geopy includes geocoder classes for the OpenStreetMap Nominatim,Google Geocoding API (V3), and many other geocoding services.The full list is available on the Geocoders doc section.Geocoder classes are located in geopy.geocoders.

Geopy can calculate geodesic distance between two points using thegeodesic distance or thegreat-circle distance,with a default of the geodesic distance available as the functiongeopy.distance.distance.

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I am new to python and geopy and I was trying to install it on my Pythonanywhere. I created a folder where I have a set of files with latitudes and longitudes, then I followed the instructions and wrote this on a batch console

Geocoding is provided by a number of different services, which are notaffiliated with geopy in any way. These services provide APIs, which anyonecould implement, and geopy is just a library which provides theseimplementations for many different services in a single package.

Different services have different Terms of Use, quotas, pricing,geodatabases and so on. For example, Nominatimis free, but provides low request limits. If you need to make more queries,consider using another (probably paid) service, such asOpenMapQuest or PickPoint(these two are commercial providers of Nominatim, so they shouldhave the same data and APIs). Or, if you are ready to wait, you can trygeopy.extra.rate_limiter.

geopy.extra.rate_limiter classes provide a convenientwrapper, which can be used to automatically add delays between geocodingcalls to reduce the load on the Geocoding service. Also it can retryfailed requests and swallow errors for individual rows.

In the example below a delay of 1 second (min_delay_seconds=1)will be added between each pair of geolocator.geocode calls; allgeopy.exc.GeocoderServiceError exceptions will be retried(up to max_retries times):

Deprecated since version 2.3: IGNFrance geocoding methods no longer accept or requireauthentication, see -10-04-evolution-des-modalites-dacces-aux-services-web.This parameter is scheduled for removal in geopy 3.0.

There are multiple popular ellipsoidal models,and which one will be the most accurate depends on where your points arelocated on the earth. The default is the WGS-84 ellipsoid, which is themost globally accurate. geopy includes a few other models in thedistance.ELLIPSOIDS dictionary:

Don't get met wrong, I really feel weird if I have o specify something like Y, X, but I was focused on the way vincenty and geopy works with lat, long and therefore specified it incorrectly in your code, not noticing the correct example you provided that was not including point in the South Pole.. Anyway thanks for pointing out my mistake!

The X property of a point always corresponds to Longitude and the Y always to Latitude. As far as I can see geopy 1.11.0 : Python Package Index seems to use a tuple of coordinates where the first element is the Latitude and the second is Longitude). So the answer would be yes...

In order to verify this, you can run python in verbose mode (python -v) and when importing it will tell you where it is trying to import from. In your case it should tell you it's looking in geopy.pyc as opposed to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/

I am using geopy to map the location of a simulated object as it travels between two geographical points. I would like to be able to calculate the lat/lon of this object at any point in its theoretical journey: so for an object travelling between Paris and New York, 0% would be Paris, 100% would be New York and 50% would be half way between the two when the object has travelled half the distance.

I've been studding my positional covariance with respect to offset from my measured ground truth using geopy's handy distance function. With little massaging the arguments, I can find the distance respect to each direction depicted by each standard deviation element in the matrix; North, East, Up and the three directions between.

I've found someone else pose a similar question

But its seem to be assuming a great circle approximation

Where I would prefer using at least the WGS-84 ellipsoidal model, or any of the same models that can be used in geopy:

Jump to Calculating distances

GeoPy is a Python client for several popular geocoding web services. 

It makes it easy for Python developers to locate the coordinates of addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks across the globe using third-party geocoders and other data sources.

It includes geocoder classes for the OpenStreetMap Nominatim, ESRI ArcGIS, Google Geocoding API, Baidu Maps, Bing Maps, Yandex, GeoNames, OpenMapQuest and many other geocoding services. The full list is available on the geopy documentation.

