and the sample program is onpage 76; Bruce Thomas has typed in the source and provided the iconsas well. This prompted a lively discussion, which I've summarized onmy tips 'n' tricks page.Berkeley was working on a 2.0 version of geoProgrammer, but it wasnever released. geoDebugger 2.0, though (according to the betatester notes), was ready to go, and Jim Collette uploaded it to Q-Linkand GEnie. Here's a D64 imagecontaining his SFX and the two files it contained. (To create them,you'd have to LOAD and RUN the SFX from BASIC, then convert the twoextracted files to GEOS files.)Here is theofficial GEOSProgrammer's Reference Guide, complete with errata sheets, aspublished by Berkeley Softworks (scan and OCR byDLH). I have my ownset of errata, only a couple ofwhich are in the sheets published by Berkeley.Asabove; Italianversion (includes additional information).Here is Alexander Boyce's GEOS Programmer'sReference Guide (text file), a commentary on the GEOS kernelroutines that was based on his disassembly of the operatingsystem. This is the version revised by Bo Zimmerman, and replacesBoyce's labels with the official ones from the Berkeley version. Notethe following errors in the geoWrite file format description: The text after the first table should read "Each page begins with 27 bytes (0-26) for a ruler escape string..." The ruler escape offsets later on that page are decimal numbers, not hex (as the dollar signs would indicate). The same diagram can be found on page 443 of the Programmer's Reference Guide.And here is thelegendary Hitchhiker'sGuide To GEOS (all 568 pages of it), scanned from a photocopy ofmy precious original byDLH. HHGG is theworking version of a never-published book by Berkeley Softworks. Manypages have edit marks on them, and a few are even stamped"CONFIDENTIAL". This is the ultimate guide to GEOS programming, andincludes late additions to the API not present in the above two books(including the REU APIs), as well as information on AppleGEOS. Note: it looks like thereare a couple of pages missing from DLH's scan: here are two missingAPIs: CopyStringand CRC.High-Level Programming Languages for GEOSThere were a few attempts at creating interpreters or compilers forhigh-level languages in GEOS, but it was a difficult task at bestbecause of the memory constraints. Perhaps the best-known wasgeoBasic,which was picked up from Berkeley Softworks in an incomplete state andreleased by RUN magazine. Although it's very interesting and shows alot of promise, it has enough bugs to make it essentiallyunusable. (Note: there is a patch for it,but I haven't tried it. Caveat utilitor.) geoCom demo program (click to enlarge) 006ab0faaa

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