Now this darkness theme is obviously important, as the 1.9 message was "There be dragons.." and the animated dragons appeared in 2.0, we expected that this "darkness" would appear in 2.1, but it didn't... or we are wrong?

So first, The color scheme of the basement is same as the one from Robtop's old level, ultimate destruction. Things that robtop try to work isn't just the normal updates. Its something else. For more than 3 year, 2.2 didnt come out because he is working on the darkness' fight and everything.

Download Geometry Dash Darkness


"The chicken is in the oven". Rubrub(Robtop) says he locked the darkness because there is a chicken. But there was NO chicken. But then, after releasing him, he says that robtop is baking chicken???!

Geometry Dash Dark Paradise is an Easy level rated 2 stars created by Roli GD, also known as Rolipso. It is the Alpha Pack's second level. It has a lot of flickering things and was made in a simple way. The game starts with the cube and moves gently along the path. Obstacles seem simple at first, but then more complex ones emerge. Colors and sounds also change accordingly. The main color of this game is darkness. The cube transforms continuously to overcome the toughest obstacles and finally reach the finish line with a perfect score. It looks simple, but playing it will make you feel dizzy.

There was a war against a darkness that had the ability to corrupt cubes. The Guardians made a machine that would purify the ones who were corrupted but failed. At some point in time, Dark Lenny, along with his brothers, ended up imprisoned in The Vault of Secrets, locked away by RobTop.

Dark Lenny breaks free of his prison, saying to his brothers that it's time to fulfill their master's wish. After he breaks free, he mocks the heroes, thanking them for giving him to power to break free. Dark Lenny reassures the heroes that he will not hold back before engaging in combat. He then proceeds to brutally beat the heroes before Aceofspades and Snowderdash find and give a Spider portal to Gokube, helping him in dodging Dark Lenny's attacks before blasting Dark Lenny with a power beam. While Dark Lenny is boasting that the beam isn't enough to destroy him, OmegaFalcon uses some Shards of Power to power himself up before lunging at and punching Dark Lenny, destroying him once and for all. ff782bc1db

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