Based on the results comparison from the 2 libraries in subject(geopy and pyproj), I noticed that there is an increasing difference in the final output. For instance, at 100 km is roughly of the order of decimeters. This is a minimal example of what I mean:

The problem is probably with geopy's destination method. Let's compare a second implementation of Vincenty's method with PostGIS versions 2.1, shown here. (PostGIS version 2.2 with Proj 4.9 and later use Karney's methods). The round-trip distance residuals from PostGIS 2.1 is always less than 1 cm. For this example it is 255 nm:

I am using geopy to geocode some addresses and I want to catch the timeout errors and print them out so I can do some quality control on the input. I am putting the geocode request in a try/catch but it's not working. Any ideas on what I need to do?

The geopy package works fine on another computer that I use, but it doesn't seem to install on the laptop that I am using now. Has anyone encountered this issue before? Any idea how I can get this package installed?

I am getting totally different distances from shapely and geopy. On one hand - it makes total sense, shapely measures on a plane and geopy measures on a spheroid. But the differences are so dramatic, I am wondering if something is truly off here.

I have several thousand addresses to geocode at a time and am using geopy in a Django application to loop through a table which contains the addresses. I need fairly precise location coordinates and so "approximate" means an unsuccessful geocode for me.

According the the google API, this information is returned as "location_type." Bing uses confidence. I have searched the docs for both geopy and geocoder (along with Stack, etc) and can't find how to retrieve this information.

I just installed the geopy package 2.0.0, I want to use geopy.distance.vincenty() as this doc says. However, it returns ImportError: cannot import name 'vincenty' from 'geopy.distance'. And if I try

it becomes AttributeError: module 'geopy.distance' has no attribute 'vincenty'. About two or three months ago I used this on Google Colab, and it was fine. What happened? Could it be the latest version letting go this attribute?

I am using geopy.geocoder to get coordinates for a large number of locations. I didn't specify user_agent, I only put my email as a string as "user_agent = '[email protected]' ". I successfully got results smoothly this way, but I am wondering what api services I am using.

You can collect all this information from the docs for GeoPy.

Which you can find here.

You can use different APIs in geopy.

All of the information for that can also be found in the API documentation.

I am new to python for a month and doing an assignment with geopy.

I am asked to define a function named Cal_Distance(self) , which returns the distance of the whole trajectory in meter. Use a for loop to traverse all trajectory points to calculate the great-circle distance between each two consecutive points, then sum them up and return total distance of the whole trajectory.

geopy includes geocoder classes for the OpenStreetMapNominatim, Google Geocoding API(V3), andmany other geocoding services. The full list is available on theGeocoders docsection. Geocoderclasses are located ingeopy.geocoders.

Geopy can calculate geodesic distance between two points using thegeodesicdistance orthe great-circledistance, with adefault of the geodesic distance available as the function geopy.distance.distance.

So far, I'm looping over the dataframe rows with a for-loop and using geopy to 1. get latitude and longitude values for each entry and 2. calculate the distance to my predefined address.

i encountered the same problem and now i fixed it. so in top part of jupyter notebook click kernel then you change kernel into a different python interpretur (that has geopy package). if you have only 1 interpreter here is how you create a new one.

It is possible to do geocoding in Geopandas using its integrated functionalities of geopy. Geopandas has a function called geocode() that can geocode a list of addresses (strings) and return a GeoDataFrame containing the resulting point objects in geometry column.

I was able to install using following in notebook in IBM Watson Studio.

!conda install -c conda-forge geopy -y

I know that it was quite a few weeks old, just to share if there is anyone like me looking for solution.

First, we import GoogleV3 and GeocoderTimedOut from geopy to perform geocoding and catch timeout errors. Next, we import pandas to manage the data, including reading the input JSON file, merging the input data with the newly geocoded data, and writing the data to output files.

In this article, we are going to write a python script to get the Zip code by using location using the Geopy module.geopy makes it easy for Python developers to locate the coordinates of addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks across the world.

GeoPandas supports geocoding (i.e., converting place names tolocation on Earth) through geopy, an optional dependency of GeoPandas.The following example shows how to get thelocations of boroughs in New York City, and plots those locations alongwith the detailed borough boundary file included within GeoPandas. e24fc04721

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