Geany is Good Ol' FashionedFree Software.Using the GPL v2 license,Geany assures that not only can you customize and hack it, butthat everyone benefits from changes the community makes. Geanyhas a vibrant community of professionals and hobbyists alikethat contribute improvements and fixes across numerousplatforms includingThe Mailing Lists,Github,Matrix,Mastodon andTwitter.

I use geany to do simple text editing and viewing. But its message window takes half the area and is useless for me. I want to turn it off when I run geany. I know there is a command option --no-msgwin for that. But how can I tell geany not to show message window if I start geany from right click menu? Is there such a configuration option?

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You have also version 1.33 ?

Just guessing:

- Maybe look in synaptic for some geany plugin that's required to have installed for what you need.

- Could be that old config (from older version) is left over in ~/.config/geany that is conflicting somehow.

Perhaps deleting it helps, again just guessing, probably someone with more knowledge about geany can help better.

I have tried dragging it open, but however hard I try to find a separator to drag/dragging handle I cannot find one so I am fairly sure there is not one there .

 I will investigate the .config/geany area and the plugins to see if that is where the problem lies and I will report back if I find a solution.


I looked in /root/.config/geany/geany.conf for items which referenced the message window. All of them seemed OK and set to true to display the message window, etc. As an aside, there is also a -m switch when starting Geany which disables the message window but I had not done that either.

msgwindow_position=691 (Mine was set to 691 for some reason which is below the bottom status bar, so it cannot be seen)

I set it in Nano to some low value like 400 and saved geany.conf Then I opened Geany editor and the message window was there as it should be.

We use an unmodified subset of universal-ctags sources( -ctags/ctags) to parse open documents. Wealso use the great majority of unmodified universal-ctags parsers excepta few outliers that are maintained by us (those whose file names startwith geany_). We normally update to the latest version ofuniversal-ctags shortly after making a Geany release and keep thisversion during the rest of the development cycle.

To do this you need to specify both --prefix and --with-geany-libdirto the plugin configure. Normally the plugin prefix is thesame as the Geany prefix to keep plugins with the version of Geanythat they are compiled against, and with-geany-libdir is the Geanyprefix/lib.

When you install it, Geany comes with six plugins. They do a few basic things, like exporting files, enabling you to split windows, and to insert HTML entities. You can install other plugins. Aside from spelling checker and LaTeX plugins, I have no use for the other plugins. Your mileage may vary.

After getting frustrated with ms-"free-but-register"-license-crap while using the execellent plugin for visualstudio and then getting even more frustrated configuring the eclipse-enviroment for arduino - even while eclipse is my main ide at work - it feels like coming home to a cosy fire & hot cocoa using geany and just hit a a key to verify or upload

i want to run the program step by step so that i can trace the error in the program( like we do in TURBOC compiler in windows using F7 key)...... plz tell me how to do this in Geany. it is very cumbersome to always switch to windows for just to find logical error in the program.

when i click on load,it opens a window and ask me to select a executable file to Debug. i'v tried all the files created by the Geany while the compilation or running the program. my program was to " insert and delete items in the queue" and my program name is "queue.c"

the files created by geany are "queue.c" , "queue", "queue.o". i have tried to select all the files ,,, but it gives me the error message

ok, debugging solved. but, there is a problem. i want to trace the program from start, so that it breaks on every line automatically.

by, adding brakpoints, i have to add them mannually, which is very cumbersome task.( remember ?, as we do in TURBOC compiler in windows using F7 key, which automatically break the program on every line) can i do this in Geany ? and there is not even any shorcut defined in the debug menu. going to menu bar again and again is very difficuult.

Now to my issue. I work with virtual desktops, one or two of which are used for full-screen windows. Geany is one of them and I regularly work with that software. I also have a web browser, namely Seamonkey. The issue is described as follows:


I have the very same issue since I had to change from NVidia proprietary drivers to Nouveau drivers. I'm using an up to date Arch Linux.

I'm very happy to see I'm not alone with this problem (I first thought it was due to a bug in Mesa/Nouveau but couldn't manage to find any reference of such issue in the FreeDesktop bugtracker).

The Xorg.0.log doesn't have any line about this issue.

I found this old bug in the XFCE bugtracker, that seems relevant to our situation, but without a decent answer : _bug.cgi?id=12890

I had to fully disable the compositing (it was a nightmare to minimize/maximize the windows each time the ghost buffered screen was reloaded), but there really is a bug there.

When I move around or resize windows, or do similar actions, the movement behaves very sluggish, i.e. the visuals lag behind where the mouse has moved before. Due to this problem, browsing in Firefox is very uncomfortable unless I force-enable the hardware acceleration, which causes other less-noticeable problems.


I found a package in the AUR called geany-plugin-markdown 1.30-1

installed it and everything looks good now.

I will mark thread as solved although the package should have been included in the plugins package from the main repo?

This permanently installs settings under $HOME/.local/share and $HOME/.config/geany, and creates files lab0-echo/lab0.geany, etc. in the directory for each lab. The command needs to be run only once, not once for each session.

The instructions above tell you how to compile, upload and run a micro:bit program from the command line, but all the same actions can be performed from the Geany editor. To open the program as project within Geany, use the file manager to look for the file lab0-echo/lab0.geany and double-click on it. This should launch Geany with the file echo.c initially open, and the Build menu filled with appropriate actions for the project. Specifically, when we choose Build>Make in a moment to compile the program, Geany will use the Makefile provided, and therefore invoke the cross-compiler arm-none-eabi-gcc rather than the native C compiler that is called just plain gcc. (Don't try opening individual files of C code with Geany rather than opening the project, or the setup will be wrong.)

To start things manually, you will need three shell windows. In one, run minicom so you can see that the micro:bit is printing on its serial port. In another window we will run the adapter program pyocd that interfaces the debugger and the micro:bit over USB, and in the third window we will run the interactive debugger GDB itself. e24fc04721

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