2. If users do not have wifi to login is it possible to use explore.garmin.com maps something like that on a PC? What if there is no wifi or cel (cant use cel with PC)? Like Kelly Creek by Stanley Idaho.

1581767 Hello, unfortunately tracks cannot be synced back over to the earthmate app. If you have not created them while using the app on the new phone then old tracks that are on your account cannot be moved back to the app as a track. You can however, convert them to a route and sync them over to the app as a route just not as a track.

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If you're seeing your tracks on explore.garmin.com but not on your new phone, it's possible that they just haven't synced over yet. Try force-closing the app and restarting it to see if that helps. If not, you may need to re-login to the app on your new phone using the same account that you used on your old phone.

if you send an SOS on a zoelo and phone is dead/broken your not going to get anything from SAR teams or be able to communicate with them. where at least with garmin you can still get incoming and read the messages. yes garmin still has a ways to catch up in terms of streamlining but i still think they are ahead of the new guys.

I have used the Inreach Mini since 2019. Primary reason is to inform my wife of my status and in case of emergency. For this purpose, it meets my needs. I do like that the InReach is not dependent on any other device to send messages.

I created 3 preset msgs (max) that include Mapshare info (Injured SOS sent / Everything OK / Delayed Everything OK) and also 15 Quick text messages (not the limit). Examples: 2-3 hours to trailhead / 3-4 hours to trailhead / Bear Attack / Injured arm / with people .. etc. Each quick text can contain 160 characters. I created critical phrases to string together info if needed when injured since creating a message on-the-fly is tedious. The messages are created on the explore.garmin web site when you log into your account.

been doing some research with the Garmin team. It is hard to use the limited specs on their website to compare storage capability of V1 to V2 and features. I have spoken with 3 garmin employees to research the same questions to see if there is consistency in the answers. Each person i talk to mentions not all my questions are documented and has to forward to the development team to get answers.

They are interesting and not representative of my experience. Inreach and Zoleo use the same satellites so their ability to send messages should be similar. Zoleo is a bit bigger than the inreach mini and I think it has a bigger antenna. The Zoleo seems much more reliable at sending an receiving messages. My inreach mini battery lasted 36 hours without tracking enabled and not sending or receiving any message even after replacing the battery. My zoleo last about 5-7 days on 24x7. Messages come through within 15 minutes of them being sent, my inreach often dropped messages and failed to relay messages to the phone about 80% of the time. I wrote garmin an email with 7 bugs 2 years ago, no response and none are fixed as far as I can tell. I think garmin only has one programmer who just keeps the app working with new OS releases. Garmin bought the product from Magellian (?) or someone and have not improved on it since. I went with the zoleo because it does not have a display so the developers had to make messages get from the device to the phone, there is no backup. With the inreach and the little display the developers were lazy and did not make that work 100% of the time, or even 20% of the time in my experience.

The 1st and 2nd negative review seems upset about Zoleo's abiltiy to provide a GPS position all the time. I think to save battery it only acquires a GPS position when needed to send a message. If you do not have a clear view of the sky that might not happen. Apparently for check in messages it goes ahead and sends the check in without the GPS if it cannot get the GPS position quickly enough. I guessing by the behaviour of my zoleo that it tries for 1 minute to get a GPS fix. The reviewer says that Zoleo support said it tries harder if the messages is an SOS messages. This probably means that if you pressed the SOS button it will leave the GPS receiver on until it gets a GPS location, hopefully transmitting the SOS immediately and then GPS as acquired. Given his complaints I doubt he would be happy with a garmin inreach.

I have a bunch of friends with inreach minis. In reach mini's seem to be a status symbol for backcountry people. My experience was the worse of them all and some thought I had a defective unit. That's why I replaced the battery. Even so none of them get advertised battery life and turn the mini off when they are not actually wanting to send a message. I just leave my zoleo on now and I am happier. The only advantage I think garmin has is the preprogrammed messages which are free. Zoleo does not have a corresponding free message via satellite. The Zoleo feature that inreach does not have is that zoleo will message via cell and internet for free. This is a big advantage for me because I turn off the zoleo when I get to the car. Any messages sent when the device is turned off show up whenever I have cell or internet service; with the inreach they show up the next time I turn on the device, often next month. Zoleo messages can be longer, especially if both users are using the zoleo app. Zoleo only sends messages to one destination; inreach can send to many destination but each destination address uses space for the message content so if you send a message to a dozen people you might only be able to send 1 character. ff782bc1db

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